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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. i has a weeek off work. i on vdka and yaegr bombs since fri night
  2. duh rereaad it, evn if it just for tha fact it took me 10 min to write it witoutmistakes!
  3. Germany has won the Eurovision song contest, a singer called Lena won with a song titled "Satellite" A spokesman has announced that France are going to collaborate with Germany to win next year's title as well... :blink: editted to ponit out th ******* joke!
  4. wonder if theyll swap it for my hmr
  5. can someone scan and email me a copy?! :unsure:
  6. BLOODY TYPICAL! i get chased around by humourless riot cops for knocking on the door of a landrover in derry when drunk (after the paint scheme got changhed from battleship gray to white with yellow stripes) and asking for a 99 with raspberry sauce, yet when it suits them they live up to the ice cream van image! ITS NOT FAIR!! :good:
  7. barrels up, easy enough to get a new stock for a mossberg 500 ps what do you do if youve got a synthetic stock...
  8. is this the right grassy knoll??
  9. :hmm: so thats the basis of your argument is it? me and my mates mucking about during a days shooting? your arguments just get better and better poontang, but bearing in mind i wasnt actually sat at a keyboard when that pic was taken then the argument that im a keyboard warrior doesnt really work too well ya **** :o oh here we go, the old "you dont know me, you know nothing about me, i was ex sas and took out 50 north vietnamese with and old flintlock musket loaded with cherry pips so dont get clever with me sonny jim ill kick your *** like i did atilla the huns" :( yes, i dont know you, and you dont know me, and im sorry if me being clever is going right over your head... but i really have to laugh at the idiocy in this - Surely it's better for them to give basic first aid training and supplies so they can concentrate on civilian casualties and free up beds in British field hospitals? yes, thats right, while were at it why not give them body armour too, so they dont even get to the hospitals in the first place, and while were at that give them better guns, so that we can fill the hospitals up with british soldiers instead right, im away to the pub, have fun lads
  10. well done poontang, only took me to post the same thing 3 times for you to almost understand what i was saying, you must be having a good day today i dont give two hoots who they work with or what they view each party as, this is the simple answer providing medical treatment to ALL parties in a warzone = impartiality getting involved and actually training them and giving them supplies = taking sides, NOT impartiality. maybe its just the fact that ive had/have friends/family serving out there that annoys me, but perhaps youd like to really think about my point before you try to be a **** again, especially with the amount of current/ex forces members on this site who've had to fight against these guys and arent just keyboard warriors who dust the odd clay
  11. aiding = to provide support for or relief to abetting = to encourage, support, or countenance by aid or approval, usually in wrongdoing courtesy of the dictionary, so by providing medical training and medical supplies they are aiding and abetting the taliban, THATS how i worked it out. as for the geneva convention, i didnt think the taliban were fighting under the terms of it? anyway as for not taking sides, as ive said in every post, grab the wounded, pick up the bits and sew them back together, thats fine, I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THAT, thats what the red cross do! BUT training and providing medical supplies to insurgents who are trying to kill British troops isnt on imo, doesnt seem very impartial to me. going by the posts here i suppose most of you guys must support NORAID as well...
  12. yes, i have been thinking, and if you'll look at my intitial post youll see i said i have no problem with them giving aid to injured fighters, HOWEVER i do not like the fact they are training them and giving them medical supplies, which id say opens up a can of worms when it comes to aiding and abbetting alqueda/taliban?? perhaps youd better engage that brain today mung, bit slow on the uptake.... read the above, patching up not a problem, but training and supplying is not on in my book
  13. after zeroing the 22 recently i wasted 40 rounds sniping dandilions growing on a bank
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/10161136.stm i dont mind treating them, but training them in first aid and giving them medical supplies?!
  15. nope not a dig, an observation, youre more than likely going to get the blame in a situation like that - i know i would
  16. in the words of the big colonial... HELL YEAH!! :rolleyes:
  17. count me in for the holiday as a side note, i wonder if thats what heaven looks like when you die?
  18. simple - who's to say the op wouldnt get the blame for it, bit convenient isnt it, "i found this when i was out shooting. its been shot. but it wasnt me. honest..."
  19. get over it, the guy has different tastes in firearms to you, big deal
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