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The trouble and strife .....


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My last missus was well against it but she ****** off before I managed to put my application in.


The new missus is great, has no trouble with it at all as her brother used to shoot and bring things home for them to eat.


Is your missus a townie?


Can you come to some sort of arrangement, whereby she doesn't come in the kitchen while you prepare something you have killed? probably better than just rubbing her up the wrong way. Also you can cook and eat what you have shot, but she doesn't have to - if you're making a curry for example, just use two pots - one with chicken in and one with whatever you want in.


If she wont compromise over it then go all out and make sure there is dead stuff, entrails and feathers all over the kitchen one day when she gets home.


shock tactics!

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The trick is to pluck, gut it etc, then place it in a freezer bag and pop it in the freezer for a bit, if its jointed, filleted etc all the better. Then when shes looking through the freezer for idea for tea just lie to her about what it is. Dont tell her afterwards, wait til shes had it a couple of times and liked it, then break the surprise!!

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Mines a red-head. Can't live with um and can't live without um!

Guess I'm pretty lucky really though.

She will trap/score at they clay ground, will eat and cook most of what I shoot but doesn't really approve

if the truth be told. Canada Geese are a definite no-no(we used to have some as pets!) and hares are never on the menu(not enough about for her)

Apart from that there isn't a problem. What helps is that I support her with her hobby, breeding and showing dogs. I often give up weeks, not going out shooting when we have pups as I have to sit in with them during the day. It pays off in my mind and I'm happy!





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My Mrs is ok as long as i do the processing. But she did have a bit of a shock a few months back, I had shot a fallow stag and left it hanging on the gambrel in the garage after gralloching (I can't do it on the golf course where the deer came from) and had gone off to help my mate dave with one he had shot, it was a difficult retrieve.


Seemingly my Mrs went into the garage and was looking for a bag of her medical books, was on her knees looking on one of the garage shelves, went to move and suddenly found herself eye to eye with a dead fallow buck yearling. It was as she so beautifully put it, "a silence of the lambs moment". i do wish I had been there.


Nearly as funny as when we were first going out and she came boat fishing on a local lake and a trout I hooked jumped into the boat at her feet, I swear to you she nearly fell out of the boat. Laugh, I thought my pants would never dry. And still she agreed to marry me, bless her.



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My wife is the same she will not eat anything i bring home whether it is pigeon,rabbit,duck and she wont touch fish with a bargepole

my mate is worse of he is not aloud to bring anything home at all which means i get every thing we shoot or catch so im not complaining.

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What is it with blokes and not "being allowed" to do things. What are you doing putting up with that? I can do what I bloody well like and my mrs knows it. We have ground rules which are fair but there's none of this "allowed" **** going on in our house! Rach does what she wants and I do what I like too. We both respect each others wishes even if it bugs us a bit.


Is your mrs a veggie? If so I could kind of accept the fact that she's against animals being hurt. If she eats meat then you two need a good row, and the sooner the better! The first thing I'd do is have a brace of Pheasant hanging in the porch when she gets home from work. Then pluck and gut it in the sink. I'd then make a nice stew for you and the kids (they're your kids too you know? It's not unhealthy so what's the problem?). If she doesn't want any then that's fair enough, but there's no way on earth I'd stand and take that kind of bull from my other half. Grow some balls man! Your mrs doesn't respect your feelings and that stinks. You've obviously done as you were told for too long, it's a tough road back to normality and she's not going to like it :good:

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What is it with blokes and not "being allowed" to do things. What are you doing putting up with that? I can do what I bloody well like and my mrs knows it. We have ground rules which are fair but there's none of this "allowed" **** going on in our house! Rach does what she wants and I do what I like too. We both respect each others wishes even if it bugs us a bit.


Is your mrs a veggie? If so I could kind of accept the fact that she's against animals being hurt. If she eats meat then you two need a good row, and the sooner the better! The first thing I'd do is have a brace of Pheasant hanging in the porch when she gets home from work. Then pluck and gut it in the sink. I'd then make a nice stew for you and the kids (they're your kids too you know? It's not unhealthy so what's the problem?). If she doesn't want any then that's fair enough, but there's no way on earth I'd stand and take that kind of bull from my other half. Grow some balls man! Your mrs doesn't respect your feelings and that stinks. You've obviously done as you were told for too long, it's a tough road back to normality and she's not going to like it :lol:


Spot on that man :good::P

No RELATIONSHIP should be one person telling the other what they can and cannot do!!!! I'd get out sharpish mate

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To give you all one girly perspective...I think everyone should be entitled to do what is their interest with regards to shooting whether its the missus or 'him indoors!!!....as Salop Sniper said.....I have my Shotgun Certificate and 20b shotgun and I choose only to shoot clays and veggi, but do not push it on him or anyone!!


I'm not a townie, I'm country born and bred, proud of it...also not squeamish when it comes to animals as worked around horses all my life and been there when foaling has turned nasty, also seen plenty of rabbits in my time with Mixy.....but I firmly believe that you should not tell someone what to do, or stop them doing what they want, so as Salop Sniper says, whilst he is out shooting (game) I go out horse-riding, that way we are both happy and then meet up back in the middle to go clay shooting!!


Bring on the guns....I'm the girly stood in Gunmakers Row drooling and trying to work out how much overtime it will take to buy the engraved Beretta I've always wanted!!!! :P



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Hi lol

My Ex hated guns, she put up with them and even bought me one once but because she didnt know what else to get me, mind you she run off not long after that, Guilt maybe? LOL

My partner now of 11 years is a diamond she helps me carry all my gear down to the field set me up and comes back and helps me pack up, and its about a two mile walk each way ( shoulder op only using one arm at mo) She doesnt like to see dead animals but is fine to eat them same with anything I shoot really, but is totally supportive of my hobby IM a lucky chap !!!!

There you go ,thats the way to train-em .

Harnser .

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What is it with blokes and not "being allowed" to do things. What are you doing putting up with that? I can do what I bloody well like and my mrs knows it. We have ground rules which are fair but there's none of this "allowed" **** going on in our house! Rach does what she wants and I do what I like too. We both respect each others wishes even if it bugs us a bit.


Is your mrs a veggie? If so I could kind of accept the fact that she's against animals being hurt. If she eats meat then you two need a good row, and the sooner the better! The first thing I'd do is have a brace of Pheasant hanging in the porch when she gets home from work. Then pluck and gut it in the sink. I'd then make a nice stew for you and the kids (they're your kids too you know? It's not unhealthy so what's the problem?). If she doesn't want any then that's fair enough, but there's no way on earth I'd stand and take that kind of bull from my other half. Grow some balls man! Your mrs doesn't respect your feelings and that stinks. You've obviously done as you were told for too long, it's a tough road back to normality and she's not going to like it :good:

Well said bro .

Harnser .

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I never work you guys out, while I appreciate you have to give and take in all relationships I would'nt have that old pony I have been reading on here- 'You are not bringing that in the house' or 'no you can't shoot live quarry but you can shoot clays' Or I had to beg to have a shotgun'






We need to ship a few of these Northern lasses up to Norfolk so you can throw them around the bedroom a bit and then give them the best 30 seconds of their life.

Edited by starlight32
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I never work you guys out, while I appreciate you have to give and take in all relationships I would'nt have that old pony I have been reading on here- 'You are not bringing that in the house' or 'no you can't shoot live quarry but you can shoot clays' Or I had to beg to have a shotgun'






We need to ship a few of these Northern lasses up to Norfolk so you can throw them around the bedroom a bit and then give them the best 30 seconds of their life.

Starlight , I am from an era when men were men and women were glad of it . Send the wayward ones to me for taming and training .

Harnser .

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