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The Fox Doctor

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well i heard today on the news (channel five) and i watched an article about a doctor who has had a fox visiting his gardn every night in search of food, he then took to feeding it and now he gets it to come to his garden and he get it to beg for food (like a dog, sitting and lifting its paw) and now he gets up to 7 YES 7 of them in his garden on a nightly basis, ill look to see if i can find a link, but did anyone else see this? i mean does this guy have any sense, what if his neighbourghs (?) have pets outdoors, ie; rabbits, guinea pigs, CHICKENS i mean what would stop the **** stopping for a second course.... all i can say is IDIOT!

Edited by mark_mjs93
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Read an article in the Mail today about him, local vet said he must be "gifted" and that he was doing the local allotment society a favour by keeping them fed lol.


I know what I would do to stop them digging up my allotments, garden etc.


Rgds D2D

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I think there is a little difference between choosing not to shoot foxes, and actively encouraging them to thrive. I choose not to shoot ramblers, but I don't like to make their lives easy.



Ho Ho first chuckle of the day, Im not keen on the "right to roamers" either :innocent:


Seems most of them have a death wish, latest event when we were zeroing, a group of them heard the shooting and homed in on it, leaving the designated footpath, next thing we knew there were up to a dozen anoracks peering at us from the undergrowth!!


Rgds D2D

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Doctor? With all his qualifications he can only feed them bits of bread, I shot one with a full loaf in its gob a couple of days ago


Don't think your allowed to shoot doctors!lol...... reminds me of a client who said her rabbits where a real problem and that that there where literally hundreds on the lawn in the evening. "Infact there where so many out last night that her husband shot one in his pyjamas"


Seriously, if he heard the distressed screams of my next door neighbours daughter when charlie killed her two rabbits and guinea pig in one night he might think again!

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Ho Ho first chuckle of the day, Im not keen on the "right to roamers" either :lol:


Seems most of them have a death wish, latest event when we were zeroing, a group of them heard the shooting and homed in on it, leaving the designated footpath, next thing we knew there were up to a dozen anoracks peering at us from the undergrowth!!


Rgds D2D


Aye, nowt but trouble - they wander all the way round one of the fields I shoot (there's a footpath at one end). I avoid them as much as possible and I'm sure some think I shouldn't be there. I've had a bloke call me stupid for shooting a crow with my 12bore and my mate got a half hour lecture about "I don't want you shooting the wildlife, I like to see the rabbits etc..." A few weeks back some woman nearly got herself shot when she walked out from behind my backstop :D (an embankment at the far end of said field) when I was tinkering with my scope.


To cap it all off, me and my mate had some lad having a go at us because shot had fallen into the wood he was illeagaly riding a motorbike in, apparently - shotguns or not he'd "kick the **** out" of us, can't've been all that bright really :lol:


Where do I stand, should I be telling them to stick to the footpath or clear off? Sounds daft, I know but the farmer doesn't seem bothered and I'm worried about someone getting hurt because they were where they weren't supposed to be - at present, if there's people in this field, I just stay out of it but as for the wood and hedgerows I really can't do much apart from not shoot towards them which is what I do but it would be much safer if they weren't there at all.

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Tell them to stick to the footpath, and remind them of their responsibility in law regarding trespass and private nuisance. I seem to act like a magnet to chavs and ramblers when I am out shooting.


The ramblers who let our call bird out of the Larsen trap yesterday (watched by a tractor driver) made the silly mistake of leaving their cars parked on our private track, whilst we are busy spraying and applying fertiliser. A quick radio call back to the yard got the slurry tanker diverted to that track, whereupon the tractor driver gave the three cars a good plastering with festering cow muck. We did subsequently have a little set-to with one of the ramblers. I told him that next time he chose to trespass and block a private right of way, we would simply move his car with a power shovel, or barge it out of the way, as is our legal right. Strangely, the prospect of his Yaris being folded in half by a Quadtrac offended him less than my rather forceful lecture on the legitimate use of Larsen traps.


I hate ramblers, I hate ramblers, I hate ramblers.

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Aye, nowt but trouble - they wander all the way round one of the fields I shoot (there's a footpath at one end). I avoid them as much as possible and I'm sure some think I shouldn't be there. I've had a bloke call me stupid for shooting a crow with my 12bore and my mate got a half hour lecture about "I don't want you shooting the wildlife, I like to see the rabbits etc..." A few weeks back some woman nearly got herself shot when she walked out from behind my backstop :D (an embankment at the far end of said field) when I was tinkering with my scope.


To cap it all off, me and my mate had some lad having a go at us because shot had fallen into the wood he was illeagaly riding a motorbike in, apparently - shotguns or not he'd "kick the **** out" of us, can't've been all that bright really :lol:


Where do I stand, should I be telling them to stick to the footpath or clear off? Sounds daft, I know but the farmer doesn't seem bothered and I'm worried about someone getting hurt because they were where they weren't supposed to be - at present, if there's people in this field, I just stay out of it but as for the wood and hedgerows I really can't do much apart from not shoot towards them which is what I do but it would be much safer if they weren't there at all.



To keep on the right side of your farmer you should check with him and possibly explain that it is getting dangerous having people wandering about where they shouldn't be. Also maybe mention the fact that you cannot control his vermin for him effectively if always wondering who is going to step out of the undergrowth next to the rabbit you are lined up on. However if the farmer isn't worried then maybe try to explain that by not stopping people going where they feel he could be setting up a right of access which is generally not a good thing.

Failing all that shoot when it is safe to, if not then look for another permission which is. It is'nt worth the risk of shooting someone or something that you shouldn't, just because they were where they shouldn't be is no defence at all if something happens.


Best of luck


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Wait! PEOPLE enjoying NATURE?!


Oh god.


The b*stards, while where at it we better get rid of anyone feeding pigeons OR DUCKS!


If someone enjoys foxes on their owned land - let them; if they annoy you on your own land, then shoot them - you're not going to change anyones opition by calling them names.

Edited by Bleeh
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A quick radio call back to the yard got the slurry tanker diverted to that track, whereupon the tractor driver gave the three cars a good plastering with festering cow muck.


I hate ramblers, I hate ramblers, I hate ramblers.



Sadly it didn't cure like concrete, but it got my point across. My extensive experience in counter-rambler warfare concluded that chicken muck (applied with vigour from a side-discharge spreader) is the most difficult to remove from a car's bodywork.


boy i bet they love you now :D

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