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Bowel cancer is more common than most people think ,


Normaly the life time risk is 1 in 50 ,


If a relative like an uncle has had it , it becomes 1 in 17 ,


If a sibling [brother/sister ] has had it the life time risk is 1 in 10 .


Check your family history . At this risk level 5 yr check-ups are recomended for people over 40 .

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im no scientist but id love to know HOW red meat causes cancer. cancer seems to have increased dramatically in the last 200 years or so (quote me if im wrong though) so how is it people didnt get bowel cancer in the thousands upon thousands of years before when that was basically their whole diet? scientists come up with far too many causes of disease. i think they should concentrate on trying to find a cure for them :(

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My dad died of Cancer - funny thing isn't it?


I took him down to the pub and he walked in and shouted


"I've been diagnosed - I've got AIDS!"


I said "Dad, you've not got AIDS - you've got Cancer"


He said "Shuddup, I don't want anyone sleeping with your mother when I've gone!"



On a serious note, my Dad did die of prostate and secondary bone cancer. After much searching and reading I drew the conclusion that Cancer is not hereditary but your diet and lifestyle is.


So, if you smoke, you've got an increased chance of developing lung cancer. Cancer is when a cell mutates. It is normally caused when the acid level increases or if there is an abnormal neighbour.


So, if you eat too much red meat, it takes ages to digest in the stomach and colon. If it doesn't get digested then it will putrify - rot. What happens to an apple if it sits next to a rotting neighbour? It rots too!


The ideas is that if you have rotting meat sitting next to a stomach wall then the wall will start to rot and we call it Cancer.


So, I hardly ever eat beef anymore. In fact I stay away from mass produced meats when ever I can. Supermarket bacon for instance - you get a meal and a drink in the same pan!


I eat venison - I like my deer stalking - and other game as and when. If not, then I use our local butcher who is superb.



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Im pretty sure that scientists can find a cause to a problem in everything that we eat. It is inevitable that we will all die, some earlier than others perhaps, but there will always be a reason. With the way things are going i.e. becoming an American state with everyone sueing for any reason at all, everyone is going to jump on the band wagon and put up a disclaimer. Can you imagine, you go to buy a bottle of Volvic some day and the label reads....May contain nuts...or...May cause heart dissease...or even...Warning: This product may seriously kill your thirst!!!! Things are getting so stupid, they'll probably enforce disclaimers for cars eventually...Bah hum bug!


Whether eating red meat or not can increase your chance of getting a cancer, I will continue eating it on a regular basis. At home, we eat a varied diet of red meats, white meats and fish. I enjoy cooking it, I enjoy making new recipes and above all enjoy the taste and the pleasure of eating it. Its called living and without it, I am dead! So if it increases my chance of dying I dont mind since i'd be dead already if I didnt eat it. (Did that make sense... :( )


If society only turned back the clock thirty or forty years, it would make for a better life. No one really new much about these things. No one wanted to know and everyone was happy. Gone are the days of high street shopping, Buthchers, bakers, greengrocers. In our area, they are far and few between. If only people started going back to the butcher for a rabbit, hare, pheasant, joint, etc. then just maybe society would wake the hell up and start getting on with life. It would certainly help our cause. Funny how the topic can always be swayed back to this, but its true. Ban this, ban that, what a load of nonsense. This country is fast loosing its heritage and all things British, all because of this new (american) way of life.


Now...where did I put my soap box?!!!





Edited by Axe
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I wouldn't say that you've got cancer from the day that you are born, but you do have the potential.


I suppose one of lifes' lessons is to get away from the TV - our preferred drug of choice - and get out there. Get some exercise, eat well, drink lots of water, look after ourselves and enjoy life. :(


And, stay away from the things that you know don't agree with you - in my case tomatoes!



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Moderation , a bit of every thing is best ,


a days graft , chicken curry [ a break from the usual red meat ] , a stroll with the rimmy 2 rabbits & a jackdaw , walk the dogs [a mile ] water green house , decant a jug of cider [ I make 50 galls most years ] and have a good slurp . Check e-mails , forums & tv .


I , m fairly fit for my age [ 49 ] , 1 % over wieght [ what a load of bulls--t ]


My bowell cancer check up is in july , on the advice of my consultant regarding my family history .


A healthy life style helps a lot but this cancer has an increased risk in some families .

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Moderation , a bit of every thing is best ,


a days graft , chicken curry [ a break from the usual red meat ] , a stroll with the rimmy 2 rabbits & a jackdaw , walk the dogs [a mile ] water green house , decant a jug of cider [ I make 50 galls most years ] and have a good slurp . Check e-mails , forums & tv .


I , m fairly fit for my age [ 49 ] , 1 % over wieght [ what a load of bulls--t ]


My bowell cancer check up is in july , on the advice of my consultant regarding my family history .


A healthy life style helps a lot but this cancer has an increased risk in some families .

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Im pretty sure that scientists can find a cause to a problem in everything that we eat. It is inevitable that we will all die, some earlier than others perhaps, but there will always be a reason. With the way things are going i.e. becoming an American state with everyone sueing for any reason at all, everyone is going to jump on the band wagon and put up a disclaimer. Can you imagine, you go to buy a bottle of Volvic some day and the label reads....May contain nuts...or...May cause heart dissease...or even...Warning: This product may seriously kill your thirst!!!! Things are getting so stupid, they'll probably enforce disclaimers for cars eventually...Bah hum bug!


Whether eating red meat or not can increase your chance of getting a cancer, I will continue eating it on a regular basis. At home, we eat a varied diet of red meats, white meats and fish. I enjoy cooking it, I enjoy making new recipes and above all enjoy the taste and the pleasure of eating it. Its called living and without it, I am dead! So if it increases my chance of dying I dont mind since i'd be dead already if I didnt eat it. (Did that make sense... :lol: )


If society only turned back the clock thirty or forty years, it would make for a better life. No one really new much about these things. No one wanted to know and everyone was happy. Gone are the days of high street shopping, Buthchers, bakers, greengrocers. In our area, they are far and few between. If only people started going back to the butcher for a rabbit, hare, pheasant, joint, etc. then just maybe society would wake the hell up and start getting on with life. It would certainly help our cause. Funny how the topic can always be swayed back to this, but its true. Ban this, ban that, what a load of nonsense. This country is fast loosing its heritage and all things British, all because of this new (american) way of life.


Now...where did I put my soap box?!!!





Here here.


And it did make sense :(




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