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SAK mod vs .17 HMR


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I dismantled the SAK mod on my .17 HMR, to give it its routine de-gunk, and took these photos of the flame-cut baffles. The mod has seen a lot of use, but I have never been happy with its performance. I've now put an ASE Utra rimfire mod on it, with steel baffles. It offers better sound attenuation, although at the expense of added length and weight.


Steel baffles are the way ahead.






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I bought it second-hand at the beginning of 2008, and noticed some very minor damage to the baffles at that time. I have since put about 4,800 rounds through it. Any decline in moderating ability has obviously been so gradual that it's gone unnoticed.

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to be honest, only when i start getting board,

so at the moment not for the near future.


I stripped it once after about 1000 to see if there was an accumilation of crud and cleaned it then, but not really used it much this year, a rite PITA to get back in though :(


how do i find it ?


cant tell the difference









dam it-----------its in my head now to clean the thing :lol:

Edited by Dougy
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Think about this though. You've put 5K through it and it still works just fine. Brand new that's £30. The ASE goes for £80? 2.6 times the price. That means you're looking at getting 12K+ shots through the ASE? I'm sure you'll get it just fine, but for the weight difference I'd have to get another Sak.




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my SAK seems fine so far if you swap for a mod with steel baffles Baldrick won't you have the problems of corrosion of the baffles, think I'll stick with aluminium for the moment and if need be buy a new one when its worn, also being a soft metal i would imagine its probably safer were you to have a problem and a bullet clip a baffle :hmm:

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Rick, don't get me wrong, I'm not bleating about price - the SAK has served me well, and its minimal weight is a real boon. The distributor, Jackson Rifles, advertises the SAK as suitable for 17 HMR (my SAK was purchased proofed for .22WMR).


I bought the ASE mod second-hand for £40. It's a tiny more effective than the SAK on the .17 HMR, and noticeably better than the SAK on the .22LR. I haven't given much thought to corrosion of the steel baffles, but the design of the mod means that a blast of WD40 will actually penetrate all of the contents of the mod (unlike a T8 etc).


Marlin, the alignment is fine, to my eyes.

Edited by Baldrick
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Lookes like the mod wasn't alligned properly, was it?



its not that it was mis alligned, it's the erosion from the powder plus the heat combined that eats away at the alli.


by using steel it does not have the same speedy effect, most probably will given time though. But the ASE can be stipped and cleaned therefore reducing the erosion thus increasing its life,


and the outcome---------------------- better value for money :hmm:

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