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new rifle

guerrilla podge

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Nice rifle. It's almost too posh to take outside! I think the HMR is a brilliant starters calibre. It's pretty safe and also very easy to shoot accurately out to 120 yards or so. It doesn't like the wind a lot but if you keep your shots inside 100 yards on very windy days you shouldn't have any problems. When you get to know it better you can get 200 yards out of it if it's calm! Some people say more, but 200 is pushing it I recon. For a rimfire it's pretty good at range as long as your quarry isn't too big.


Have fun with it. Most importantly be safe. You'll get to know how far you can push your luck with experience but it pays to be really cautious until you get to know it a little better.

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thanks for all the comments. its not me that you have to get onto the about the curtains tough its my ma that looks after dat stuff :yes:



cz452. the model of the marlin is917vs


i put a hawke scope on it john. the nite eye with 3-12*55 hopefully it give him a run alright :lol: very happy with it. zeroed it for 100 yards last week then went out that evening took three shots with it the first was at a rabbit at 102 knocked him stone dead then the second was at 115 same ending for the rabbit :yes: the third shot missed jus not used to the gun yet i reckon


keeper sam. il be going after rabbits foxes magpies grey crows.


nickbeardo. id say you wer very sick when dat happened :good: . how did the rifle fare out after dat one?

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