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Large Black cats

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you should be fine with buckshot of course if the first shot doesn't penetrate give it a couple more and its bound to work. personally i'm also after that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow :blink:


yeah but if you dont kill them first the gold disappears :welcomeani:

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According to this video ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8172064.stm?ls ) this is a "Big Cat" which was recently filmed!

OK, let's see what we can use to put it in perspective. The only thing that I can see are the railway tracks, so if standard railway lines are 4 feet 6 inches (Aprox) apart then looking at the "Big Cat" in the video that would make it about 3 feet long (Head to tip of tail)That does not seem anywhere the size of a "Big Cat" like a Pume or Panther to me, more like a large ferral cat.

I thought I had seen what appeared to be a big cat down in Hereford while out shooting a few years ago. There were several other "reliable" sightings made in the same area all around the same time. However, on reflection, I do wonder if what I saw was in fact a "Big Cat".

I was working with a low powered lamp on my hunting air rifle shooting rabbits in amongst a hop yard and only caught short, fleeting glimpses of the aminal. I now believe what I saw was just a large, dark coloured fox and the "excitement" at the time along with the recent reports allowed my mind to "believe" it was a "Big Cat" rather than allowing my logic and clear thinking to kick in and thinking about its size and perspective.

I do believe it would be possible for these so called "Big Cats" to survive in the wild throughout Britain but there are so many questions that are unanswered that I have doubts as to whether they actually do exist in our countryside. Questions like "Why has no-one ever shot one", "Why have none of the many hunts ever flushed one", "Why, with the picture quality of modern cameras, has no-one ever produced a photo that is clear enough to positively identify one", why is no-one finding and following the tracks of these "Big Cats" - the list of questions goes on and on!

I am not saying for definite that they do not exist, just that until I see "Conclusive" proof I have my doubts!

Just as a foot note, the chap on the video should use his asthma inhaler a bit more often by the sounds of it!

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  • 6 months later...

I only just found this, can't see any of the pics posted before re: scratch marks can you post them again, man from the past??


What if you just had a shotgun.. would you still try it? One thing I learned from TV is you never turn your back on a wild cat.. I think it was wild cats..

Edited by Shuck.
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There is someone on a bit of land i shoot got a very large Bobcat/Lynx which is her pet and she has a licence to keep it, but last week when i spoke to her she said she would have to rehome it as its getting to big, think its going to Safari Park or Zoo, its about the same size as my Lab, its strange seeing this big cat purring out the cage at you, would look good on my shooting room floor as a RUG :oops:

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few years ago we had somebody come up to us saying they had seen a big cat cross the footpath no more than 40 yards in front of them,

they actually made a special journey to tell us.

about a week later i shot a fox which i left by the high seat over night, when i came back to move it something had eaten half of it,

as in all its guts and ribs had gone on one side. this all happened over the new year period.

asking around some people thought that maybe badgers or other foxes might have eaten it, but i have never seen this before. :good:http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/sty...efault/hmm1.gif

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Firearms conditions are normally,


a, the lawful shooting of deer. b, the shooting of vermin or, in connection with the management of any estate other wildlife. c, the humane killing of animals. d, the shooting of animals for the protection of other animals or humans.


So according to Defra as long as you dispatch a unprotected wild mammal humanely you are abiding by conditions b, c and d on your FAC (if you have them) or the wonderful new catch all being worded on newly issued FAC's "and any other lawful quarry", I think you could justify killing a big cat as it is not a protected species.


But why would you need to? There is no such species as a "black panther", as i have said before it is a relativly rare genetic mutation in leopards and jaguars. So Why O Why is every sighting of a Black Panther. If someone said they had seen a brown one it would make a pleasant, and more believable change.



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But why would you need to? There is no such species as a "black panther", as i have said before it is a relativly rare genetic mutation in leopards and jaguars. So Why O Why is every sighting of a Black Panther. If someone said they had seen a brown one it would make a pleasant, and more believable change.




for the same reasons as everyone calls it the Lch Ness Monster and not the Loch Ness Pleiseosaur

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