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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. cranfield, i work in insurance and sort out my own house insurance two problems, firstly the guns/equipment usually isnt covered while its in use, so if you drop your gun when out shooting theyll walk away from a claim (i rang a few of them and thats the answer i got, you might wanmt to look into it). secondly, by claiming of your house insurance it will put the premium sky high (wiping out your household no claims bonus); my thinking is house insurance is essential, gun insurance isnt; if i do have a claim and the gun insurance goes sky high i can just cancel it thanks for the replies anyway everyone
  2. just found this online http://www.guninsurance.co.uk/firearm-shotgun-insurance.cfm now this isnt a thread to bash shooting organisations, ive been thinking about getting my guns insured for a while (since a friend dropped his anschutz 22lr and snapped it in half!), and the house insurance doesnt cover them when theyre being used. havnt had the chance to read it all in great detail, but doesnt look too bad so far anyone ever used them, or have their guns insured elsewhere?
  3. implement a new policy in all restaurants - any kid's misbehaving will be the next nights special, sorted! :welcomeani:
  4. now if only josef fritzl had thought to use that as his defence.... :good: :good: and i have to say my own past experiences of dealing with hunts has led me to change the "h" to a "c", but im not getting into that argument again :(
  5. bit of an update shadow (my pup) got her booster yesterday, the vet examined her and said she seemed fine so gave her her first injection. she's been vomiting from last night, plus not eating much, but seems lively enough. unfortunately sasha (my friends pup from the same litter) died last night at about 8pm, so im getting worried again; im hoping shadow being sick is just a combination of a reaction to the booster and the warm weather, fingers crossed, so ill be keeping a good eye on her this weekend :(
  6. meh. its the nature of things that change happens. it might be an ugly change, it might be a good change, but the world wont stay the same :(
  7. its warm enough over here, too warm nearly, weve given up shooting at the mo and taken up fishing instead, its great - last sunday i spent 7 hours fishing, caught my first ever pike and managed to drink 3 litres of strong cider and a half bottle of vodka while i was out :(
  8. thanks not yet, i will after i know what my own vet thinks, been too busy trying to get everything sorted first. they wont be able to do much though, the last 3 pups in the litter were taken on monday when i was there
  9. ok, been a hectic afternoon. my mate rang, he took his pup into the vet and it seems to be parvo; the vet was eastern european so my mate didnt catch the name, just that its a virus, but the pup was given 3 injections - an antibiotics, an anti nausea and a vitamin/mineral supplment, which seems to be standard treatment for parvo. theyve also been talking about utting his on a drip. the vet reckons theyve probably caught it from the mother, so ive been panicking all afternoon, making dozens of phone calls to try and get this sorted (stuck in work and the vet will be closed by the time i get home). i spoke to my own vet this afternoon, explained whats happened; he doesnt think shadow being sick on wed night was parvo, instead of coming round again she would have just got worse and worse, so either she doesnt have it (though she may have now caught it from her litter mate) or because she's a bigger pup its taking longer to affect her. he wants to see her today so he can examine her and give her the injection against parvo and an antibiotics. im in work so ive managed to get hold of one of my mates to take her down to the vet for me, so fingers crossed
  10. bala sharks, apollo sharks and bigger stuff like that are cool. goldfish are fun too, they grow massive in a tropical tank. i always liked the crayfish as well
  11. can get bisley adjustable butt pads on evilbay, need a good bit of filing down though, which i have yet to do
  12. thats usually the way it works, you may have to wait til the insurance companys fight it out amongst themselves, then when his admit liability youll be able to claim your excess back
  13. yep theyre very useful, especially as you said at the further end of the scale with a 22lr. last boxing day my friend told me he set a few targets out for the rifles at 120 yards and was expecting me to hit them with the 22lr. easy enough, except when i put the range finder on it they were actually at 187 yards
  14. thanks, was afraid it was going to be something like that. havnt heard from him yet to see what the vet has said, fingers crossed
  15. unfortunately yes, same as if a kid runs in front of you my pet hate is people walking into the bar and just asking for a pint, not specifying what, and then looking at you like youve grown 3 heads when you ask them what exactly theyre looking
  16. need some help guys (if possible). my friend and i both got 8 wk old pups from the local pound on monday, rottweiler/lab crosses, both from the same litter. theyd both been wormed but havnt had any vaccinations yet, and the vet is refusing to see them until we have them at least 1 week incase they picked anything up in the pound and spread it among any other animals in the surgery. on wednesday night mine was very lethargic, wouldnt eat or drink and was shivering. she vomited a couple of times, but after an hour sleeping on the sofa she snapped out of it and was running around chewing stuff as usual. yesterday my friends bitch started showing the same symptoms, he wasnt too worried as he thought it was similar to what mine had been like, and would pass, but it hasnt. he's having to force water into the pup using a syringe but she keeps vomiting, also has the runs, is shivering and is extremely lethargic. he's going to ring the vet today but he's afraid they might refuse to see the pup. anyone got any ideas what it might be, and if so what we can do if the vet wont look at them?
  17. waste of money imo; only one i ever found useful was one for a shotgun, shaped like a 12ga shell so fit in the gun like a normal cartridge and shine down the barrel. only time theyre useful is if you want to do the box test on a new scope without firing off any shots, and even then imo a green laser that bolts onto your scope is more useful
  18. i use pump actions, they have all the benefits of a semi (load from beneath, extra shot, dont have to break the gun) but added advantages are you rarely get a jam (and if you do its your own fault!), far easier to maintain, they dont get fussy about different types of ammo, and they dont kick spent shells out as far as a semi - most of mine are usually within 2ft of where im sitting
  19. this is the one im most jealous of!!
  20. all comes down to horses for courses, good work helping out steve, and alpha mule im glad you picked the rifle that suited you, not what suits everyone else! i bought my hmr as the place i was shooting last year was mostly 80yd+ shots - thats not down to lack of field craft (i can leopard crawl with the best of them ) it was down to the lie of the land. but this year ive got new places to clear out, and the ranges are a good bit shorter (40yd+), so ive been taking the 22lr out more than the hmr - typical!
  21. lasers are useless for shooting with, ive gone through 3 if its too close for the scope its probably too close for the laser. bear in mind its usually mounted on top of the scope, so unless the target is exactly at the distance you zeroed the laser at youll shoot above or below. also they do show up in day light, but are very difficult to spot in strong sunlight they do have their uses but imo taking shots using them isnt one
  22. what kind of club do you mean, like a shooting syndicate or a target club?
  23. theres something in the law (i think) that states minimum of 5 pieces of shot under a certain size, think it was to prevent people putting a slug in and a few small pieces of shot. cant remember where i read it, could even have been on my licence
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