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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. Im on the MB Owners forum they are usually very good with sharing information but I think you cannot start a thread till you have replied to ten.
  2. It bugs me even if they do buy fuel. There is a petrol station near me with a Tesco Express attached. I've been stuck behind a car at the pump for ever then the owner comes walzing out with two bags of shopping.
  3. Absolutely right, we started the negotiations on our knees, cap in hand, its no surprise we are in the mess we are now.
  4. Jobo wiped the floor with them and it it was great to watch
  5. I look forward to that too, but I think we will differ on the outcome. Where does your anger come from?
  6. Er Planet Earth last time I looked . Don't need trolls like you to tell me to get a grip , don't take medication so you have lost out there too. Anybody who can't put forward a proper reasoned reply is consigned to the bigot bin so goodbye loser. Wrong and wrong, do I detect a trend in your posts? You have to wait and see
  7. I think Boris's intention is to give the likes of Barnier's chain a F-F- Flipping good yank. Too long Barnier and co have got away with disgracefully bullying Theresa May who, with the best will in the world, was far too soft and far too transparent. Now they are up against somebody with bigger and more shiny boots who will be not only be happy but delighted to call them out. He needs to. Boris's strategy now requires conflict, he needs to be seen to be at war with them, taking the blows but getting back up and fighting the dragons. That's how he will gather support behind him. Barnier and the rest of the EU realise the British love a battle, even more, they love a war. If that doesn't frighten them it should. The EU is basically a bully who imposes its will upon the weak. Lets see how they like it when the tables are turned and they realise we won't be bullied. And they can go whistle
  8. That is exactly what we want! I interpret that as meaning not the pushover the previous PM obviously was in Barnier's eyes
  9. I thought that! She is so 'Student Union' . She is going to be struggling to be taken seriously.
  10. No they use too much power for that
  11. Vince Green


    I'm not sure how much of that is real goods and how much is financial services similarly, with our imports most tables don't take into account labour
  12. Besides which Corbyn couldn't be bothered to get out of bed and go on the election trail, far too much like having to work.
  13. Global warming, or at least climate change, IS a fact, that it is man made is NOT a fact . Humans are only producing about 10% of the CO2, the rest is produced naturally, mostly by rotting down vegetation. There is money to be made by organisations like Greenpeace to keep the pressure on the fossil fuel debate, but, cutting down vast swathes of rainforest so we can have hardwood garden furniture is really closer to the real cause.. The Climategate scandal of a few years back really damaged the credibility of the campaigners case. Scientists were proved to be conspiring to fake the figures, because they were using those figures on lucrative lecture tours in America earning big bucks. But their same figures, although discredited are still being quoted by other campaigners today.
  14. Vince Green


    I can't post a link from this device but if you look up the Rotterdam effect you will find lots of stuff. It can work both ways. Years ago when they were doing the sums to see if the Channel Tunnel was viable to build and operate one of the big projects that was identified was the export of German cars to America. It was a very big business plan. They could transport literally millions of cars a year by rail, through the tunnel at night and up to Liverpool or the Clyde and straight onto ships to America. The saving for the German car manufacturers was very real and it would knock about a week off the journey time. Having all those cars arrive a week earlier was worth a lot of money. The German car manufacturers were all signed up, on board and keen to go. When the Channel Tunnel was built though, the German Government, out of the blue, put a block on the cars being exported through the tunnel because it would have meant Britain got the credit for the exports to the US. They insisted the cars were exported to US through German ports and the German manufacturers had to withdraw from the Channel Tunnel deal. The Channel Tunnel Company (French) nearly went bust, the loss of predicted revenue was huge, its biggest project sabotaged by the German Government. And it was in serious arrears for many years (decades?) People think the EU is all sweetness and light, a wonderful example of co-operation but its still all about dirty tricks and corrupt self serving governments
  15. They are good aren't they? and not too dear now. Mine cost £400 and it can cool the whole flat nicely if you leave it running. A few years back they were over £1000 and not so powerful. Even though it only gets used for a couple of weeks a year its worth it
  16. dead right, those days are long gone. Apart from the massively bad PR it would create I doubt any modern day senior officer would give the order.
  17. Vince Green


    The figure for our exports to EU is significantly overstated by the Rotterdam effect. Goods that we are sending to say Saudi go out in a container from Rotterdam (say). But the Accounting system tracks it as an export from UK to Holland when it goes through Dover and an export from Holland to Saudi when it leaves Rotterdam.
  18. I really don't know but a second vote is not going to cancel the first vote, (as many remainers seem to believe) There is no delete button on history
  19. That idea is nieve in the extreme. The idea of a second vote is delusional, can't you see that? the vote has taken place, you can't turn back time even though you don't like the way it turned out. It would create a constitutional crisis unless remain was not on the second ballot. Since all the people calling for a second vote are really only hoping to subvert the first vote it demonstrates their lack of understanding. The first vote would still stand even if some contrived ballot with loaded options tricked its way through to appear to cast doubt. You cannot set aside the result of the referendum, it happened, it can't be un-happened..
  20. Vince Green


    Older and wiser Gordon, Older and wiser On the subject of Boris, a very good friend of mine was a WO in a mounted regiment in the British Army. He had a saying that the best Cavalry horse in the stables was also the one most likely to kick down the door of its stall from time. Boris is a wild card but he might just be what we need.
  21. The problems start when all those children grow up and there isn't enough good land to support them all. The population of Africa is predicted to quadruple by the end of this century and unless there is some sort of miracle in agriculture most will be heading across the Med in inflatable boats because there wont be many other options for them.
  22. In many (most?) parts of the world a big family is your only security, they will look after you when you get old, chip in with money if you need medical care and defend you against hostile neighbours. And I am not talking about third world countries exclusively either.
  23. absolutely right, but without these handouts Labour would not be able to bribe voters. There is a vast swath of poor voters who will always vote for the promise of money. Gordon Brown got it off to a fine art.
  24. Even with wars and plagues the human population has continued to increase almost exponentially. What follows now is being greatly exacerbated by much greater mobility and the internet telling people you can get a better life if you move to where ever..
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