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wotcha sapper. I know what you mean, I get senior moments. too. When I take the protective cap off the up/down. left/right controls there is a little arrow engraved UP, and on the other, an arrow engraved R, (for right). I thought most scopes had that. except the ones from the £1 shop.


Could also be that you are zeroed in OK. but the range is too far and the shots are dropping.


Does that help? LOL Bill

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my shots are hitting rabbit in neck and im aiming for head which way do i turn **** clockwise or anti clockwise done it a hundred times before but for the life of me cant remember. getting to that age



DOWN Clockwise


UP Anti Clock

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my shots are hitting rabbit in neck and im aiming for head which way do i turn **** clockwise or anti clockwise done it a hundred times before but for the life of me cant remember. getting to that age


so why dont you set it up correctly BEFORE going for live targets? ie know where its hitting on paper FIRST


cheers KW

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Hello Sapper, Here's a possible reason why you are spot on at a paper target but miss in the field. Do you hold the rifle in the same way for both jobs. For example if you bench rest it for zeroing, but fire freehand in the field you will probably get a difference. Therefore, say, zero with a bipod, shoot with a bipod. Does this help?

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hi heladoxa first DUR has several meanings in the context i said it (its not hard is it) and i used bipod each time its one of those things which you do hundreds of times ie zeroing then for some reason your mind goes blank i will get it sorted thanks for input

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put 5 or 6 targets out at different intervals, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 yards, then aim for the bull on each one, fire a 5 round group at each target with no hold over, etc, and see where theyre hitting. if the ones at, say 50, are dead on, but the ones before it are too the right, and the ones after it are to the left, id say the scope is twisted, so check all mounts.


ps - simplest way i ever found to see what way the turret works is put the rifle on a bipod , aim at something and start twisting the turret one way as far as possible, keep watching through the scope to see what direction it moes, then score a mark on the turret to remind yourself. it REALLY knocks off your zero but it works :yes: :yes:

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