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Push gutting?


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Theres something not quite right about that!

genius though - I woud never have come up with the idea of exploding a rabbits guts through its ****!


Definately something im going to try out myself, under experimental conditions of course


How come I have never heard of this before? surely if its a good method we would all have heard of it sooner? I have a feeling that the inside of the rabbit is going to be full of **** where something has burst - he doesnt show you that bit... :yes:

alright for £1 per carcase hawk food though i suppose

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That's a pretty good video IMO. Nice shooting with the .22lr. In skilled hands it really is a great bunny calibre.


Has anyone actually tried this method of gutting? Is it ok for human use or just to lighten them up before feeding to your snakes or ferrets?


That's what I'd like to know, I shoot hundreds of rabbits a year and I've never heard of this!! Will they still be ok to feed to me or the dog??? If they are then I'm def on board.


It might actually make the rabbit easier to skin cos they'll be looser of themselves?? :lol:


Edited by Glensman
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Found this:


Remove the entrails by squeezing.


1.Apply pressure from the bottom of the rib cage while moving your hand down to the rabbit's anus.

2.Repeat this process until you can feel the entrails loosen.

3.Be careful not to burst the bowel or intestine. Doing so will spoil your meat.

4.Spread your legs, and hold the rabbit by the front legs.

5.With the rabbit facing you, flip the rabbit down with moderate pressure.

6.Don't flip the carcass around too hard, or you might be wearing a hat of rabbit entrails.

7.The entrails will exit the rabbit through his anus.

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Id say only do it, if you find you have left your knife at home


you need a really tight grip, otherwise you burst the **** bag :lol:

what actually happens is everything gets force into a rear leg, not the bum hole, continue squeezing and the skin around the foot pops and it comes out, have used this method on a few occassions, not a lover of it, saddle and legs get tainted, even puts me off giving it to the ferts


if you want a quick method of gutting, try watching this, we slowed down the actions, so easier to see, but once practised, you get faster, after lamping we can do 50 rabbits in just under 3 minutes, one person slices and pulls the belly, then next person pulls internals out, leaving liver/kidney etc


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Id say only do it, if you find you have left your knife at home


you need a really tight grip, otherwise you burst the **** bag :sly:

what actually happens is everything gets force into a rear leg, not the bum hole, continue squeezing and the skin around the foot pops and it comes out, have used this method on a few occassions, not a lover of it, saddle and legs get tainted, even puts me off giving it to the ferts


if you want a quick method of gutting, try watching this, we slowed down the actions, so easier to see, but once practised, you get faster, after lamping we can do 50 rabbits in just under 3 minutes, one person slices and pulls the belly, then next person pulls internals out, leaving liver/kidney etc



Stubby your video didn't link right, could you do it again? Cheers.

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I have no sound on this machine so can't tell if you are explaining this as you go so can I ask - when you pull the skin back do you tear it off or leave it hanging , and what part of the guts do you grab to pull them out, and do you not need to free the back end off - just pull and it all comes away?


Cheers, C.

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I did the push last night on 4 rabbits.


the buck was very tuff but went in the end. this morning i skinned them, no good for the butcher but for friends and dogs there fine.

when you squeeze them you will feel a pop, this is the flesh popping, one more squeeze and the skin pops and the insides fall out. one little shake and its all on the ground. very quick and no mess at all but you end up with a big ripped pocket that the butcher will not like so i will only be doing this on rabbits for friends.


I thought i would try it out but back to the knife for me I'm afraid.




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I have no sound on this machine so can't tell if you are explaining this as you go so can I ask - when you pull the skin back do you tear it off or leave it hanging , and what part of the guts do you grab to pull them out, and do you not need to free the back end off - just pull and it all comes away?


Cheers, C.


yes, tear the belly open, leave the flap hanging, this can be removed later when skinning, I normally put them in the freezer with the fur on, seperating them in layers of five with plastic bags, saves them all sticking together


once the belly is open,


simply insert two fingers, one either side of stomach, you'll be able to feel the stomach/throat tube, squeeze fingers together and pull away in a downward motion, everything comes out that you dont want, leaving kidneys and liver intact


although I normally hold the front and rear legs in both hands, bend rabbit backwards, and with a flinging motion, launch the intestines etc into a hole (previously dug) then do the finger bit to remove stomach


whatever way is used, depends on how much of the belly skin is pulled back, if you pull back to rear legs, you can remove all in one go, as per video

Edited by stubby
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I tried the push gutting technique last night and couldnt do it, i did it exactly as he dos on the video. I squeezed until my hands hurt but nothing happened. After that i went back to the knife - 11 rabbits in 3 minutes is good enough for me.

Like I said before - if this was such a brilliant method we would all have been doing it this way already

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