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Pigeon shooting in Northern Ireland

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I must have driven 50 miles today for 5 pigeons. There are birds about, but they seem to be split up all over the place and next to impossible to find a flight line that is working really well. I gave up and headed home. then this afternoon about 6pm the birds when I was out in the car they seemed to be on the move. I take it the good weather and all the fresh stubble means they are under no pressure to feed. Anyone else having this problem or out today? I almost wish they would move onto the beech trees.

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I agree Dazza. I have never seen them so difficult to get at this time of year. My experience was worse though. I found a field yesterday afternoon that had crows and pigeons. I wouldn't say they were pouring into it, but there were birds constantly moving back and forwards. I went to the farm to see if it was ok (I already have permission, but hadn't been on it for a while). Unfortunately the fields are rented out this year and the guy who has them won't let anyone on it. What a pain in the ***. That's twice this month I have found a really good field only to find out that the lease holder doesn't want anyone near it. I can never figure it out, pigeons hammering into someone's crop and they are happy to stand back a do nothing about it. :lol:


I hope every bird in the country hits it and eats him out of house and home.

Edited by Dr D
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anyone else think theres just too much choice for them at the mo?


i went through 3 places today, at the first we were clearing a farm yard, but fields had been cut a few hundred yards away, so after a few shots everything cleared off to those. at the 2nd same story - plenty of crows and pigeons when we arrived, but a field of wheat being cut nearby (which we now have permission on) and another field a nearby thats already been cut and ploughed, so as soon as a couple of shots were fired they cleared off to those. at the 3rd we were on a stubble field, but within a mile i counted 5 other fields that had been cut within the last week, and two fields that had been sprayed with slurry :lol:


think ill give it a rest for a few weeks :good:

Edited by babbyc1000
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after buying a magnet a few weeks back.i had a few bad days.can`t explain what went wrong but the birds did n`t want to play ball.had a couple of outings with 10 and less birds.it was n`t down to my pattern just the birds were showing little interest.fields now ploughed and sowed in grass for next season. anyone after a cheap magnet?think i`ll stick to crows next year.i know they coy easier lol

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after buying a magnet a few weeks back.i had a few bad days.can`t explain what went wrong but the birds did n`t want to play ball.had a couple of outings with 10 and less birds.it was n`t down to my pattern just the birds were showing little interest.fields now ploughed and sowed in grass for next season. anyone after a cheap magnet?think i`ll stick to crows next year.i know they coy easier lol



Ours is the same seems to put the pigeons of,has anyone tried the magnet for crows,if so what did you think of it.

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i shot about 10 crows this year when i put 2 dead crows on the magnet, but i saw 2 lads shoot 148 crows last year useing dead crows on the magnet but i find the flapper better, the pigeons are mayabe feeding on the beech trees i know i was out last saturday and the pigeons where all sitting in trees mostly sycamore trees but a few beech and oak trees as well so they cud be feeding on them instead of the barley stubbles :yes:

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