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Tough day decoying in the snow


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What a great day!


It's still covered in snow here in South Lincs, but there's plenty of patches of rape poking through. So I headed out at 8am this morning, put 20 shell decoys out and a flapper, but they just weren't having it. It's been flat calm all day and the birds that did fly over were just too high.


After four hours of doing nothing I was determined to get a shot, and after seeing 100s of birds lining up in the distant trees and hedges I thought I'd set up something similar. So I removed a dead branch from a tree (about 10ft long), put a couple of full-bodied decoys on the highest branches and then rammed it into the ground next to the pattern to create my own 'tree'.


20 minutes later had my first left and right in the snow. And here's the pic...


Well chuffed! ???



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Thanks mate.


They are Rio Royal Game, 32gr, No6.


Have tried all sorts and I'm happy with those. They were £48 for 250, they kick quite a bit, I don't know the ballistiics for them but most importantly every single pigeon I've hit with them has dropped stone dead.


The gun's a Miroku MK70 Sport 28ins multi choke, grade 3. It's got 3in chambers and proofed for steel, so it'll do everything from clays to geese. Bloody lovely bit of kit :good:

Edited by Toombsy
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Nice one and an outing you wont forget..

I bought myself a shooting journal so i can record all my shooting trips etc, should make some good reading in years to come


May sound daft but days like these you can right down and read about again years from now


Good One

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