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About tweedledee

  • Birthday 05/08/1976

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  1. Can’t see it being any different other than a pile of hype to sell new guns. I must be getting old now as I love buying older secondhand which just in my opinion feel better
  2. That chap seems to have disappeared. I had been in contact with him a few times. He used to buy and sell a lot of 5500/6500 as they were unusual over there being European spec
  3. I have 2 6500 spotters both 30” one fixed choke and the other multi choke. I’m after a 8500 and a 5500 to match if I can find ones clean enough
  4. Politicians are all pigs of the one litter!!!! Out to screw the working man into the floor. Self serving ***** the lot of them
  5. Go buy one. Every car on the road these days have issues. Keep a few quid to the side. Absolutely the best all rounder out there
  6. Saw one on the road a few hours ago..prompted me to Google them...sorry it I'd be looking half a farm if land for that asking price lol...sorry but the price of vehicles is just getting out of hand
  7. Trump has done more against child trafficking than any other president.....ever wonder why the powers that be don't want him back in office???????
  8. I will take this please...can you pm payment details..thanks
  9. Yep.....all created to create fear and give governments more control over us..
  10. There ain't no great in Britain anymore...our politicians are systematically destroying the strong country we once were
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