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how close can u be to a public road to shoot?


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i was driving to work yesterday morning past a field of rape, i noticed a small flock of pigeons flying over about 40yds infront when suddenly one dropped like a stone and landed in the road just infront of me , it had been shot, i stopped as a bloke appeared from the hedge by the road to get it. he said" sorry bout that " i said "no worries, nice shot"and carried on to work wishing even more i was off shooting and not work. his hide was only about 15feet from the road this diddnt bother me but what could of happend if iwas a copper. i thought you had to be about 40 / 50, yds from public highways but im not sure . anyone know exactly?

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It is an offence under the Highways Act 1980 s 161(2) to light any fire on or over a carriageway, or discharge any firearm or firework within 50 feet of the centre of a highway which is a carriageway, with the consequence that a user of the carriageway is injured, interrupted or endangered. The section applies to rights of way over which there are vehicular rights, e.g. ways shown on the definitive map as byways open to all traffic, but not to footpaths and bridleways.


Shooting near a footpath or bridleway


Good shooting practice requires that at all times consideration should be given to other users of the countryside. Although it is not a specific offence to shoot across a right of way, it is an offence to disrupt user of that way and cause a nuisance. It is suggested that shooting should halt whilst people use nearby rights of way, and that it is ensured that users have left the area before resuming. This is considered to be a necessary safety precaution and it should avoid causing an excessive noise disturbance.


The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) produced a guidance document on the control of noise in reference to clay target shooting. It states that, ˜No shooting should take place in the direction of any public right of way (or any building with public access) that is within 275 metres (300 yards) of the shooting position. It also recommends that all other publicly accessible areas within 1 km of the shoot should have prominent signs displayed by the organisers indicating the existence of the shoot. Greater safety margins may be needed for bridleways. Horses can be unpredictable and dangerous if startled.


reference, Ramblers Assoc guidelines

Edited by clayman
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Here in Scotland you can, but I can't think why you would want to, shoot from the centre of the road as long as you have permission to shoot on the land either on one side or both sides of the road :good:

As long as you don't endanger anyone or cause a nuisance B) although I don't know if you could be charged with reckless discharge :hmm:

I was amazed when I was told this at a BASC evening last year as I always went by the 50ft rule - or what I thought was a rule!

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Here in Scotland you can, but I can't think why you would want to, shoot from the centre of the road as long as you have permission to shoot on the land either on one side or both sides of the road :yes:

As long as you don't endanger anyone or cause a nuisance :( although I don't know if you could be charged with reckless discharge :hmm:

I was amazed when I was told this at a BASC evening last year as I always went by the 50ft rule - or what I thought was a rule!


What evening were you at :hmm:

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and 50ft means that the inside lane of the M25 is cool to shoot on!!! :good:


Where your shot lands is another matter, if you do not have permission to deposit shot / clays / spent cases, you are subject to the laws of trespass and civil damage. While there is unlikely to be any criminal offense generated by fall out and litter, you could be sued by the land owner for clean-up costs and general damages.

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Like a lot of gun law this is one of those misunderstood/misread/misquoted bits of legislation that could lead you into all sorts of grief. The guy wasn't committing an offence (luckily it was you who nearly got hit by a dead un) BUT say it had been a copper or an anti or just some bloody minded up his own **** type citizen? Then the shooter could have found himself in deep doo doo.


As with so many things shooting common sense should prevail.

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The section of the law you are looking at is 16a to cause fear with a firearm.

As i have said before you can be shooting on oneside of a hedge, and some one could be walking on the otherside 100s of feet from you Trespassing.

You discharge the firearm and they call the police you are in the poo , big time, then you will find out how good your selected orginisation-insurance realy is.

Beleve me when you locked in a cell its no fun, even less when you find your on your own, Bewear this is a trick the antis use, and the police back them up even when the people your surposed to have done this to do NOT complain but some spotty Eric some 300 yards away dose.

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if you have your back to the hedge with road on other side you can shoot as long as you are shooting away from the road its a very grey area but usually common sence will guide you .if it dont feel right dont shoot. simple.

iF YOU FRIGHTEN SOME ONE you will still be up the creak without a paddle even though you are the right distance from the road REMEMBER THE LADY WITH THE STARTING PISTOL ?

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