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marlin vs

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Everything posted by marlin vs

  1. Why don't they stay in their own country, and fight for their own country, in saying that they should be allowed come to Britain if they want to.
  2. This might help. http://www.larrywillis.com/22%20Rimfire.html
  3. I prefer the grazers to the older ones, more tender.
  4. You'd get some look's taking that out of the car.
  5. I don't blame you , and so close to getting permission.
  6. marlin vs


    I love it so much I could do damage to myself eating so much.
  7. I was going to buy some but got called away, lucky me.
  8. It's never nice when someone close to you dies, my thought's are with you, try and think of the good times with him, R.I.P.
  9. They don't alway's drop together,give it another week, he'll be alright and still abel to do do the buissness even with just one.
  10. Afriend of mine has one of those bennelli's and is after getting nothing but trouble with it, it's alway's catching the empty cases.
  11. Looked like the cop abusing his position to me, no need for the force he used, he was just waiting for a chance to hit someone.
  12. Thank's for the offer, i'll have a good look around first.
  13. I must have a look and see if the're for sale over here, wouldn't mind trying them.
  14. Only in northern Ireland, not down south.
  15. Nice gun, good luck with it.
  16. €200 a thousand (eley olympic trap 28gr ) we're getting robbed over here.
  17. Lucky ye, the're protected here in Ireland.
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