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lamp dimmer switch


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I got talking to an electitian today about making a dimer switch for my lamp because propper Deben ones are so expensive, he said he could knock me one up easy because he has a sideline of making electrical devises. I told him that im sure there would be a big market for them if he could make them cheap, he reckons Deben is taking the biscuit at their price. Has anyone else bodged one, and do you think theres a market for them if he makes some?



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my father in law made me one ,fits inline,works great,but apparently he coundnt make it without it getting really hot,so had attach a heat sink to it,which mad it a bit awkward and a tad heavy,only lasted a few hours before wires came out of it .dimmer worked fine though,just dont know how deben make them so small to fit in lamp,with out over heating? let me know how yours goes mate. :good:

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It sounds like the one geting hot is done with a simple variable resistor, which dumps the energy into the dimmer rather than the lamp filament. I have not seen inside the other type, but I assume it is an electronic type which effectively switches the lamp on/off very quickly (ie pulse width modulation if you interested in looking it up). The longer it is on compared to off - the brighter the lamp will be. This should run much cooler and will have the added benefit of making your battery last longer when running dimmed.


If I was making one for myself that it the approach I would take. Suitable designs are probably ten a penny on t'internet.



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Wot the chappie from Chesterfield said!!!! I suspect a 555 timer with variable PWM, (pulse width mod, as he said...) feeding a MOSFET, should do what you want,... run cool, and go easy on the current drain!!! + very little required in the way of a heatsink, at a guess!!!




(Damn!!! now, I am curious,... and I WAS going shooting this weekend!!!! :good::lol:

Cheers, Fred

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Ha Fred! well im not sure what MOSFET is, i googled the 555 timer thing seems to be some motor speed controller. Il see if he'l make one that just has two wires from it to just replace the rocker switch that is on my lamp. He said he prints circut boards then sends them to birmingham somewhere for whatever number of the product to be bulk built. ill see what sort of cost he reckons he could do them. Seems to be a lot interested in the things!



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While you are at it, why not consider magnet/rotary controllers as well?


I must admit that when I first joined this forum I considered making a batch up to sell - for about 5 seconds.

It is one thing to knock a couple up for yourself or a few mates etc, but another to do it properly and legally on the open market. By the time you add it all up I don't think it would be commercially worth it. Think of is as a bit like reloading..Ok to do for yourself if you enjoy it but not really feasible to think you could do large batches and compete with the commercial manufacturers.


However, I wish you the best of luck and hope it works out for you. :good:



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Ha true! nah im too busy for diversifying into switch manufacturing haha its the first night of 3 months every day night shift lambing tonight, and uni lectures during the days so il leave that job to the experts! il just get the fella to make me one, and if its any good il pass his details on to anyone who wants the here they can sort it themselves! cheers though!



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It sounds like the one geting hot is done with a simple variable resistor, which dumps the energy into the dimmer rather than the lamp filament. I have not seen inside the other type, but I assume it is an electronic type which effectively switches the lamp on/off very quickly (ie pulse width modulation if you interested in looking it up). The longer it is on compared to off - the brighter the lamp will be. This should run much cooler and will have the added benefit of making your battery last longer when running dimmed.


If I was making one for myself that it the approach I would take. Suitable designs are probably ten a penny on t'internet.




Internal photo on post number 29 here:


My Atom lamp battery upgrade thread

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thanks for the link. PWM it is then. Interesting to see that they have used a Dremmel or similar tool to grind the identification markings off of the IC (integrated circuit aka silicone chip ie the black rectangular component with lots of legs). As it is such a simple circuit I don't think it would take long to work out whether it is the ever popular 555 or not.



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