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The 'Fear'


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:yes: i'd always been of the 'i'm not scared of anything' frame of mind for years, until my mate bob and i decided to go carp fishing to the river lott in southern france. When we arrived we hired a boat and travelled about 4 miles upriver in one of the most beautiful, scenic valleys i have ever seen, glorious sunshine, wildlife all around and huge carp leaping out of the crystal clear water . We had found carp fishing heaven. It was'nt until nightfall that we realised how isolated we were, being a valley there was no light at all from surrounding towns and the moon did'nt even make it over the mountains to give us any. We both sat in our bivvys discussing this new found feeling of fear. Now i'm 6'2" and 19 stone and my mate bob is a well hardened local tough guy, but we sat there that first night like a couple of 3 year olds convinced there definatly was a monster in the cupboard! We heard 'things' crashing trough the trees behind us, branches being snapped, other 'things' being killed by bigger 'things' and what can only be described as something the size of rhinos jumping into the river! I had never been so pleased to see daylight and the next night we moved our bivvys so close together that our heads were nearly touching through the material and we had the biggest fire you could imagine to keep away the beasties! We did have a good laugh about it but decided not to tell anyone though. . . . . Until now, oops p.s the fishing was superb had 35 fish in five days up to 40 odd lb's


jonboy, ive fished the lott at cabarnac a couple of times, what a fantastic piece of water, we fished a farmers meadow at the end of a camp site, it was a very steep field with a herd of huge red cows in it, my mate got out in the night to have a pee and startled the cows and as they ran off 1 fell over and rolled down the hill into the river squashing his bivvy on the way down, how lucky was that, the wild life is out of this world, i saw ospreys catching fish not 20yds from the bank, the howling of the wolves at night was a bit scary the first time we heard it though but never saw any, saw some nice carp i had about 10 twenties to 29lb but a dutch guy had a 57 while we were there



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I got a call from a very spooked mate last night who's labs had just put up a big cat in the woods and it had ran towards him and passed a metre away across the ride fleeing from the dogs.


One of the dogs is still very shaken up by it now.


FM :lol:


too right, id be ******** myself too!! :lol:


these are a handy little number for those kinds of situations - shell holder


they just slip on over the butt and hold 5 cartridges, i keep mine filled with buckshot - **** law dictates that the time you need them theyll be lying in the cabinet at home, or you wont be able to find them in a hurry, this way means if you have the gun you have the firepower :lol:


ps no i didnt buy this with big cats in mind :yes:

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jonboy, ive fished the lott at cabarnac a couple of times, what a fantastic piece of water, we fished a farmers meadow at the end of a camp site, it was a very steep field with a herd of huge red cows in it, my mate got out in the night to have a pee and startled the cows and as they ran off 1 fell over and rolled down the hill into the river squashing his bivvy on the way down, how lucky was that, the wild life is out of this world, i saw ospreys catching fish not 20yds from the bank, the howling of the wolves at night was a bit scary the first time we heard it though but never saw any, saw some nice carp i had about 10 twenties to 29lb but a dutch guy had a 57 while we were there



:good: mikee, i know cabarnac well mate and those cows! The place i went to the first time (BEEN TWICE) was past cabarnac up towards the dam,very,very remote,bivvys perched on rocks, the only people we saw in 5 days was a couple of zander anglers going past in a boat,but yes mate, what a fantstic place, hope to go back soon! :oops:

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my dad told me a story about when he was camping alone up on the moors and woke up to the sound of somthing outside the tent, he stayed stock still and then he hears the outer zip being undone!!!! :good: then it stopped and he just layed there all night unable to move!he swears this is true and that he's never been so terrified!! and he doesnt scare easy as when he was camping alone in the states a bear took a liking to his tent and he managed to scare that off so i think i would have pooped myself if i was him!


i was once scared when creeping along a hedgeline at night with my air rifle and looked up through a gap in the hedge only to see a horses head staring back at me! jesus i was a mess, i fell over and eveything!



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I got a call from a very spooked mate last night who's labs had just put up a big cat in the woods and it had ran towards him and passed a metre away across the ride fleeing from the dogs.


One of the dogs is still very shaken up by it now.


FM :good:


what type of big cat, large domestic moggy or puma type big cat, i was told a guy i know near me shot a big cat a few weeks back while lamping foxes, but no one will corroborate the story, he's not the sort of bloke to make up stuff though, my mate asked him and he just laughed and said something about chinese whispers, its meant to be hush hush, aparantly he killed it and buried it under a muck heap with a digger.


to meet abig cat in the woods would truly scare the **** out of me, dont know if i would even remember to pull the trigger



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i was out in the Oregon mountains with my uncle a couple of years ago, and we'd just lit the fire as the sun was going down.

From out across the other side of the lake we heard this really weird knocking sound followed by a whooping - we were in the middle of nowhere and these sounds freaked us the hell out.

When we got back a couple of days later, we did a search to see if we could identify what they were, as the knocking was far too rythmic to have been an animal and we'd never heard that kind of whooping.

Well i **** you not - they were identical to the sounds here....


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A good while back when jaws was doing the rounds i went dragneting on my local beach with some friends. As the tallest i was on the point, we were having some success all going great untill the theme tune started going through my head, that was me spooked for the night. :good:

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I was out a few weeks ago and i swear to god something big run past me.What it was i dont know as it was pitchblack but it sounded big as i could hear it thumping the ground as it was running.I filled my pants and left sharpish in a cold sweat.**** staying there even with a shooter :good:

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After seeing the film dog soldiers, duke of ed scared the bejeeses out of me :good:

thats the only real creepy story that i've had, but walking around the fields at night is not for the faint hearted, I assume it's a surpressed instict from when we were hunted by predators bigger than a fox thousands of years ago. Notice how it is most prominent when alone, in a group you feel perfectly safe, but on your own you feel a sort of 'naked' feeling down your back. Also, think about the way that when you're out alone you always glance around, enev though you know that there is nothing out there. Coincedince, I think not

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I know exactly what you mean. I get really spooked sometimes and I have no idea why? Strangely enough though I don't get it often when I'm outside in the dark. I find a dark field at night relaxing most of the time. I get most spooked at home when I turn the lights off down stairs and have to walk past doorways in the dark. In the open I feel safe.


I used to have to go down a very overgrown footpath on the way home from my mates house when I was a teenager. It had an old disused railway running under a little bridge at one end. I used to run that bit every night, it scared the life out of me. One of my friends knew it and jumped me there one night. I lashed out and hurt him quite badly, so sometimes these jokes don't work out too well. I fractured three of his ribs before I worked out it was him.


I guess he should have known me well enough not to do it, but I felt terrible. :good:

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I feel OKish with most situations, but the walk to my rifle club is down a very 'sleepy-hollow-esk' 100yrd path thats totaly unlit. The clubs location is far from advertised but people must notice guys with slips walking down there frequently, so I always have the idea of a crackhead jumping out after a gun. Not pleasent and totally ridiculous I know.

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After seeing the film dog soldiers, duke of ed scared the bejeeses out of me :good:

thats the only real creepy story that i've had, but walking around the fields at night is not for the faint hearted, I assume it's a surpressed instict from when we were hunted by predators bigger than a fox thousands of years ago. Notice how it is most prominent when alone, in a group you feel perfectly safe, but on your own you feel a sort of 'naked' feeling down your back. Also, think about the way that when you're out alone you always glance around, enev though you know that there is nothing out there. Coincedince, I think not


thats because you can throw someone else towards the big evil beastie, hoping it eats them first :lol:


I feel OKish with most situations, but the walk to my rifle club is down a very 'sleepy-hollow-esk' 100yrd path thats totaly unlit. The clubs location is far from advertised but people must notice guys with slips walking down there frequently, so I always have the idea of a crackhead jumping out after a gun. Not pleasent and totally ridiculous I know.

why not just remove the gun from the slip as you go down the path,god help anyone jumping out then... :oops:

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Babby Im gonna go out on a limb and say you have never had the pleasure of utelising a small-bare target rifle for the prone position. Any target boys out there will know what I mean when I say you would be better off trying to throw your spotting scope or rap up any 'enemy' in your mat!

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Are you really bothered that you are not alone in the woods? There is all kinds of things wathcing you, but none of them are going to hurt you. I love nothing better that sitting in the woods, everything black, and when you listen you can hear what the world should really sound like. If you are sat there, alone, in the dark with a GUN, then i think you should be ok.

If you cant see it, then 'IT' cant see you.

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Babby Im gonna go out on a limb and say you have never had the pleasure of utelising a small-bare target rifle for the prone position. Any target boys out there will know what I mean when I say you would be better off trying to throw your spotting scope or rap up any 'enemy' in your mat!


eh... im confused... wot do u mean?! :good:


ive used plenty of rifles from the prone position :oops:

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A true .22 prone target rifle has a heavier-than-varmint style barrell, single shot, bolt action (occasionally thumb-hole stock) handstop and sling attachment and a very uncomfortable shoulder hook. The cadet number 8 (sleeved lee-enfiled 303) is like a tommy compared to what I am on about.

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A true .22 prone target rifle has a heavier-than-varmint style barrell, single shot, bolt action (occasionally thumb-hole stock) handstop and sling attachment and a very uncomfortable shoulder hook. The cadet number 8 (sleeved lee-enfiled 303) is like a tommy compared to what I am on about.


ah i see :good:


well then no, i have not had that pleasure yet, i was thinking more along the lines of my 10/22 with a 30 round mag fitted.... :oops:


ps the cadet no8 is great fun!! :lol:

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Never having shot a semi, I am guessing its a different type of 'fun' and I say fun loosely. Target shooting is something that really focuses the mind, knowing that there are so many factors you have to control in order to hit the bull, whilst knowing the german rifle / english ammo combo cannot be blamed makes its really challenging 'sport', well not a sport as you are lying down, so more of a time-killer.


Still the tools involved wouldn't fair too well on the american home-defence market!

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I sometimes get spooked when on the way back to my car after fishing one of the remote loughs in Co Clare. Not sure why but having a big old blade on me makes me feel better. Daft I know but it is eerie and I just have to stay long enough to see if that big old pike will bite.Also get a bit that way walking back from my usual shoot down the old bridleway.It would have to be a complete mentallist to bother me.

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Never having shot a semi, I am guessing its a different type of 'fun' and I say fun loosely. Target shooting is something that really focuses the mind, knowing that there are so many factors you have to control in order to hit the bull, whilst knowing the german rifle / english ammo combo cannot be blamed makes its really challenging 'sport', well not a sport as you are lying down, so more of a time-killer.


Still the tools involved wouldn't fair too well on the american home-defence market!


wow, you really need to have a go on a semi!! :good:


i see my 10/22 as a mini workhorse; good for hunting, good for plinking and not bad for targets either - i once managed to get a 5 round group of less than 1" at 100m, no joking. but i do know what you mean, the day i got that grouping it took me about half an hour to fire the 5 rounds, i was totally zoned out, using every trick id ever been taught, it takes alot of concentration and patience to do it (and a 24 power magnification scope also helps a bit :oops:)

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what type of big cat, large domestic moggy or puma type big cat, i was told a guy i know near me shot a big cat a few weeks back while lamping foxes, but no one will corroborate the story, he's not the sort of bloke to make up stuff though, my mate asked him and he just laughed and said something about chinese whispers, its meant to be hush hush, aparantly he killed it and buried it under a muck heap with a digger.


to meet abig cat in the woods would truly scare the **** out of me, dont know if i would even remember to pull the trigger



Big stuff. :good:


He reckons panther.


FM :good:

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