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Malaria tablet recommendations

Raja Clavata

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I'm off to Kenya at the end of November for a spot of big game fishing. Have all the innoculations sorted out except for malaria...


First time I took malaria tabs (in 1996) it caused me all sorts of gut probs (just ask Evil Elvis) so have not travelled to affected countries for over a decade - probably missed out on quite a lot.


I'm hoping that things have moved on since and the negative effects I experienced previously (on the 1 tab every day and another one once a week) are no longer such a risk.


Please share any experiences you have that might give me some useful insight into which type I should go for this time? Particularly interested in anyone that had issues in the past but have recently had new tabs that weren't so bad.


Thanks very!


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No point in asking on here. Different malaria tabs work in different regions due to different strains of mosquitos/virus or whatever.


You need up to date WHO info from health centre/MASTA. What works in Namibia would possibly be completely useless in Kenya (though the whole of Africa is generally regarded as similar). Still something I would want professional advice on though. :good:

Edited by Chard
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My partner took Lariam whilst working in Nigeria, they were prescribed by his GP in the UK. He absolutely hated them, had nausea a lot, but his main problems were with his sleep, ie horrible, vivid dreams and hallucinations. He disliked the side-effects so much that he stupidly decided to stop taking them, resulting in him contracting malaria which was obviously much worse than a few bad dreams. He was sick for a couple of weeks. Everyone's different though, so the drugs effect people differently.

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Went to Namibia for three weeks in march/april and took malarone. not the cheapest mind but because i was only in the north for three days it meant that i didnt have to take it for the whole trip (only one day before and one week after iirc). Some people did go for other types and had no problems :good: but they were on it for quite a long time i think it was doxycycline or something like that.

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Raja Clavata


Chard is spot on there, but the science behind the tablets has somewhat improved since your last trip in 1996.

I have family members that is in the travel industry that do tours in 9 African country`s and non of them or their clients have complained about side effects from malaria tabs for the last few years.


But saying that, some folks might not take well to them, I know a guy that get headache from paracetamol.


Just make sure you get the right stuff, and in Sub-Saharan Africa the once to watch out for is Plasmodium falciparum is the most dangerous of the four species of human malaria (Plasmodium Falciparum, Plasmodium Vivax, Plasmodium Ovale, and Plasmodium Malariae).

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Malarone. I'm going to Namibia next month and everyone I know swears by them. Not cheap but it the 'next generation' of prophylactics.


what are you going to be doing out there? :P


dont think you catch malaria that way :lol:











:D and yes, i know, heres the definition :good:


1. A prophylactic agent, device, or measure, such as a vaccine or drug.

2. A contraceptive device, especially a condom.

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My partner took Lariam whilst working in Nigeria, they were prescribed by his GP in the UK. He absolutely hated them, had nausea a lot, but his main problems were with his sleep, ie horrible, vivid dreams and hallucinations. He disliked the side-effects so much that he stupidly decided to stop taking them, resulting in him contracting malaria which was obviously much worse than a few bad dreams. He was sick for a couple of weeks. Everyone's different though, so the drugs effect people differently.



I was on larium for 12 months while on rotation in Angola. It was stated by my GP in its early prescription there was cases of people going nutty on it.


It never really worried me as I was already insane for going to work in a country where there was a civil war on and the guy who's job I took had been killed in a roadside ambush....

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what are you going to be doing out there? :D


dont think you catch malaria that way :D



:lol: and yes, i know, heres the definition :good:


1. A prophylactic agent, device, or measure, such as a vaccine or drug.

2. A contraceptive device, especially a condom.



I knew it would get a reaction :P


I'm going to be travelling all over, but will be camping up in the North around Etosha and the Caprivi Strip where there is malaria. Hiring a Land Rover with roof tent for 3 weeks - the kids'll be in there, the wife and I will be on the ground with the snakes and scorpions :D

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Thanks Guys. I am aware of the different strains and need to consult the appropriate professionals accordingly (FWIW I would not settle on what any web based resource, regardless how official, recommended) - what I was really after is insight into folks that had had reactions in the past but more recently taken a different type of tab without negative effects. Sorry if I'd not made that clear.


My taking of malaria tabs the first time was coincident with the onset of digestive problems (never previously had indigestion, bloated gut etc. in my life). It has been enough to put me off visiting such areas for over 10 years.


One of my party went last year and, through the experiences he's had previously with Larium, chose not to take any such tabs at all. As has been shown here probably not a good idea - even if staying at a sea-side hotel and spending most days at sea...


Not the first time I've seen Malarone suggested, will check into it's suitability for Kenya.



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