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I want to eat the pigeons in my garden!


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Eat them, they're luvverly!


There was a guy who got in a bit of trouble for shooting one, because of the fact that he didn't try every other method to get rid of pigeons, before killing them.... I'm sure you have, so get the airgun out and shoot one and eat it. :D



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Eat them, they're luvverly!


There was a guy who got in a bit of trouble for shooting one, because of the fact that he didn't try every other method to get rid of pigeons, before killing them.... I'm sure you have, so get the airgun out and shoot one and eat it. :D




That's bad advise.


Just to be safe, the law of the general license states that, you can kill an avian pest spiecise for...


(a) Presevering public health or public or air saftey;


(:) Preventing the spread of disease; or


© Preventing serious damage to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables, fruit, growing timbber, or fishers.



The reason he got in trouble was he wasn't acting under the act. You have to have a reason, ''it being their and looking tasty'' isn't one - stopping them eatting you're tomatoes is - work around the law.

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That's bad advise.


It was advice that was slightly wrong, but I did give an example as to why it would not be allowed.


Nevertheless, there will be enough people on here who will shoot pigeons out of their bathroom window before they go to work. I did it for years when I was younger.

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It was advice that was slightly wrong, but I did give an example as to why it would not be allowed.


Nevertheless, there will be enough people on here who will shoot pigeons out of their bathroom window before they go to work. I did it for years when I was younger.


You should bear in mind that this is the first post by someone unknown on the forum. They could be an anti (not making an accusation, just hypothesising) and to make a statement that could put them on the wrong side of the law is a bit irresponsible whether it is a genuine new member or not.

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You should bear in mind that this is the first post by someone unknown on the forum. They could be an anti (not making an accusation, just hypothesising) and to make a statement that could put them on the wrong side of the law is a bit irresponsible whether it is a genuine new member or not.


I know, but believe me, there are a few antis on this forum, don't worry about that.


Well anyway, the chap knows the score now, so a bit of light hearted shooting chat can't always go a miss.

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That's guys. :blink:


Yes, new here, but not anti. I'm somewhere on the fence regarding killing purely for the sport of it, but for eating and control, I have no problem. Does crapping on my car (the pigeons, not me) cover "pests". If we were further out, it'd be nice to have a go at rabbit too (Mmmmm), but we don't get them round here.


So, what would be a good choice of method, and what am I allowed to do regarding baiting (if at all). What do I need and not need licences for?

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You don't give your location, but make sure they are woodpigeons.

I wouldn't recommend eating a feral pigeon (Trafalgar Square types) and doves are protected.


Hi Cranfield - I'm in Kent, just inside the M25. And they are definitely wood pigeons. I'll try and take a pic of one today.

Edited by Jesus-Ninja
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You don't give your location, but make sure they are woodpigeons.

I wouldn't recommend eating a feral pigeon (Trafalgar Square types) and doves are protected.


not true


certain doves types are protected Rock dove, turtle dove , ect ,



collared dove are ok to shoot under the conditions of the general licence , but are not really a pigeons man`s quarry ,


please remember woodies taste of what they eat oil seed rape . pea`s , corn ect


if you get a feral pigeon eatting the same as a woodie you wont know the differance ,



but if its been eating poo then it will tase of it :good:

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not true


certain doves types are protected Rock dove, turtle dove , ect ,



collared dove are ok to shoot under the conditions of the general licence , but are not really a pigeons man`s quarry ,


please remember woodies taste of what they eat oil seed rape . pea`s , corn ect


if you get a feral pigeon eatting the same as a woodie you wont know the differance ,



but if its been eating poo then it will tase of it :good:


Classic, had to laugh when i read the last line.

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Yet another lets kill it because we can thread, I for one am sick to death of can I shoot it in my garden questions can anybody here read?, short answer is yes you can but question is should you and that is NO as you like it or not and it just does not seem to get through! you are outside of the conditions on the general license, and by god you ARE asking for grief should you be seen, as if you go to court over it you WILL lose.


if you want to shoot woodies knock on a farmers door or join a pest control club,


cheers KW

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Jeez, a guy comes on to ask questions and advice to make sure he does it right and by the law, and gets verbal. Thanks.


You came here and asked for opinions..........you got them and frankly to find out the legality you should go to the people who will best know and IMHO the best person will be the local police wildlife liason officer and get it in writing :blush:


Are we all done here now ??

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Jesus-Ninja if you think these people are blowing things out of proportion by giving you verbal... you did kind of google pigeon shooting.. then spend 3 or 4 days on a forum asking people if you can kill a pigeon in the garden! i said before i think its tight if its a tame pigeon, but good god the thing will have died of old age by the time you get out there, i think your just drawing attention to yourself and asking for a court case or something?! If you just wanna try some pigeon meat go down the butchers IMO! if the pigeon is a pest in the garden then kill it and eat it if you want, if your bord and just want to kill something then thats just weird, if your bord and just wanna talk about killing things make a better topic up, some of these fellas shoot like 100+ pigeons a day! i'm not giving you verbal mate by the way just think your being a bit soft! hehe


Good luck



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