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midland game fair


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went to the midland game fair today(first time) and can honestly say what a great day it turned out to be

everything was set out well and although a lot of products were quite expensive there where still some bargains to be had you just have to search for them, picked up a nice semi auto falconetti for my lad £150 (good knock about starter gun)

you guys going tomorrow beware we got to junction 12 of the m6 at 8.15 this morning then sat in traffic all the way to weston park( 7 miles ) which took over 40 minutes so i wouldn't advise getting there any later than 8.00-8.30 in the morning

and dont forget the sun cream/hat as the top of my head is on fire

good luck with the bargain hunting :good::rolleyes::good:

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Joe you should have gone the A41 It was clear run all the way thru,the only traffic I met was just outside the gates,only because the stewards were waving on the traffic on the otherside,

@ Badger.22 the cost of getting in was £17 :rolleyes:


Great day out today,well organised, loads of stuff to buy,but just could not afford all the stuff I would have liked :good: .

The falconry arena was a laugh, the guy lost his Gyr Falcon,and it wouldnt come back ...bit comical,it came out the sky,from nowhere like a missile, while they were doing another display.

I'm still not too sure he got it.


I must say though, I was speaking to Mark Bell,who has a pitch,near to the arena ,about ferreting,nice bloke and some great bargains,ferret boxes well made and quite cheap well

worth a look if you need any ferreting stuff.


nearly bought myself a kelly kettle £58 but reckon I can get them cheaper online


what Bargains did anyone get :good:

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We went down on Friday and camped for the weekend. Did not manage to see everything we wanted! There were bargins to be had, but the wallet and the lack of room at home would not allow me to get them all!

For me the real highlight of the show was entering our two 1 year old bitches, which my wife has been training in two of the gundog scurries, they were brilliant! We could not have asked for more from them!

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i went on the Sunday as i find they will drop the prices a bit more on the last day got some good bargains and so did my mate he has never been to this game fair before but he said he will be back next year i still spent the best part of 250quid though :yp: my wife thinks its only hundred though :lol: but all in all a great day out and the weather spot on :yes:

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i like the midland ,much prefer it to the cla , there where bargains to be had,met quite a few members ,wabbitbosher on the basc stand ,had a couple of good nights at the bar ,had a beer with a few mates whilst on the stand ,had a great weekend and made a few new mates .plus buisness on the stall was very very good,we must have had the right products at the right price.derek.ps noticed the police about in numbers ther was a problem i believe with ****** doing their early christmas shopping

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i like the midland ,much prefer it to the cla , there where bargains to be had,met quite a few members ,wabbitbosher on the basc stand ,had a couple of good nights at the bar ,had a beer with a few mates whilst on the stand ,had a great weekend and made a few new mates .plus buisness on the stall was very very good,we must have had the right products at the right price.derek.ps noticed the police about in numbers ther was a problem i believe with ****** doing their early christmas shopping



with regards to the christmas shoppers, a few got chucked out of one stalls i was next to, i dont think they agreed on the price of some of the stuff. I had not seen so many before.


Bought some nice looking Deeks, got them home out the box and gave them some water and a bit of feed. with a bit of luck if the farmers not ploughed i'll be out Fri / Sat to give them a bit of fresh air and see how they compare :yes:


A good day had.really enjoyed it. Even better for saving £65 by not camping.

Edited by Dougy
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What a Great Show


I heard that Loads Christmas shoppers were arrested and removed , the plod were there in force with a mobile CCTV unit "Ready" for anything


Had a couple of visitors to shake my hand (among other things but don’t tell Mrs. Bosher)


Thanks to Derek snr, Magman (How could I forget who you were!!! ), Raja C (look after the badge it'll be worth money in years to come), and to anybody who said ello that I didn’t recognise for taking the time to stop and introduce themselves





ps we enrolled a Record number of members on the stand which was a Very good sign for Shooting


"Safe Shooting"

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What a Great Show


I heard that Loads Christmas shoppers were arrested and removed , the plod were there in force with a mobile CCTV unit "Ready" for anything


Had a couple of visitors to shake my hand (among other things but don’t tell Mrs. Bosher)


Thanks to Derek snr, Magman (How could I forget who you were!!! ), Raja C (look after the badge it'll be worth money in years to come), and to anybody who said ello that I didn’t recognise for taking the time to stop and introduce themselves





ps we enrolled a Record number of members on the stand which was a Very good sign for Shooting


"Safe Shooting"


Thought i saw you - pony tail :hmm: but you were mega bussy :D

plenty ****** & diako's with their shananagans & unwaranted abuse but altogeather a great show :yp: :welcomeani: good to meet Rob & a few others & thanks again to Paul Hart for the hospitality :hmm:

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