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They're Back


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Well ,all those worries about "where have all the pigeons gone" have now subsided as the pigeons are now attacking the crops in great numbers.


Went out yesterday again and found a few more flicking in and out of the holes in the barley.(which I had shot yesterday) and we ended up with 112 pigeons.


Thats 2 x 100 bird days in succesion. Farmers were well pleased when I popped in late last night to tell them the good news.


Gotta go out midweek and sort out an invasion of rabbits on a horse farm.


No rest for the wicked. :ernyha::lol::lol: B)


Anybody else having much luck?


Dave K.

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I saw yesterday on laid barley field some pigeons coming in. You would probably laugh about the number i saw but for our country it wasnt bad. The only bad thing is, that it wasnt the land where im allowed to shoot over. :-(


I saw yesterday also ducks late evening coming into laid barley. Never seen that before. I have seen them before only coming into stubbles.


But had yesterday also a good day. My dog killed a second coon. Hard fight, but much more quicker this time. She knows now more how to do it.


Best wishes, Hubertus

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John Hatch, writes articles on pigeon shooting for the magazine sporting shooter. My own opinion is that the chap is a bit of a ****, but at the end of the day he's getting paid to do something that I would love to do. Basically, I dont think that his cap fits!



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You're damn right they're back in numbers. This last week has seen some crazy bags here.


At least the pigeons reappearance might silence that plonker John Hatch from blithering on about "the guides have shot all the pigeons".

With respect the Bloke talks utter twaddle... Some times I read his articles and wonder if he knows what a wood pigeon looks like!!!


The BTO estimate in excess of 8 million breeding pairs of WP in Uk Thats a lot even for Wills' great empire to shoot. :ernyha::lol:



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According to Radio 4 the British Trust for Ornithology says that the UK`s birds are on the increase and that the most common bird is the WOOD PIGEON. :lol:


If they are the most common bird think how much damage would be caused to crops if we didn`t kill thousands of `em every year!!! :ernyha:

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