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Who Dunnit

henry d

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Had a bit of a who(or what)dunnit in the spring.Farmer phones me to say a buck is dead in the end rig of one of his fields and wondered if I had wounded and lost one,which I hadn`t but I`d checkit out the next day.This is what I found....(will add more details and pics as we go)any guesses what did the deed?

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Id say if it was a big cat,( like jaguar or leopard) it would take it up a tree and eat the whole lot.

Same for any other big cat, tree dwelling or not, the whole carcase would be or nearly all gone.

Roe are small deer, and it would not take much effort to eat one up.

Would it be shot and left there by irresponsible poachers i wonder and as Nick says, the wild life, badgers foxes ect picking at it after?

Them prints look a bit like old badger prints, which are powerfull enough to drag a carcase of a roe deer aswell.

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It's pretty obvious to me - somebody has tried to shoot it with a 12 bore, but all of the shells were duds, hence the trail of unfired green shells - so they beat the hell out of it with the gun instead....:D


I'm surprised nobody has thought of that one already..:)



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paulos closest yet....there was a fair amount of pins on the barbed wire and neck was broken......so the fence was to blame,now who ate most of the hind leg on the first night, and who ate the front leg and most of the paunch and tried dragging it away from the wood and towards the burn(300m)?.....to be continued...

Edited by henry d
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I sat out over two nights with every firearm available to me as there were 2 separate reports of big cats the previous summer!However the only predator I saw was a fox and it wouldn`t stay in the lamp(I found a den that was scraped out but it wasn`t in use 3-400 yds away)and the buck appeared to have hung itself on the fence by its hind leg,as there was paint and pins on the wire,and died upside down only to be eaten partially one night and dragged a short distance away the next and then another belly full was eaten....Had me worried for a while and I had aspirations of getting a good picture of a big cat!

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Fair enough. Badgers can drag a carcass for 100s of meters, i have witness this on the lamp once when i came across a dead deer one cold january night.

It was a massive badger, i can tell you :devil: , gave me a fright :yp: .

It was a fallow Buck that it was draging, draged it for over at least 300 meters to its set. :devil::devil: .

Edited by Frank
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