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Help with cat owner!!


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Of course you wouldn’t, because if you did you’d be breaking the law, but that can go both ways.


An acquaintance of mine turned up on my doorstep one night in tears. His cat was in his arms. She had been shot in the head by a pellet gun. She was alive so we rushed her to the vets. She lived although she lost an eye. The reason the owner came to me was because he was a biker and didn’t have a car. It seems that his next door neighbour had a pellet gun and had openly boasted that he shot at cats for fun. Several had been hurt over a few months. A week later he got a visit from a few blokes wearing full faced crash helmets. They broke his arm and smashed his jaw. He spent an uncomfortable time in hospital. Funnily enough there were no witnesses and my acquaintance was sitting watching the TV with his wife when all this unpleasantness occurred. :lol:

The police never found the attackers but there have been no other cats shot in our area to date. I would never advocate this course of action, but humans can get fairly emotional with regard to their pets.


Anyway to continue, the law is fairly specific about this.

From the BASC web site


Domestic cats and dogs can be classed as property under the Theft and Criminal Damage Acts or equivalent legislation in Scotland and consequently it could be an offence to set traps intentionally or recklessly to kill or injure these or other domestic animals.

Feral cats

The domestic cat and feral cat is one and the same animal - Felis catus. The family pet is classed as the personal property of its owner and any unjustified control may lead to prosecution. Although the cat's owner cannot be held liable for its actions, they could sue for damages should their cat come to any harm or go missing.




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Are you really saying you know the history of all cats in your traps? I can barley recognise my own when he’s out hunting at night, so you must have a fantastic memory.


What you are doing is not so much controversial as possibly illegal. No matter how passionately you feel about it, it won’t change. The fact that you catch more cats than foxes only means you set the traps in such a manner that cats are more likely to get caught rather than foxes. Add the fact that some people steal cats and dump them out of malice only adds to the injustice of it.


I accept cats kill birds; they also kill rats and rabbits. I watched a recent program filmed in Australia regarding the damage feral cats were doing in a reserve for a small kangaroo type animal. A cat expert was consulted and brought in to eradicate the pests. Our hero used a call to entice and then trap the problem animals. They were dispatched with a bullet and cut open to reveal the contents of their stomachs. All but one cat had fed on rabbits or rats; the odd one out had a lizard of some description among the rat remains in its stomach. Our expert was hard pressed to explain the lack of damming evidence. The park official also failed to recognise the significance of the tracks left by the off-road trial bikes that crisscrossed the area from weekend riders etc. We humans seem very keen to place the blame for a species demise at any doorstep except where it belongs…ours.


I’m not saying that cats should not be controlled where necessary; it’s just not as necessary as some groups would have you believe.


Who says that the native wild cat in Scotland is pure? When domestic cats arrived in these Islands around the time of the Romans did we have a genetic data base to show a pure strain? Are we saying that the cats the Romans arrived with, never had a chance to breed with the native wildcat? At what point in history and evolution are we trying to preserve? Is it the right one and who says so?


We humans needed cats when we lived in huts and carried spears etc. We wanted them to protect our grain stores from rodents. This helped keep us alive through the harsh winters and in some countries the value of a cat was such that if you killed one you received the death penalty. Again if there is a problem with cats then it’s our entire fault and not the cats. Today the government could do some useful like making it a legal requirement for all cats to be neutered or licensed to breed. That would push the price up and the numbers would decline…but we humans have to do it, not the cats.


Since we have some serious thread creep here I suppose we’d better stop now or start our own thread on the subject. :lol:





henry d where did your post go? This post doesn't make sense without yours.

Edited by Stalker_2
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Hi guys

Here is an update on the cat problem.

I think its sorted out now as I saw the cat creeping about in the field behind my house, when it heard one of my hawks move and heard the sound of the bells it shot off as quick as it could, absolutely terrified!!!

I am only glad it was one of my big hawks it met and not one of the Smaller ones.

I dont think it will be coming back into my garden in a hurry.

Thanks for all the helpful comments.


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It’s when I read some of the responses from some of my fellow “fit persons” that I despair. I understand that some are posted tongue in cheek, but this is a public forum.

This forum is an education in itself sometimes. You're right this is a public forum but we live in a free country (or it b***** well should be) and we have the right of free speach. If old hook hands scan sprout off the way he did at Finsbury then I'm damn sure we can have our say on here. Sad day if not.

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catch said kitty in trap


go to local chinese restraunt, with kitty, and have special feast prepared


go to nasty neighbor, and offer special feast as piece offering


kitty gone, neighbor happy, problem solved

some years ago we used to go to a chinese takeaway close to where i worked went this day and it was closed down the drains had blocked up when the manhole lid was lifted they found loads of cat skins blockin the drains swear blind ive eaten cat yum yum :lol:

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Peregrine, glad to hear your problem seems to be sorted.

As pointed out by someone earlier, it is the guy who is the problem not the mog.


As usual on this forum and other shooting forums I am disgusted by some of the responses and ashamed to be associated with with the people making them by virtue of a shared sport.


Well done for giving non-shooters more reason to legislate against our firearms ownership, to demonise our dogs, to legislate against the use of traps.


I hope you are all pleased with yourselves.

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Don't wanna make too much of this 'cause some of the comments were obviously light hearted and in the spirit of things BUT sometimes the idology that gets talked on here makes my blood boil. So maybe I will make something of it...


'All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to say/do nothing'! Or words to that effect.


We live in a country where we still (yeh just) enjoy freedom of speech (this forum and others like it attest to that) so why the hell should we keep quiet, keep our thoughts about our sport to ourselves?


Tell it like it is. Stand up and be counted 'cause sure as eggs is eggs if we take the meek and mild route we're doomed. Stand and fight for our sport!


If anyone asks me what I do for pleasure (apart from the obvious) they get it full on. I shoot, I enjoy it, I do it legally and I do it responsibly. Do not try and impose your vision of what should be on me or anyone else just because I/we don't wanna play golf or any other PC pastimes. It's still a free country, enjoy.

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Unfortunately Highlander you don’t seem to understand how it is. I used to shoot practical pistol…lawfully. I don’t any more, why?


Our sport is under threat from a minority purporting to be the majority. There are over 60 million souls living in the UK, how many of them shoot? If the antis become the majority and decide that you have to take up knitting and a law is passed, then that’s what will happen.


The antis along with the media love to demonise what they consider to be a barbaric pastime for potential mass murderers. Of course they never saw how the lamb chop on their dinner plate got there…they don’t want to. The truth has no place on their agenda and that gives them the advantage from the outset.


It doesn’t help our sport if we give them yet more ammo like that recently posted. It does foster ill will against our sport. It made me want to remove those people’s firearms and I love shooting. Make no mistake; those against us are in this for the long run. They dedicate their lives to this. They are in the schools and on the university campuses grooming the kids to be the antis for tomorrow. We as a sport are not. When I asked a saboteur why he was at a pheasant shoot the reply was “£40 a day and a packed lunch mate”…that fact was not reported by the media.


The media has changed my working life recently by sensationalist reporting. Anyone who underestimates the power these people have is a damn fool and the anti’s best asset.



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Highlander, advocating cruelty to people's pets is not "Telling it like it is" and if it is then I certainly want nothing to do with 'it'.


I'm all for being upfront and anti-PC, which is why I ripped into the NRA and Glynn Wassname for suggesting compulsory training for shooters and will continue to wear cammo whenever and wherever I dammed well like.




I will not be an apologist or an appeaser for thugs and scum who think it is fair game to shoot at pets with airguns or set their lurchers on them.

Some comments may well have been TIC, but they will be used by our oppenents outside the sporting community as ammunition and used by the scum inside our community (and let's not pretend we don't have them) as justification and peer based reinforcement for their cruelty and antisocial behaviour.

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what about this then, most of us own dogs, we think very highly of said dogs (lurchers ,spanners, terriers, fleabag mongerls,etc) i think of my 2 as part of my family.

how would you feel if your neighbours were on some forum somewhere plotting against your pride and joy (traps ,rimfires , dumping them far from home ,etc) some of you should take a big ******* chill pil and take a look at what you are posting it is as far removed from the spirit of being a sportsman as i can imagine.



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how would you feel if your neighbours were on some forum somewhere plotting against your pride and joy




I am not plotting against anyones pride and joy, if you care to read my posts correctly you will see that I have been up front and told this bloke exactly what will happen if his cat is foolish enough to try to take one of my birds again. I will allow the hawk to kill and then eat the said cat.


Each one of my birds has had thousands of man hours invested in them in order to produce top quality stylish hunting hawks which may I remind you are my bread and butter, while the closest this cat comes to being looked after is being booted out the back door every night.


And as for pride and joy, when I asked him if he would rather have the bill for his cat killing one of my birds, well lets just say he went pale at the sum I would be looking for.


As already stated in a previouse post, it looks as though this cat has learnt its lesson, but make no mistake if I feel any of my birds are under threat from the cat it WILL be going home in a bin bag.


If this attitude offends any of the more sensitive members of this forum, then my response is TOUGH.



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I am not offended nor sensative but if some one deliberately killed the wifes cat they would be lucky if they could take meals threw a straw.


On the other hand in this case I think the cat owner has a responsability to prevent tiddles from being out when the birds are out!


I dont think a moggie would have much chance against a bird of prey, would it?



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