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PW Essex Boat Fishing Trip

Raja Clavata

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Nothing to be coy about Matt,


I didn't get home until 9.30 last night and after a chinese a couple of beers and a skate skinning session I went to bed.


I think it can be safely said that a lesson in how to fish the Thames estuary was safely administered by yours truly to the rest of the crew. I personally caught 4 thornbacks and 12 doggies along with a few makerel for bait.


The other "professional" fishermen on board weren't quite so hot :lol:


It was a tough day fishing wise, they didn't really want to know but we caught some. We ended up with 10 thornies, about 20 mackerel and one bass of around 2lb.


I have a couple of pictures of the catch which will be posted later.



No lobsters either it was thick fog all day and visibility was about 100 yards.

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The other "professional" fishermen on board weren't quite so hot :lol:


Martin, were there any orange fish that Bazza would have caught if they had been a different colour ? :lol::hmm:


I'll await Bazzas full analysis with statistics.

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Martin, were there any orange fish that Bazza would have caught if they had been a different colour ? :lol::hmm:


I'll await Bazzas full analysis with statistics.




Funny you should mention that, At one point when we were fishing for mackerel and I commented on the one guy who was catching several with bright pink feathers. Bazza did mention that he couldn't tell what colour they are.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




You organise it and I will be there :lol:

Edited by MC
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I don't mind catching doggies if there is nothing else doing, I would rather catch 20-30 doggies than blank waiting for the elusive big bass or ray.


Yes, so would I. However, sometimes you get the feeling that the Dogs won't give the better fish a chance of getting near your bait, as they're on it as soon as it hits the bottom :lol:

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:hmm: Im absolutely knackered today, i didnt get in until 10pm!!!!


I managed 2 skate and 8-9 dogfish plus the mackerel and other bits....including a whiting that raja clavata said you dont get out there at this time of year, the cat enjoyed that last night!!!


I had never caught a skate bigger than a flounder before so i was happy, I also managed the biggest skate of the day :lol:


I think the one that MC lost would have been bigger but it didnt come into the boat!!


It was bloody hard work, we worked hard for the fish we caught..........to give you and idea......mc caught 4 of those skate, i caught 2 so the other 6 people...well.................there were more skate caught but too small and went back.


The pink hat was shared between Duncan and bob.....but at least bob caught a couple of doggies on MC'c rods....didnt see duncan actually catch anything!!!!


and yes....my head if like a beacon.....seriously red, my blond eyesbrows against a red background look like white fluffy catapillars!!!


It was a very enjoyable day, i think I would have been happier to stick to the skate fishing rather than mess around after the bass but all in all a good crack!! :lol:



Ohh and martin....that wasnt fog............. :lol:

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Can we all stop leaning on the port side please - Bazza, Martin, go round to starboard to balance us out........Oh never mind, glug, glug!!


Classic - Fortunately I had the foesight to charter us a catamaran but in the event we were pretty well balanced over all.


edit (after reading the other accounts): well most of us anyway ...

Edited by Raja Clavata
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Clearly the competition must have been a closed shop Essex Mafia fing between EE and MC as none of the rest of us knew jack about it (but oh how we have larfed since reading the two Charlatan's account of the day).


For the record, and on the long established basis of doggies not counting for ****, Longshanks was actuallly top rod with 3 roker as he only fished with one rod all day. By similar reasoning moi, also with 3 roker came a close second (longshanks called it a draw but I did fish a second rod for Tope for part of the day so the honours are his).


For those interested in the more relevant aspects of the day I am pleased to report that quite a diverse number of species were taken, seven in fact; mackerel, skate, lsd, bass, eel, whiting and Tope. The best fish of the day was the wee Tope that was caught on the Buxey at or around last knockings - well done to Paul.


A bit like the Essex mafia scores on a Sunday, not quite all the numbers add up, on individual accounts of what each people says they contributed to the roker count at least one of the fish must have lept back out of the closed fish box when no-one was looking :lol:


No doubt my account of the day will be disputed but it's a wonder either of the other two managed to recall anything about the day given their head up their own ***** accounts of what went on :good:


Seriously though, enjoyed the banter chaps and despite the fishing being hard I think we made just about as good a day of it as we could. I hope the one thing we can all agree on is the fact that the skipper did do his best for us.


So there you are, a balanced account of the day, any contention with this and we'll just have to organise a mersea charter vs. burnham charter compo :oops:

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