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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. i know mate, that pic is off my two mossys (though i sold the synthetics at the start of the year) midayuk and ebay is where i got them :o :o
  2. my friend just rang, his uncle is giving up shooting so sold his .22lr and 12 ga beretta semi into one of the local gunshops. they gave him £150 for the lot, £100 for the shotgun, £50 for the rifle. he was more then happy enough with the money as he just wanted rid of his guns, but instead of giving some of us first refusal he handed them straight into the gunshop :o i was saying last night i want to get a cheap semi or s/s as one of the mossbergs needs a new firing pin, so think were going to go down later to see how much theyve jacked the price up by :o just my typical luck!
  3. mossberg 600at on the right, 500a on the left. 500 and 600 are basically the same gun, just made in a different factory, the synthetic stocks fit both guns :o only thing ill remind you is that the safety is on the top, very awkward to get to with your thumb on your firing hand if you have a pistol grip fitted, means you have to either mess about and let go of the pistol grip or use the hand you rack the slide with :o
  4. only time theres ever been trouble in this house with mice/rats is when theres been no cat. even if theyre not the mouse catching type i think the mice can smell them and stay away
  5. think youre talking about bump firing it, where you keep the trigger depressed and every time you rack it it fires. doesnt work on my mossbergs (i think) but i remember reading in a magazine somewhere about a wild west style/reproduction shotgun (norica?) that its supposed to work with :o
  6. yeah ive got one of each, a 500a and a newhaven 600at. not an awful lof of difference tbh, both have fibre optic foresights and 2nd bead halfway down the top rib, both multichoke, etc, most parts are interchangeable too. the 600 had a slightly slimmer and darker stock than the 500, but thats about it really; the firing pins gone in the 600, sometimes it fires, sometimes it doesnt so ill be changing it later in the year; would have changed it in january but i bought a hmr instead
  7. my benelli montefeltro s/a used to kick like hell, but the mossberg p/a is far heavier and recoil is well reduced, even with buckshot. with pump actions you either have it or you dont. last year i took down 3 pigeons for 3 shots and regularly take down pairs, also never had a problem at clays (as one or two members on here will confirm), in fact having to pump the second (or third) shot in forces you to slow down and make sure youve got the target acquired, it stops you just pulling the trigger a few times and emptying the gun and definitely improved my hit ratios i've said this before and ill say it again, the biggest threat to shooting we have is not anti's or government do gooders, its ill informed idiots spouting tosh from within our own ranks. if you dont like pump actions, fine, dont use them. if you dont like tweed, fine, dont wear it. if you dont like something that someone else does, well fine (as long as its legal), you go do your own thing and let them get on with theirs. simples
  8. last time i had tequila i got my head shaved at 2am on a saturday morning, then crawled into work at 9am
  9. Ozzy Fudd

    Do I have OCD ?

    no dont worry, youre just a gimp :yes: B)
  10. meh. worlds going to hell. stock up on supplies and enjoy the light show
  11. have the chickens and geese been crossbred? if so, are they called Cheese? already wearing my coat...
  12. horses for courses, same as cars - if you want something expensive go for it would i buy an expensive gun? rifle yes, shotgun no chance. my shotguns get alot of use and abuse, id be crying if i scraped or dinged a £1000+ gun. when i got my old s/s done up, got it reblued, few dings taken out, etc, cost over £200. first day out i dropped it, put two dents on the side and several large scrapes never again B)
  13. sorry i really shouldnt come on here with a hangover, not making myself clear; i meant that if theyre ok then a hmr should be ok too
  14. i remember seeing on tv people pegging skin out so birds, etc, would eat the fat off the inside
  15. yep GUIDELINES, not law. also what does suitability mean? it says .223 isnt suitable for rabbits, its hardly due to it not being powerful enough! ps if you look at the rimfire section it says .17 remington and .22 hornet ARE suitable for foxes, so surely that means hmr is suitable as well and that firearms dept's are actually ignoring the guidelines and making and up their own rules if they refuse to give it to you...
  16. ive had both my pumps nearly 18 months now, i think theyve both been stripped own about 3 times :lol: ps one thing to note, having to rack the slide stops you getting trigger happy and forces you to slow down, gives you time to properly reacquire the target - my hit ratio definitely improved when i got one
  17. at least youll be keeping him locked up, we let our terrorists out then voted them into government
  18. saw a black steyr aug in the gunshop last week, only £790, sorely tempted but need to upgrade one of the shotguns first :blink:
  19. i just keep mine on vibrate all the time :blink:
  20. one of the farmers i shoot for has something that looks like a muck spreader but he loads silage and nuts into the top, it mixes it up and spits it out the side into the cattle troughs in the barn
  21. i wear lightweight camo, a soldier 95/2000 shirt and 95/2000 trousers, army surplus (can never remeber if theyre the 95 style or the 2000 style :blink:)
  22. so again it comes down to individual dept's :blink:
  23. and it says 22lr is ok out to about 50 yards with a clean headshot. interesting... :blink: thing is though that link is only guidance by basc, not law
  24. which list would this be kdubya? when two feo's interviewed me about getting my hmr in march they told me the psni have no official position on fox calibres; i told them i wanted an hmr for rabbits and foxes and there was no problem with it. also my licence has always just said "for sporting purpose and vermin control", it doesnt specify individual quarry, and i've yet to see a northern ireland fac that does, they all seem to have the same wording :blink:
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