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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. i totally agree about the clean kills frenchie, i had a run in with a friend this week over something similar. im not advocating everyone and anyone goes out and starts taking 300 yard pot shots, far from it, if you cant say with 99% certainty (taking into consideration pulled shots, etc) its going to be a kill then you shouldnt be doing it. the first ting that i think about before taking a shot is if ill get a clean kill, and if i dont how quickly will i be able to get to the target and/or get another shot into it. if i cant answer those with "almost certain" and "quickly" i dont take the shot. however i will say plenty of people do have the marksmanship skills to take these kind of shots. add to that its an extremely accurate round, and with plenty of practice, a 200 yard shot on a rabbit shouldnt be a problem. yes, paper shooting isnt the same as live targets, i agree, but thats the only way to practice. something that does help is setting out random targets (coke cans, bottles etc) at different ranges, instead of just a flat paper target. at the moment im limiting my shots to 150 yards on rabbits at most, simple reason is im not confident enough with the gun yet; maybe in time i will up that range, maybe ill decide not to, but if i do itll be with the same rules - almost certain kill, and a quick follow up shot if necessary. as for field craft, well thats up to the individual and i dont think it is part of this argument that keeps being dragged up every 10 mins with hmrs. bear in mind it could easily be argued that no-one needs a centrefire for fox, that they only need to use "proper field craft" to get it into 50 yards then whack it in the head with a .22lr sub
  2. its all down to whatever youre comfortable with - how good a shot you are, and how accurate your equipment is
  3. got given a nice new flag last week, its a mix if the ulster/israeli flag, cant decide whether to hang it on the wall or put it out in place of the usual ulster flag next month :hmm: :hmm:
  4. if you take into consideration the troubles year probably somewhere above the usa
  5. na mate two 12ga mossberg pumps :blink:
  6. cheers cookoff i was thinking of looking into reloading, its going to be a few months before i can afford to though (by the sounds of things ive managed to fry the motherboard in my laptop so need a new one ) al dont be daft, you should know that the white goods season doesnt start til 31st october :blink:
  7. have to say i found the steel shot works great, maybe its just my imagination but it seemed like i didnt need to lead the birds as much, and under 30 yards most hits were an outright kill, no difference between the steel and the lead i know alot of people dont like steel, but im happy enough with it now, its as good (if not a bit better) than lead as long as its kept within sensible ranges just pointing out, i said its as good (if not a bit better). now the reason i say that is it seemed like i didnt need to lead the birds as much as i did with the lead, and if id been using a tighter choke than 1/4 it would have improved the range. also bearing in mind it was 32g no 5 eley grand prix steel i was using (checked it last night), going by the 2 sizes rule it equates to a no 7 lead cartridge which would also explain the problem with ranges over 30 yards, so I'll try steel no 4's next time i buy 12ga ammo. also should point out NI has a far stricter ban on lead than the reast of the uk does (not even allowed to shoot it near river or fields that flood) so for most of my permissions lead isnt an option
  8. frosty jack cider (7.5% and £3.60 for 3 litres ) with blackcurrent, though admittedly this choice is due to drinking 4 litres of vodka last week during my week off, so 1) being broke and 2) feeling like i need a new liver
  9. hmm ill have to recheck, nearly sure it was eley game bore or something (pain in the *** only being able to use work pc at the mo )
  10. would have posted this up at the weekend but my laptops on the blink a couple of us went out decoying crows last week, due to all the talk over steel lately i decided to put it to the test, so i took a mixture of steel shot (eley 5's) and lead (a few 28g 7.5's and 32g 6's) just to compare the two; walking around the fields id normally carry 32g 6's, but shooting around farm buildings and decoying i use 7.5's, as the range is usually 30 yards or under. anyway long story short was using the mossberg 500 with 1/4 choke in it, in 3 hours on monday we picked up 60 crows (we lost a few in hedges, etc) and 3 pigeons for about 130 shots, and 6 hours on thursday we got 40 crows (bit of a slower day). have to say i found the steel shot works great, maybe its just my imagination but it seemed like i didnt need to lead the birds as much, and under 30 yards most hits were an outright kill, no difference between the steel and the lead. but i did find that any that were further out, even though i seemed to be able to knock them down easier with the steel than with the lead, werent all clean kills, had a couple that were knocked out of the sky but got up and started running about til they got a 2nd (or 3rd) shot into them. i know alot of people dont like steel, but im happy enough with it now, its as good (if not a bit better) than lead as long as its kept within sensible ranges
  11. has the debate been recorded yet?
  12. different tools for different fools when i got my hmr i thought id never look at the 10/22 again, that lasted about 2 weeks
  13. i wasnt really having a go at the round, more about the weapon, i can still remember being handed a tube of superglue and an elastic band whilst on excercise with the cadets years ago incase i broke something on the 80
  14. what, for self defence from foxes?!
  15. have to admit i was quite surprised at the states labour have got us into previousley, i cant understand it, all those wonderful socialist ideas and policies worked so well in russia and the ussr
  16. keep the 22lr, always useful. i thought the same when i got the hmr, ill never need the 10/22 again, that honeymoon period lasted about 2 weeks
  17. i regulary sit in the back garden at the patio table cleaning the guns, glass of vodka and red bull in my hand - and the police station is only 20 yards away from me when i do it
  18. now whats that supposed to mean?! dammit now i have someone else to block pm's from, and i like nick too :blink: good luck nick
  19. it was a joke, you know, french collaborating
  20. na i is perfetly sober just sneakd into my mate garden of his new flat, his housewarmin party last nite, hung a few durex on the washin line, told me last nite his gfs mum and da comin over 1st thing mondy morin to help sort out the garden... :lol: :blink:
  21. taday you meen! na i wont, gf here to get mi bananana yazoo and make me a fry, il be ok
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