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Squadded shooting etiquette?

Nicky T

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Okay so i'm shooting the Open at High Lodge on Sunday, which as many of you know is a squadded shoot.


Is there any form of etiquette for squaded shooting?


Once booked in, do you just head down to your designated starting pegs 5 minutes before you're supposed to shoot to meet your squad or do you meet them beforehand?


How is the order of who shoots when decided? :yes:



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Go with the flow, normal squads head out as one from the Club house so just ask when you book in. The order is pretty random. Top tips be ready to shoot when its your turn I get irritated if some plank says 'is it me?' IMHO get the gun out as the Shooter before you starts so you can watch the clays!


Good luck!

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Be on the stand 10 or 5 mins before the kick off time. You'll be able to play it by ear how the squad will work. Every squad I've been in has comprised of 'normal' people, those who introduce themselves with a handshake or chat in the background about the weather/targets/wife's tits and crack crude and vulgar jokes. Barely any different from the strawbale shoots in most regards. Obviously there'll be the ones that are deadly serious and won't chat, so just leave 'em be. Of course, when anyone is on the stand then any chatter best be quiet.

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The form is:


1. Change your name to Cheryl

2. Before approaching stand one, start looking for excuses - weather, wind, sun, new gun, creeping old age and loss of form etc.

3. If you have a poop round, be sure to bring a dog to eat your score card before you get back to the CPSA desk



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You know what layout you are on, its on the rotation letter they sent you, be there 10 mins before ,meet squad, look at targets, say 'oh my god' :good: , find out order from ref, be ready , after each stand drop down one person.




Have fun :)

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The form is:


1. Change your name to Cheryl

2. Before approaching stand one, start looking for excuses - weather, wind, sun, new gun, creeping old age and loss of form etc.

3. If you have a poop round, be sure to bring a dog to eat your score card before you get back to the CPSA desk




And listen to the years of experience on this forum..... some is good and some very funny with a hint of it having been tried before! :good:

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Bearing in mind the number of entries at these events, to win your class you need to be really on form and shooting exceptionally well. This is even more so once you reach A class and above. A tip therefore is to tell the organisers that you are actually in a lower class, or even better - plead ignorance and pretend that you haven't got a class at all. This will improve your chances of getting in the money no end :)

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After the PW Daddy shoot at Northants, I'd say the ideal way to get squadded shooting off to a good start is to get the teas and bacon butties in for your squad mates before a round.


Oh yes, and to try not to laugh during any rounds of ABT in case it sets the trap off.

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Bearing in mind the number of entries at these events, to win your class you need to be really on form and shooting exceptionally well. This is even more so once you reach A class and above. A tip therefore is to tell the organisers that you are actually in a lower class, or even better - plead ignorance and pretend that you haven't got a class at all. This will improve your chances of getting in the money no end :)


Got that one nailed already - the joys of being an "unclassified" shooter at the moment :good:

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Yes that's right, the rewards are enormous - some day you may even win as much as £50 for best in class :) That may even cover your petrol and cartridges.


Seriously though, the real rewards come in beating people who have been shooting much longer than you or who take it far too seriously and have lost the sense of fun in shooting or who refuse to shoot at local haybales because it is beneath them and because they are not CPSA registered :good:

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The form is:


1. Change your name to Cheryl

2. Before approaching stand one, start looking for excuses - weather, wind, sun, new gun, creeping old age and loss of form etc.

3. If you have a poop round, be sure to bring a dog to eat your score card before you get back to the CPSA desk




Cheeky ******!! I hope that you were referring to Catamong and not me the real Cheryl :good:

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Fair play to you Cheryl,


At least we know you can shoot unlike Catamong who is always telling how good he is, and then loses his scorecard :):good:


Is he ringing round his mates for some support? Mind you he can leave the cronies from Claysporting exactly where they are.

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The form is:


1. Change your name to Cheryl

2. Before approaching stand one, start looking for excuses - weather, wind, sun, new gun, creeping old age and loss of form etc.

3. If you have a poop round, be sure to bring a dog to eat your score card before you get back to the CPSA desk




Or, better still..........,

1. Vow never go back to High Lodge after the last English Open there because you just "can't hit them". :wub:

2. Blag your way through the entry desk as an "Unclassified" shooter, whilst knowing full well that you're actually classified in "A" class, and hoping to rob the genuine newbies of their prizes. :wub:

3. Get down to the local straw baler every weekend, enjoy duffing up the local Boy Scouts or Womens Institute hopefuls, then slope off to the local boozer, bragging to everybody that'll care to listen that you're a real clay pigeon "hot shot"........(yawn) :lol:


I think I'd prefer shooting with Cheryl..!! :wub:




Sounds familiar, eh Mung..???????

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Having a laugh there Cat? I have been shooting for 3 years - the knowledge required to manipulate the system and lose score cards etc can only come after many years and many miles of chasing CPSA run events surely?


Do keep us up to date with your missing score card at Southdown. Obviously it's a bit of luck that PDLM spotted your missing score card and entry onto the CPSA database. Imagine that, you must have overlooked it - not that you would have been pouring over your registered scores on the CPSA website and not spotted it yourself :wub: . You must have just over looked it eh, must be the age


How did you get on at Highlodge? Another score card the dog ate eh? :wub: You should get your vet to check your dog out to see how many score cards it has consumed over the months.


If I was in the CPSA I might feel obliged to raise this as a higher level. However, I do my shooting where 99% of clay shooters do - at the stray bale. If you sharpen your act up you are welcome to join us - ah, but no, you chickened out of a substantial bet to attend didn't you :wub:

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