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About holloway

  • Birthday 19/06/1963

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    shooting fishing reloading

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  1. I see a nation that has more in common with Russia than Ukraine , I think you have said it all now, comrade .we will agree to differ ,hopefully the rest of the world will have more moral fibre.
  2. You haven't answered my question , why ?
  3. I am beginning to find it difficult to separate the USA from Russia now Trump has no morals at all .
  4. Your post depresses me ………..did Putin invade Ukraine yes or no ?
  5. Our own European leaders need to publicly express their honest views on Trump and his government they are as bad as him but none of them will, i have far more respect for Zelensky than any of the rest of them . (although it may well cost himself and his country) Land of the free and home of the brave ,Trump is dragging his country into the gutter.
  6. It shows what is needed 👍manufacturing efficiency and if you don't prepare your in trouble , a lesson that i think Mr Trump is getting us to better understand .
  7. Thats what i am getting at 👍 if you look back on coroners inquests ( and i have gone back as far as 1860 ish )these incidents were happening then but usually with a razor ) its human beings isnt it ?
  8. I use this one sometimes they show sometimes they dont .
  9. These paragraphs have long been forgotten when discussing the reasons for the land lease bill .
  10. I imagine it would be possible to check if there has been an increase in these murders with when these games became commonly used.
  11. can anyone imagine the state of someones mind who can murder there own mother brother and sister then contemplate random school killings ? what a mess 🙁
  12. Taken this from the net this morning 19 year old killed two siblings and mother ,acquired a weapon i presume a shotgun and cartridges with no licence Luton area last year ,tightening laws on us would have had 0 effect on preventing it sadly .
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