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Everything posted by jimdfish

  1. this may belong somewhere else but i have to tell you about my new gadget. went along to lakeland plastics and bought myself a berry picker. simple tool but spent two hours on teggs nose quarry near my house and picked 10 lb of winberries, or bilberries, or whortleberries. superb tool and does exactly was it says it should do. if anyone is picking sloes, brambles, gooseberries or any soft fruit i cannot recommend them enough. bilberry wine and gin for me this year the fish
  2. oh dear god! back in the day I, the Fish would have lowered myself too. i should have known! In fact, I am off work at the mo, the government not letting me on PW as it contains weapons, and on answering the phone to the lady who told me the goss, I said STRING. you cant beat it. but its noo practical! Im thinking dragons den here however. comeone pw. 21st century me up. there must be an app or something. jim p.s i dont even have a mobile so apps are a little alien. apps sound like what you get when you eat too much fruit.
  3. i work for a government dept and as such we are issued smart cards to access our pc,s and the cards mut be removed each time that we leave the terminal. i sometimes forget however and leave it in the machine. demotion and less money beckons are they are cracking down. does anyone know of a device i could attach to the card that would trigger some sort of remote device, say a vibrator of some sort in my pocket when i am more than a couple of metres away? Jim
  4. i was watching passport to pimlico the other day and the fishmonger was trying to woo a woman by offering her a bream. a big old slab! couldnt ever imagine eating one but each to their own as vole said. jim
  5. jimdfish

    yes yes yes

    well done young man but i must post a cautionary tale. i too have a love of canoeing and i also left my wife for woman who shared my river bound passion. however, after a few trips down the river in the depths of winter things started to sour. my new missus was of slight build ansd felt the cold very badly. in lieu of this i built a parraffin stove fibregllassed to the bottom of her canoe that provided a modicum of heat but the proviso was that it must be vented by opening a series of one way valves that not only let out noxious fumes but also let the stove burn. she did not listen however and she sunk in the mouth of the river Tay when the stove overheated and burnt ot the bottom of the boat. she has since left me for the fisherman who scooped her out of the river. A case in point if one were ever needed, that you can not have your kayak and heat it. jim p.s sorry
  6. theory still remains to be proven. not a single bird anywhere today. barren, bereft, empty,not a berloody sausage. jim
  7. i am giving it a go. i have had the owl in the back garden for ages and nowt has landed. jim
  8. aaahh-ha. that would explain it. i have put my spare on trickle feed now. jim
  9. can i safely use an 8 amp charger on a 7a battery or do i need to trickle feed? jim
  10. i am shooting tomorrow and the field 3 down from me is getting hammered. i cannot shhot it however. i am thinking though of putting an eagle decoy in that field to scare the birds up. i have usec it to attract crows in the past but not for scaring. any thoughts? jim
  11. i have a family of geys in the garden. today i sat in my cammo and placed nuts on my fence post. i no longer have squirrels in my garden. 729
  12. sold now. thankyou to all respondents. jim
  13. i have for sale a 12b o/u e rizzini m/c. there is slight marking on the barrels but nothing too serious (barely visible) . the wood is not too bad and the bores and the mech's tightness etc are very good indeed. it is a side plate with nice engraving of game scenes with 26" barrels. perfect starter gun or a nice addition to your cabinet, comes with sleeve. £220 ono . I will post pics soon please mail thefish
  14. jimdfish

    hoy hoy

    Ta lads, nice to see the ol' lads here. I noticed that stuartP had turned into stuart(sit down to pee)P and could not make it out. I suppose with foresight it was always going to happen and with that i wish her well. Not done much shooting this year what with my new job and all but still like to keep my hand in. My old apprentice at the shoot is branching out and has recently bought a new shoot ( fair play him) but as middle age creeps up I am turning into a very lazy fair weather shooter, cyclist, fisherman, take your pick. When I ask myself did I realise that i would rather have mudguards on my bike and if proof of approaching middle age were needed I now prefer to sit down to pee ( not for the same reason as our esteemed mod by the way) especially after a couple of pints in the privacy of my home. Jim
  15. jimdfish

    hoy hoy

    local has shut down, garage been robbed, no bike, no fishing tackle, grilling from the local SOCO as to why so many carts lying loose in garage, feeling low, try PW NICE TO BE BASK, glad some things dont change the fish
  16. this is more grist to the mill unfortunatley about the licensing of "staffies". i have a very soft very small very well bredf staff who is very gentle. i have in the past however argued for the breed and i will continue to do so. these dogs that are now prevalent on the streets are as far detached from the staffie breed as it is as far to be. it is i feel time for licensing as the breed is becoming tarnished and, as this poor childs death proves, the dogs involved are becoming offensive weapons. scum dog owners owning badly bred dogs deserve no sympathy from the fishes corner. dogs are not for fighting anymore. an owner with a true stafford will have no problems with this jdf
  17. rays and his "friend" nudge nudge, wink wink know waht I mean short shorts give me the fear. There is something bone chillingly disturbing about fully grown men wearing such short shorts. I heard max mosely's got a pair. jdf
  18. My new job awards me 22 days in the first year. Fair enough. It also awards me half a day off for the queens birthday, a day off for Maundy Thurday and a bonus christmas award of a day. God bless the civil service says I. The fish
  19. I cannot believe I posted hair instead of hare. mea culpa. well done to all those who have knocked the small minded on the head. The Mop(my dog) will sleep well tonight, as she does every night, with the kids, under the covers, as she has done every night since we got her and will until the kids get sick of her wind or her theirs. JDF
  20. I would still really like some corroborated evidence that this attack, this dismissal by the police and the return to the owner of these miscreant dogs did in fact take place. I have heard ( on here as well as other sites) too many similar tales to believe that this tale is apocraphyl and therefore find it very hard to to believe it. Staffy issue aside, I believe that this story is made up as it seems to have made no headlins where as in the aforementioned "silly season" the press would lap it up. please provide us with a modicum of evidence as to its veracity and I, Jim, shall eat my words and issue an unresevedly heartfelt apology. JDF
  21. jimdfish

    Toodle ooh

    Hoi Hoi Chard, Is Sale really in Cheshire? I say this as someone who really does come from Cheshire. JDF P.S Tongue in cheek
  22. Oh purrleaeeze! Is that the best you have? I have to add aslight codicil to my arguement in the dfense of staffies however. i do not approve of the huge so called american bull terriers that er hugely terriffying. These have nothing whatsoever to do with staffies barring a distant lineage. DID NOT MEAN TO DO IT? Hang your head BFG. Hang down your head in shame. You have made af ish smile. Gooole labrador death attack or similar, then hang down your head etc.
  23. dogmagazine.net/archives/636/baby-killed-by-labrador-puppy-is-named yes they have.
  24. you are tarring all staffies with the same brush! This arguement can and does not hold water. should we ban all fast cars? all drivers under the age of twenty one as they statistically cause more deaths than any other age group? Fresian cattle as they kill more ramblers than most other cattle? Glass pint pots in pubs as they cause more damage than plastic pots? Inner city ethnic groups as statistically they cause a greater proportion of the crime within the catchment area? Handguns to lawfully abiding people? The right to hunt vermin with hounds? The right to course hairs? Why stop at dogs? The landlord of my local ( The Plough, Shaw Heath, Good Food, Good Beer) had his dog put on the local "dangerous dog" register by thpolice recently. A ****zu! go figure, a dog biting someone. Who wouyld have thought I have to doubt the veracity of your claim to be "friends" of these people whose dogs were attacked as it seems the majority of these attacks happen in silly season. My grandma's friends friends neighbour had their poodle eaten whilst eating at an chinese resteraunt and the owner of the dog would only eat microwaved meals afetr this point. Imagine their consternation that when standing to close to the microwave he burned his liver out. What are the chances? Also, who has a dog flap big enough to let labs in? Never mind rogue staffs, they should be worried about the local chavs crawling in and being licked by ever so friendly labs1
  25. jimdfish

    bike decals

    i read with interest LS' post about buying a Bianchi road bike but not liking the colour. I have on the back of this decided to renovate my 80's Puch racer. Powder coating and blasting is costing me 35 quid but I want to know if I can have decals made up to adorn the newly spruced frame. does anyone know where I can have my them made. They are not going to say Puch but probably have "fish racing" or something equally as daft. Any info would be greatfully appreciated. JDF. P.S I had my first Vespa sparayed in Bianchi green that as I remember was called peppermint sea green. Cool as the sea
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