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Christmas presents for the field ?


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columbus ,I got them at a country store that sells riding, walking, sailing ,shooting ,fishing type clothing and accessories.


ernyha, if that thermal vest is for wearing when its frosty, I hope you kept the receipt.

It doesn,t look as though we will ever get a frost again, in the SouthEast. :crazy:

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Among other goodies, I received a "Karrimor" rucksack. Brilliant piece of kit!! I've loaded the net into the bottom pocket, deeks and cradles in the top, camo cream, balaclava, decoy sticks, knife, secateurs, string, and God knows what else into the side pockets. I've still got room for the flask and a couple of sarnies, and it's got straps that will hold the hide poles. Fully loaded it weighs little, and on your back you hardly notice it. All I need now is pigeons.

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Santa had a very big sack for my pressie this year. He brought me a 4x4!! :D  :D  :D.   Shame he didn't slip in a few petrol vouchers too! :crazy:


No getting stuck in fields anymore with a bit of luck.


It was a combined 40th birthday pressie too.  :D  


Also got a pair of Gore-Tex realtree gloves for when the weather turns cold and 'orrible, if ever!! Would have been better off with waders I think. :D

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i have never heard of a bellows goose call. ducks yes, all the call makers are on the net so look it up, u may be able to buy a tape on how to use them which is the best way to go when learning to call

me i got sweet su/ff all  but come closer to my season im spending money  money and maybe a little more new gun decoys waders and other goodys

have a good  and a happy season from bill who won his local fihing contest last week with a 369.5 bronse walier shark, boy, am i getting good at catching thoughs things

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I might get a gas comversion next year when the warranty runs out. Until them I'll keep wincing everytime I go to the petrol station  :crazy:  "You takes yer money...." as they say


I keep filling up when only half empty so the wife doesn't rumble it costs 60 quid for a full tank!!  :evil:

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