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NI diggers beware


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"Behaving suspiciously"


That's just as little thin now.


Exactly, because a cars parked up with a dog trailer the occupants are obviously digging badgers? So what SACS are saying if any members of the public see anything like this phone the PSNI?

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This was a bit of a boob boo! I know that there are some problems in NI with badger digging (and there are some round where I live too in Cheshire)! But the wording on the SACS sight was a bit clumsy to say the least!.


I have known loads of terrier men in my time and I can honestly say that to the best of my knowledge none of them have ever been badger digging, indeed most of them do all they can to keep well clear of badgers because of the damage they can do to a dog. I am willing to bet that the vast majority of terrier men never do anything illegal- would you agree? But there will always be a minority who do break the law will there not?.


Now maybe SACS were approached by PSNI to try and help uncover badger divers- fine – but to put this wording on the home page of the SACS sight lacks judgment.


For example, in some areas there has been evidence of raptor persecution by a very small number of shooters; indeed there have been several prosecutions. We know that the vast majority of shooters would never even think of killing a raptor, but it only takes one or two fools to tar us all with the same brush in the eyes of the popular media / public.


Now say the RSPB approached BASC and asked for our members help to stamp this out (good idea would you say?) Now if BASC posted on the home page-


‘If you see anyone suspicious with a shotgun please call the police on….’


I think we would get a bit of a (justifiable) kicking! If however we said


‘ BASC is working with others, including the RSPB tp try and stamp out raptor persecution. There is no excuse for breaking the law, and no excuse for brining the good name of shooting into disrepute. Anyone with knowledge of raptor persecution please call XXXXXXXX’


that would be a much more sensible approach would it not.


After all, responsible country people should club together to stamp out illegal practice shouldn’t we?



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i would do a lot of pigeon shooting and a good bit of hunting in and around these areas

and unfortunitly it does go on, but to be honest lads/laddys the PSNI and Co do know

who is doing it, the other week me and my mate came out of the field and there the

old bobbys where waiting for us and the first thing they said to us was, we know you fellas

are ok and are fully legal but have you seen such and such (giving us names) over there

with there dogs and spades, well to be honest we hadn't but by christ if i had of i would

have been telling them and showing thm the photo's as i now carry my camera every time i go out


these guys are pure scum,low life

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i would do a lot of pigeon shooting and a good bit of hunting in and around these areas

and unfortunitly it does go on, but to be honest lads/laddys the PSNI and Co do know

who is doing it, the other week me and my mate came out of the field and there the

old bobbys where waiting for us and the first thing they said to us was, we know you fellas

are ok and are fully legal but have you seen such and such (giving us names) over there

with there dogs and spades, well to be honest we hadn't but by christ if i had of i would

have been telling them and showing thm the photo's as i now carry my camera every time i go out


these guys are pure scum,low life


There's a few down my way at it as well. The same fella's wouldn't think twice about levaing you face down in a ditch if you pulled them about it. The firearms they have in their back pockets aren't held on an FAC.

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There's a few down my way at it as well. The same fella's wouldn't think twice about levaing you face down in a ditch if you pulled them about it. The firearms they have in their back pockets aren't held on an FAC.


i had a bit of bother with guys lamping on our land illegally, they were the same, threatened to kill me on one or two occasions. the police couldnt do much, at the time i didnt know who it was or have a reg number for their car, buts its surprising what you can find out just by lying in a field with a high powered rifle scope the odd night. its also surprising how people change their ways when theyve been ambushed in the darkness by a mad man dressed in full camo (tiger stripe cam cream and the works) once or twice... :good:


i agree with buckfast, these guys are pure scum, only its an open forum id suggest a couple of methods of dealing with them. :hmm:

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so lads i do a bit of terrier work (foxes) and lamp with lurchers so i must be scum as well :lol: as for takeing pics of them and reporting them well in my area its not the diggers the badgers needs to fear its the clampets with FAC rifles and lamps driving about at nite shooting badgers and ive saw them at it , so mayabe before you tar all men with spades/terriers as scum who are digging badgers mayabe next time you see a rifleman you should mayabe think he"s the scum shooting badgers at nite

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i agree with monkey boots were all into our different country sports and i do quite abit of terrier work and its a usefull way of controlling foxes so dont start saying that if u see men with terriers and spades that there scum. i know that certain people do dig for badgers but it doesnt mean were all like that.

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so lads i do a bit of terrier work (foxes) and lamp with lurchers so i must be scum as well :good: as for takeing pics of them and reporting them well in my area its not the diggers the badgers needs to fear its the clampets with FAC rifles and lamps driving about at nite shooting badgers and ive saw them at it , so mayabe before you tar all men with spades/terriers as scum who are digging badgers mayabe next time you see a rifleman you should mayabe think he"s the scum shooting badgers at nite


hope thats not aimed at me, cos i didnt say that! if youre after badgers, which is illegal, then yes, because its messes things up for the rest of us, if its foxes, then fair play to you, have fun :good:

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so lads i do a bit of terrier work (foxes) and lamp with lurchers so i must be scum as well :no:


Let me make this point loud and very clear,



I'm sure all you'se from Northern Ireland all watched the tv programme a while back on the Badger diggers and dog fighters in my area that is the people i'm talking about,they are the SCUM, the guys that also hold illegal dogs etc etc

these guys dig out the badgers break there teeth out and put them in a ring to get the fight on with dogs


These low life scum are already known to the police, but they just need more on them


Now hopefully that has cleared up what i was saying and calling SCUM

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i watched the tv programe you are on about but the thing i cant understand is why wasnt the 2 under cover reporters arrested and charged with buying a illegal pitbull and then bringing it into northern ireland :lol:

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  • 1 month later...
so lads i do a bit of terrier work (foxes) and lamp with lurchers so i must be scum as well :good: as for takeing pics of them and reporting them well in my area its not the diggers the badgers needs to fear its the clampets with FAC rifles and lamps driving about at nite shooting badgers and ive saw them at it , so mayabe before you tar all men with spades/terriers as scum who are digging badgers mayabe next time you see a rifleman you should mayabe think he"s the scum shooting badgers at nite



just BE CAREFULL LADS i am a terrier man (foxes) to and we have had the police sniffing around, say nothing and no one will no anything, foxes are ok in the hunting act (sometimes lol) but you still get the antis on your case, my only advice if this happens is and i no that it might be hard








as they will make things up even if your doing nothing wrong

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