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Hunting ban to be upheld


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The latest news from the Countryside Alliance website says that the three judges over-ruled the challenge to the 1949 Parliament Act :<


This has now made me more determined than ever to attend my local hunt on the 19th.


I have printed some posters out to put in car windows to show our appreciation of the government.


One is in bold red letters and simply says "******** to Blair" (kinda stole the idea from the chap at the Waterloo Cup but it does what it says on the tin!)


I guess we'll have to wait and see what the Countryside Alliance are going to try and pull out of the bag.


Wont be long before they start on us shooters ;)

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House of Lords, then European Parliment next stop.


The Police have said that prosecuting hunters, is not a main priority and the Government don't want the pre-Election embarrassment of lots of court cases and civil disturbances.

However, I think the Antis will try to gather evidence of "law breaking" and present it to the Police, making it impossible for them to ignore the situation.


It will be an interesting few months ahead.


I will be attending the Meet of the East Kent Hunt on Saturday at 11am and the Wye Beagles at 1.30pm..........they will advise locations on Friday.

Having secret locations/no publicity makes me feel like a Rural Terrorist already. :lol:;)

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Click the link , then click your area on the map , there are Hunts all over the country , i'm going to two !!


We have to stick together on this one


Shooting and fishing Will be next !! (if they get thier own way on this )


Hunting Locations Countryside Aliance




Looking forward to 'blooding' some anti's on Saturday :lol:


LB ;)

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If anybody wants the excel document emailing to them with the "******** to Blair" and the other predudice poster then PM me your requests and I'll email it out.


It is set up for an A3 printer at the moment (looks best in colour) but if you set the page to "fit to one page wide by one tall" on A4 it will come out fine.


Haven't had a chance to get to the A0 printer yet - was too busy today ;)

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I still reckon that Mr. B. Liar has taken on the wrong people this time. There will be major hunting going on in defiance of the ban, these people won't roll over like the hand gun owners did because they've had anti's on their backs for years and are used to it.


Another pathetic, unenforceable law to be attributed to Mr. Liar and his bunch of loony sycophants.

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OK - I posted in the Altcar thread about having created a couple of gemes to display in your cars etc if you are supporting hunts on Saturday 19th.


I have since tried to gain remote access to the work server (where they are) but cannot so have re-created them on a single document in A4 format which I'm sure will be better for most people.


If you want them in A3 then just adjust the page settings and expand the images to suit.


If you want them then please PM me with your email addy and i'll chuck them straight over.

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thanks wabbitbosher for the link,was just about to start a search for my nearest meet.the old surrey and burstow have a history of attracting some "undesirables" so i am loathe to take my 8 year old daughter in case things get out of hand.

looks like i will ask the wife to drop me off and pick me up later as the car has been covered in pro hunt stickers etc for months.fully expect to have my self resolve and restraint tested to the limit by the antis.been there,done that maybe now its time to get the t shirt

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I still reckon that Mr. B. Liar has taken on the wrong people this time. There will be major hunting going on in defiance of the ban, these people won't roll over like the hand gun owners did because they've had anti's on their backs for years and are used to it.


Another pathetic, unenforceable law to be attributed to Mr. Liar and his bunch of loony sycophants.

Couldnt have put that better my self O R


Long live the Queen !!



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Long live the Queen !!



:< I am afraid my opinion of the Queen has gone down after the hunting bill was approved.


For any act of Parliament to get passed, the Queen has to give it the Royal assent (ie sign it) and for her to do so when her and her family are so devoted to country sports and anything to do with horse riding in particular, is hypocritical in my opinion.


The worst that would happen if she had refused to sign would have been the resignation of the government on principle and we know how much of that this lot have got.


Even if Bliar had done the honourable thing and resigned, there is a general election due this year anyway so nothing would have changed.


No, I am sorry Elizabeth my respect has gone down for the Monarchy over this. :lol:

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Long live the Queen !!



:< I am afraid my opinion of the Queen has gone down after the hunting bill was approved.


For any act of Parliament to get passed, the Queen has to give it the Royal assent (ie sign it) and for her to do so when her and her family are so devoted to country sports and anything to do with horse riding in particular is hypocritical in my opinion.


The worst that would happen if she had refused to sign would have been the resignation of the government on principle and we know how much of that this lot have got.


Even if Bliar had done the honourable thing and resigned, there is a general election due this year anyway so nothing would have changed.


No, I am sorry Elizabeth my respect has gone down for the Monarchy over this. :lol:

Fair point ,, But i think there is more to this than meets the eye


Not too sure what Liz was thinking but i'm still sure that there was method in her madness


It might well be this is the downfall we need for the present lot of Plonkers that call them selfs Government


Time will tell


P###ed off but still patriotic WB

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I have watched the news all day, after missing the local hunt i must add, couldn't find them anywhere.

I don't know if anyone else has noticed how biased the BBC have been about the hunting ban, i have found this throughout the last 7 years! Seems to me like they are led by this perverse government!

That's why the programme on Ch4 last week was such a breath of fresh air by showing all sides of the arguements.



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