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pics of your walking sticks


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Some nice sticks shown here. I recently damaged my left shoulder when a Looney in a pick-up crashed into the side of my Land Rover which has left me with a permanent joint damage and unable to hold my S200 for any length of time. I am looking for a stick that I can rest the gun on between shots.

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Two bits of acacia MM posted a link to and got for free!


Glued them and held the blocks in a vice for a week and have been slaving away with the rasp every since. 1000000 miles from being finished but the shape is taking hold, just need to lose the random sticking out bit that is below the finger grip side, no idea why its still there :angry: , then I can start to get towards some sort of finish on it and mount it to a stick with a stub.






Heres one I finished a few months back..



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Nothing to show at the moment I'm afraid but I am currently in the process of growing one in my vegetable patch.


Ten points to anyone who can guess what one earth I'm talking about...


That will be the big brassica/cabbage stalks, can`t remember the proper name :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Due to some idiot not knowing how to look at road junctions I got smashed off my motorbike and ended up with a smashed ankle.


To pass the time away whilst sitting at home I've made a couple of knife handles and the following walking stick.


The shank is made of dog rose, the two collars are an alder burl and buffalo horn and the top is carved from sycamore and I added a leather thong Turk's Head for extra personalisation!

It looks a bit bulky but it is actually very comfortable as I have been using it now for the last week to get around on, which after 16 weeks sitting on my bum I am very grateful for!


Any comments?











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