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1000th post


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So here is my 1000th post since joining the forum, I'd just like to say a big thanks to everyone who have answered and helped with my many newbie and silly questions since I joined.


I have learned so much since joining this site which would have taken me years of personal trial and error had I gone it alone, picked up many helpfull hints, tips and advice from some truly great people on here.


Not only is this a great forum but I have made some good friends on here as well.


Thanks to you all :yes:

Edited by Cosd
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I'm not that far behind you either.


Think of it this way, say you spent 30 seconds writing the average reply, that means you've spent 30000 seconds (500 mintues) or a little over 8 hours doing nothing with your life but typing stupid replys.


And you told the misses you where ''too busy'' to do any cleaning.

Edited by Bleeh
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