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Best ever over drilling

grumpy gouse

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A good mate of mine phoned to say he was watching a field and did I fancy a day off work. I jumped at the chance and met him in a layby at 9.00am, he told me that he had seen another field which was blue with woodies, so off he went to ask permission from the farmer, which we got and we proceeded off to the field with our gear, as we walked to the field hundreds of birds flew off. We set up with 7 dead birds (no flappers or magnets or floaters, just 7 dead birds!). After half an hour we had shot around 6 birds and another couple came to the field and set up which was disapointing to us as it was a smallish field and this could of ruined our day (note to all pigeon shooters have some consideration for others) lucky for us the birds were decoying to us and not them so the packed up after an hour. bang on lunchtime, as we were starting our sandwiches and coffee the wind really got up and the serious decoying began. It was none stop they were even trying to decoy as we were tidying up the pattern. we had a sparow hawk land on a dead pigeon for a free lunch. The wind seemed to get stronger and stronger and the birds just kept coming into the pattern.


At the end of the day we picked up 179 birds. What a day!


Never be afraid to ask farmer for permission, you are helping him ged rid of pests

Never think you need every bit of machinery to entice birds, although we do use them most of the time

Have consideration for others in the field

Have a good alarm clock so you are first in the field!

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well done good result can't belive other shooters could be so ignorant surly it wasnt the only feild about with birds on it


yep good day BUT surely "a couple of others" would not have just turned up! perhaps they were regulars at that farm and had been watching these fields anticipating a good day, then you may have ruined it for them? I would have asked them but

then again if they were regulars they would have been on to you, I would have!!! either way you did well


cheers KW

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well done on your good day m8 its great to have a huge day every now and again.


however, those other chaps could well have been lagit and been watching that field for a week or so and expecting a nice day, then some stranger turns up and takes a red letter day.

thats happens alot on my shoot and i know that i get very annoyed as i am the only one who is there through rain, shine, winter and summer either working repairing pens etc or protecting crops and livestock etc. then whilst im working some wa***r goes and shoots the spot i have been watching.


but then again i wouldn't have set up in the same field i would have found out who it is and made some phone calls, and prob go and see you. but different people different ways.


keep up the big bags tho! :)

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