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shot size's ?

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i just came back from doing a pesti job for a chap who gave me some cartridges as i only use 6.32g mainly i was wounder what these ones are used for size 3.36g and 4.36g and came in boxes of 10 not seen these before anyone enlighten me .


are they lead or a substitite?


If they are a substitute they may be of use for wildfowling

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not sure they state gentrys high velocity long range heavy load waterproof cartridges on 1 box on another gamebore pretty much the same doesnt state lead shot or not .just states not to be used in guns of chamber length less than 2.3/4 or guns not nitro proofed ?

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they're just heavy cartridges, odds are they are lead best use is foxes or possibly very high pheasants. They come in smaller boxes as they usually are pretty expensive and you don't tend to use that many


That's right. Also, for this reason some magnum loads come in similar sized boxes. May be prudent to see if the proof spec. which should be on the boxes matches your gun.



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i have box of 0's that came in 10, i just carry them in a pocket when go hunting, good for foxes :good:



last lot I used were SSG's and for Muntjack, was a little off putting as shortly after I saw some of the same cartridges being used in a police wanted picture after an old guy fairly near me was murdered. According to a friend in the police at the time the damage was such that they didn't know he'd been shot to start with. they're ferocious things at close range

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