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  1. Yep I shoot at the same speed. But you have to be smooooth in panning.
  2. That could be my old knife! why i sold it I shall never know. Excellent knives.
  3. Very nice photos thanks. You got the shutter speed right too for the props. Well done.
  4. I really meant 20/30 miles for me. Not half way to Scotland sorry.
  5. Looks like it's too far even half way for a meet is one and a half hours and that's a lot of fuel sorry
  6. North of course is uphill all the away so not too far. where are you?😃
  7. As title a black powder 45 in excellent condition. Not mint, a few marks, cabinet rash by the looks of it. No dinks or bad scratches. As I am now banned from shooting black powder at my local clay ground and as most of my guns are black powder only I thought I would let this one go. Bore is .45 and gun is smooth bore so can be held on a shotgun licence. Sorry but Its got to be a FTF but I am prepared to travel a bit! Price is a firm £150. No swops please. Location is NG10
  8. Perhaps better to keep it to yourself if you have shotgun or firearms licenses.
  9. There are several good videos of the race. Glad I am too old.
  10. All over now, boat back in harbour. Only two boats in our lads class finished and he and his two crew were treated like hero's last night in the pub. He says the day really was awful. "Just like being in a washing machine."
  11. Tried texting him but I think he is too busy in a pub.
  12. Thanks for that. Very interesting. I only wish I had his memory. My dad did serve on a coaler. Hard to imagine how hard it was. Lot of real men about then. Regards.
  13. Well the race is over but don't yet know the placings, looks as if they all got home safe. Only 180 boats finished out of over 900 entered although some classes were not allowed to race due to the conditions. My lad will be chuffed to bits, as am I.
  14. No I will have a look. I had three brothers fought in the war. One Navy and Russian convoys in a corvette. One getting shot up in the Pacific by the japs. he was on a carrier, and the other one was in Palestine and an RAF engineer My dad was a silly sailor in the first world war. All came home physically unscathed. Paul "at present on his boat" is a retired RAF fast jet pilot. You might say as a family we have done our bit.😄
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