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Safe Rifle Handling


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  1. 1. How do you keep your rifle whilst in the field

    • Round chambered, Bolt closed, safety on
    • Unloaded, Bolt closed, safety on
    • Unloaded, Bolt open
    • Other?

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I have voted other as it was blatantly obvious you wouldn't put the way I do it.


I always carry a gun (Rifle or shotgun) with either the mag in and open or loaded and open unless crossing an obstacle and then it is unloaded, mag out and if I am with someone else it will be shown to be clear before passing it across.


In the same way when target shooting when the detail is finished and all shooters have ceased firing the bolt is removed and the rifle is shown to the firer next to you to check it is clear before placing a breech flag in the chamber.


The gun is only made ready to fire when a shot is to be taken.

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As the other thread was removed I will add again. many moons ago on the DSC1 course we were taught to stalk with the round chambered and the safty on, rifle was unloaded when crossing streams / fences or going up and down to high seats. I would find it very difficult to stalk with out the round chambered, most deer at close stalking range will be off at the sound of a bolt closing on a round. even the safty catch can at times spook them. On the other hand I agree with MC that his way is the safest, but I would find it impractible. but good to have the debate


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If someone has the time and inclination they might want look up the BASC guidelines, when we stalked with them in Arran we were clearly told only the lead rifle (we stalked in pairs) was to be carried loaded.

As Doc has said theory and practise are two different things, leaving the bolt at home is the safest thing to do :yes:

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To clarify, I carry mine loaded safety on when on foot, ALWAYS unloaded to climb fences/into a high seat/in a vehicle (unless about to take a shot)


Before we get into the next can of worms, muzzle up...

unless it's raining, then the t8 acts like a funnel :yes:

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Magazine loaded, bolt closed, no round chambered.


Yep, and as doc said, it has cost me deer, but im not comfortable with a round chambered,Im useually with someone and I insist they carry thier gun the same. If im on my own, i have chambered and then put on the safety...strictly on my own. :yes:

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I believe leaving the bolt open in the field to be asking for trouble !!!


If we are talking about stalking / foxing / rabbiting and such like there is the odd twig, grass, rain, dew (if you go out early & late) and at the moment dusty harvest fields to negotiate.

Getting any of that stuff up your spout (in front of a chambered round, if you get that far....could be highly dangerous.


You can tell the pw members that take a gun into the field a mile off.



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I believe leaving the bolt open in the field to be asking for trouble !!!

And having it closed on a round isn't then?

If we are talking about stalking / foxing / rabbiting and such like there is the odd twig, grass, rain, dew (if you go out early & late) and at the moment dusty harvest fields to negotiate.

Getting any of that stuff up your spout (in front of a chambered round, if you get that far....could be highly dangerous.


You can tell the pw members that take a gun into the field a mile off. :yes: :yes: :yes::oops::good::yes:



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With at least 10 replies in support of the "Round chambered, Bolt closed, safety on" method..


The next question is... How many negligent discharge's have you had whilst using this method ?


For me... None, on any of mine or indeed friends rifles.

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With at least 10 replies in support of the "Round chambered, Bolt closed, safety on" method..


The next question is... How many negligent discharge's have you had whilst using this method ?


For me... None, on any of mine or indeed friends rifles.



None, and again friends rifle=none

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I suppose you could tick all the boxes in the poll depending on what you're doing at the time.


If I have a rifle pointed in a safe direction, squeaking-in or sniping bunnies, the gun is ready to fire.


If I'm walking or driving from one area to another, rifle is bolt closed on an empty chamber (Magazine in) and safety on.


If i'm walking about with rifle slung, but expecting a target to pop-up, same as above.


Over obstacles, gun is always unloaded, bolt open. I won't hand a rifle to someone else if the bolt is closed.


I don't do much deer stalking, so the noise of opening and closing of a bolt isn't too much of a problem.

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I've only seen / heard of one ND, and that was from a friends rifle.


Strangley enough it was with the bolt BACK. As he pushed it forward to load one it went off.


Luckily he always safe loads, by pointing it at the floor 1st.

Edited by garyb
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For me... None, on any of mine or indeed friends rifles.

None - ever, but I am extremely fussy who I shoot with.


I have been shot at twice in the same year, once with a shotgun beating, and once with a 30-06 boar shooting :yes:

So my advice would be hang arround with very bad shots your chances of survival are greatly increased.

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