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Just been issued with my swine flu kit in work!!

Ozzy Fudd

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well this morning i was sent to the local chemists to get the emergency supplies for the office :hmm:


i had visions of coming back with a truckload of gear like you see in the films, full nbc suit with its own breathing system, maybe one of those boxes with a wand on it that clicks when there radiation or homosexuals about, and i was hoping to get one of those remote operated chain guns like in armageddon :yes:


but no. our companies way of fighting against swine flu is... a small bottle of antibacterial gel on everyones desk, a small box of tissues (in a patterned box no less) and a few packets of antibacterial wipes. not a hazmat unit in sight, or even a shotgun ;)


i have already told my manager i am severely unimpressed with these measures, i mean they might be useful for stopping some infections, but a mutant zombie creating virus like swine flu? :look:


so as soon as i can get in touch with a mate in the local stores i shall be getting a new respirator and nbc suit (think mines past its sellby date) and will stride into work each morning full of confidence that i am protected :wub:

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Just get down to eBay and put this bad boy on expenses...




thats what i meant about my mate in the stores, i have one but its probly otu of date (do they go out of date??). anyway cant find my respirator... :yes:


you want to be careful otherwise we'll upset the sites resident fudge packer again :hmm:


who? lee? or fullbore? :look:

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thats what i meant about my mate in the stores, i have one but its probly otu of date (do they go out of date??). anyway cant find my respirator... :yes:




who? lee? or fullbore? :look:


Right you bog hopping soda bread munching $£%***+""** I know where you live and you will pay for that, get your zombie repelling arsenal ready and just how inadequate anything short of a thermo nuclear device will be against a pi$$ed of Yorkshire bloke

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now now john. i was merely speculating. you must admit, your fondness for wearing leather gear, having a big throbbing machine between your legs, and also the fact that you admitted you have a CAMP van would cause some questions to arise.... :look:

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now now john. i was merely speculating. you must admit, your fondness for wearing leather gear, having a big throbbing machine between your legs, and also the fact that you admitted you have a CAMP van would cause some questions to arise.... :look:



As far as men are concerned questions are the only thing that will be rising as far as I am concerned. They have made fudgepacking legal, if they make it compulsory I am emigrating

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i thought in yorkshire they already had.... :look: :hmm::yes:



but you are living proof of when we deported all our "undesirables" to Armagh and the began to breed


You should have eaten the fudge instead of packing it when your tatties ran out

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but you are living proof of when we deported all our "undesirables" to Armagh and the began to breed


You should have eaten the fudge instead of packing it when your tatties ran out


it was a phone book famine!!!


anyway my mothers family are original irish, not a drop of plantation blood in us!!! though dad is from gateshead, must be the english blood in me makes me a bit pink.... :look: :yes::hmm:

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it was a phone book famine!!!


anyway my mothers family are original irish, not a drop of plantation blood in us!!! though dad is from gateshead, must be the english blood in me makes me a bit pink.... :look: :yes::lol:



How Irish is that? , no plantation blood , oh my Dad is from England :good:

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Right you bog hopping soda bread munching $£%***+""** I know where you live and you will pay for that, get your zombie repelling arsenal ready and just how inadequate anything short of a thermo nuclear device will be against a pi$$ed of Yorkshire bloke

You're getting as easily offended as the wee poofy emo boy.


FM :good:

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You're getting as easily offended as the wee poofy emo boy.




:( ;) :(


and cheers utectok, tho i dont know about your bosses but mine arent the smartest in the world, tried explainging that already... :):

Edited by babbyc1000
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