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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. simple - who's to say the op wouldnt get the blame for it, bit convenient isnt it, "i found this when i was out shooting. its been shot. but it wasnt me. honest..."
  2. get over it, the guy has different tastes in firearms to you, big deal
  3. i saw a boar taking five 7.62 shots from an sks before it finally went down, so personally i'd go for as big a calibre as you can get/afford
  4. hows that then? surely unless it specifies .22lr or .22wmr then you could take either, as theyre both .22 rimfires?
  5. ok im stumped, enlarged the pic and looks like a safety catch on the rear of the trigger guard and a slide release to the front left, cant see the markings
  6. insuring his car in your name (unless its all been declared up front and been accepted) is known in insurance terms as fronting, which is basically fraud. hope you dont get caught, last guy i knew who did get caught at it ended up with a conviction and was left footing the bill for £40,000 worth of personal injuries from the accident he caused...
  7. ok quick question, it looks like a mossberg... whats stamped under the receiver, the bit between the feed ramp and the mag? (if anything) looks nice
  8. is it not just a shortened mossberg 500/590?
  9. tickets? what tickets? cant you just pay at the gate?
  10. the problem was we just couldnt hit them, one actually ran in from 100 yards to 50 yards when i was shooting at it, looked like it was saying "hold on, ill make things easier for you, can you hit me now??" (and the answer was no, i cant ) its a zos, never any problems before. i'd wager money its the scope mounts but ill know for definite next week
  11. SUPPOSED to be going on sunday now, depends on how well we sober up after saturday night, take it everyone will be in the beer tent?
  12. take it you dont clean your shotgun in the garden then?
  13. i cleaned it a week ago, there was only 20 rounds through it before last night might have been the scope mounts so i changed them last night, im off work next week so going to be doing some serious practice
  14. well everyone usually posts up about the great nights theyve had, so thought id tell you about the woeful one i just had went out shooting with one of my friends, both of us needed a night out away from the house. i took the hmr, he took a 12ga, thought we'd have all eventualities covered first place we got to had 5 or 6 rabbits sitting out in plain view 260 yards down the field. perfect we thought, sneak down 100 yards or so and pick them off with the hmr, lets just have a smoke first... just as we dropped the cigarettes the wind picked up, occasional gusts up to 10mph i reckoned. didnt write the evening off, just thought we'd get stick to a limit of 100 yards max and take chest shots, aiming off a bit for the wind and only shooting when the wind was low. seemed like a good idea, but for 8 shots i accounted for one rabbit. so then i let my mate take the lead with his shotgun, and he didnt do much better. crawled to within 25 yards of 3 rabbits bunched together, took aim without them seeing him, unleashed both barrels, then watched 3 bobbing tails disappear off down the field without a mark on them at this point i lifted an old bucket and checked the zero at 100 yards, by this time the wind had died down to a very (very) light breeze, started to check my zero and realised i was about a foot out to the left. dont know how as the gun wasnt knocked or dropped, and was dead on last thursday night. spent 20 minutes chasing rounds around before nearly chucking the hmr over the hedge, so i came home for the good old reliable ruger, which never lets me down have to admit the ruger didnt let me down, but a combination of poor shooting and super tough rabbits meant we only got one more, which wasnt even fit for the bag as it had been hit twice with the 22 and once with a 12ga. called it a night and came home, after spending 20 minutes calling a fox - which turned out to be a cat you know, sometimes i REALLY ******* hate shooting
  15. Ozzy Fudd

    Papal visit

    not the same, the pope is the leader of the church, theres no heirarchy in atheism
  16. Ozzy Fudd

    Papal visit

    compensation and the overtime bill for the riot squad
  17. Ozzy Fudd

    Papal visit

    he's moved into heavy metal now
  18. though if you dont think a 22lr is more fun you should try a semi auto with a 30 round magazine good shooting anyway, ill be heading out tonight, though i cant decide whether to take the 17hmr or the 22lr though i wont argue nothing bowls them over like the hmr, and its a nice change not having to worry about holdover
  19. Ozzy Fudd

    Papal visit

    that just reminds me of the song
  20. look at it this way, over population wouldnt be a problem, as far longer lives would mean we could finally expand out into the rest of the universe and you never know, if that doesnt work they might invent a zombie plague to thin the numbers... now wouldnt that be fun!!
  21. one thing no one seems to think of is what happens if you lose your sgc/fac when youre out? if the wrong person finds it they have an instant list of your guns AND your address (in NI anyway). at least with a photocopy you can blank out your address, id rather the cops lift my guns and i get them back the next day by going to the station with my licence than someone break into the house and take them
  22. are chinooks in season? what size of cartridge did you use to take it down?
  23. was plannin on it but lots goin on at mo, will know end of week
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