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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Good post But even that figure doesn't include all the costs The cost to the legal system for all the court time and legal aid associated with the asylum claims and appeals for one thing The cost to the NHS The cost to the education system None of these secondary costs are included in those figures
  2. Good post In 2004 ten countries were allowed to join. Most were former Eastern Block countries and two more joined in 2007. None of them were anywhere near able to meet the criteria for membership . With the exception perhaps of Poland they still wouldn't There was no discussion it was just done. Nobody that I know has ever explained or justified the reasons for allowing them to join That however destroyed the 'level economic playing field' that was a constitutionally essential part of the EU. After that we had to leave. No matter what the cost of leaving we could not remain
  3. All this talk about the wonderful trading opportunities we had in the EU is largely not true. When we entered the common market all those years ago we were selling more into Europe than we were buying back. Good for us we were making a profit out of being a member By the time we left we were the other way. We were trading at a loss. They were selling a lot more to us than they were buying off us. The problem is that since we left nothing has changed. We are still buying all those goods off the EU
  4. You are lucky it's just bees. We used to get adders in our old garden. The ground was very damp at the bottom and there were frogs. We think the adders were after the frogs.
  5. You also have to take into account the massive amount of building that's going on in London In the London Borough of Harrow alone they have built or are building 1000 new flats on an old sports field, 3000 flats on a 16 acre brown field site and will soon be building another 1000 flats on the site of the old Civic Centre. Plus other smaller developments. This is just one Borough, the same is going on all over London . That's the Thames Water area Who is going to pay for the extra infrastructure to supply water and sewage facilities to all those new homes? The water doesn't just supply itself . We already know the sewage system can't cope now. We talk about how the population is going up and up, mostly through migration. Well this is the cost of that population increase
  6. Germany has come to its senses Holland has come to its senses Sweden now has negative migration Norway has massively strengthened is border Now Poland as well Just a question - if they are not going to Germany, Holland, Sweden, Norway or Poland where are they going to head for? Surely not here?
  7. OMG a granny with an electric disabled buggy in a busy shopping centre is like a weapon of mass destruction
  8. I don't condone what they did but how does an eleven year old end up at a protest in the first place?
  9. I use mine all the time. It saves me a lot of money but you have to make enough journeys to justify the initial cost Also, searching on the Trainline app for the best day and time to travel can make a huge saving because fares vary so much day to day You can pay (say) fifty odd quid for a seat on the ten o'clock train and the next train an hour later the same seat will cost you ten or fifteen quid less
  10. There is a story in the Guardian this morning which says that the Home Office (deliberately?) understated the cost of dealing with the migrants. They put forward a figure of £110 million when the true cost was around £2.6 billion. Rachel Reeves is blaming the last Tory government for everything but I'm not so sure. It's not the Tories that compiles the figures it's the Civil Servants We have seen those senior Home Office Civil Servants wriggling and squirming in front of a Committee recently. I could easily believe anything bad about those deceitful people. Would they have a reason to want to hide the extent of their incompetence? Of course they would. The point is now, will there be an enquiry? Will names be named? Will heads roll? Not a chance
  11. Starmer was the political equivalent of a pigeon decoy. Used to lure the voters in to be shafted later
  12. Them and a lot of other labour undesirables. While Starmer was working very hard at cleaning up the party's public image to make them electable the image he was projecting was a front. Starmer was their Trojan horse
  13. If only that were true. It just goes to show the extent of the misinformation that was flying around the Internet concerning Brexit. The trouble is people believed it
  14. When we were debating brexit we had a few posting on both sides of argument and we had a very lively debate. Sometimes heated but never in agreement. On the subject of the new labour government everyone seems to hold the same view about them
  15. It turns out the French police agreed to PATROL the beaches. The agreement never said anything about stopping the boats while they were doing their patrols We just stupidly thought that one meant they would do the other but apparently it was never actually stated But the gangs have another trick up their sleeves. They make the migrants wade out to the boats Once the migrants are in the water they are out of the jurisdiction of the French police
  16. And I have a very strong suspicion that reset actually means reverse Brexit. He always implied he would but was too evasive to actually put anything in his election manifesto The question is, should my worst fears be confirmed, does he have a right to? Gordon Brown had no mandate to sign the Lisbon Treaty but he did anyway
  17. This^^^ It's never their fault, the left cultivate and then feed a victim culture and generate a sense of injustice.
  18. Isn't it funny how suddenly all these yesterday's men have miraculously come back into the political arena. Blair, Milliband, now Campbell. ? Even Gordon Brown has been giving the odd interview. And why? I ask myself. Do they think we have forgotten? Or that they have somehow redeemed themselves?
  19. Well he is not wrong is he? The present crop of politicians are low grade in the extreme. He is also right when he implies that the opportunities for people with real talent are much greater outside politics. So why put yourself through it? I think he is over simplifying in saying they are leaving because of the treatment they get. I believe they bring a lot of that criticism on themselves. However, because they are low grade they do spend a lot of time going for the person rather the policy.
  20. That's just people exercising their cultural heritage It's up to eight now
  21. But a lot of the people who kept panthers etc as pets (and there were more than anyone realised) turned them loose when the law changed They are still wandering the British countryside now. Another non native invasive species.
  22. Still the problem of people relieving themselves in inappropriate places. There are a lot of drugs being sold at Glastonbury and arrests. You are very unlikely to get mugged though. I don't think even a small percentage if the crimes and assaults committed at Notting Hill ever get reported. The true figure is probably much higher.
  23. This ^^^ There are dozens of unlicensed food sellers but more worrying others are selling home made booze of many different types. I can't imagine another time or place where you would get away with that. As the day draws into the evening the mood changes from very light hearted to heavy and quite frightening
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