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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. over here fox hunting is still legal, sorry i may have been misleading in one of my replies apparantly because hounds are working dogs they are classed as being under control as long as someone from the hunt is in the same field as them. this is different from a domestic pet, which if off a lead is classed as being not under control, no matter what. the problem that this particular hunt have is not a PR problem, its a **** problem, the **** in question being the huntmaster. quick qeustion for those who would know - how often do hunts "lose" hounds in an area that theyve been through? and how often would they leave the stray hounds roaming the area til residents called them to pick the hound up?
  2. this is a first hand experience mate, happened in february 2007. i was off work with a broken ankle, i had the cast off about 6 weeks but was still walking with a crutch due to ligament/tendon damage. i was living at the ex's house which is only a couple of miles from jerretspass, where the terrier was killed. anyway the house was surrounded by her and her uncles land, some was rented to a local farmer and some was kept for our own use. we'd had trouble with dogs killing sheep, one tuesday afternoon i was sitting in front of the tv when i heard dogs barking in the field behind the house, which had about a dozen pregnant ewes in it. i grabbed a 12ga and a few buckshot shells and ran/hobbled as quick as i could into the field behind the house. when i got in i was presented with 30 arrogant ****'s charging about the place on horseback as if they owned it (which was doing the wet ground no favours) while several of the hunt followers on foot were trying to drag some of the hounds away from the ewes. this could turn into a long story, so to summarise i shouted at them to clear off and was ignored (some even turned their horses away from me), then the hunt master (who is actually my aunts - sisters - brother in law ) came over and started spouting that they had a right to be here, etc etc. i explained that they didnt have permission, he wasnt happy with this, then i said about the hounds chasing the sheep, he replied "oh they wouldnt touch them" while 50 yards away a hound was literally being dragged of the back of a ewe by someone. after a few more words he started rearing his horse in front of me, either to intimidate or kick me, i dont know which. im not going to say what happened next, but lets just say he saw that course of action as being futile and left, leaving me to check over the sheep (two of which aborted due to this happening) as a kid i can remember going every boxing day to see the hunt near sheepbridge (outside newry) and i was against the fox hunting ban, but after having to deal with these clowns (and this being only one example) i think most people could understand why im not a fan of it anymore ps as for shooting the hounds the police told me as long as there was a member of the hunt in the same field as them they were classed as being under control, even if they were running amok. shooting one would have lost me my FAC. i was told the best course of action, which sickens me, is to let the hunt get on with it then claim off them for any damage caused.
  3. exactly i have a pretty good idea how i want/need it set up, but dont want to do anything permament until im 100% sure
  4. no i cheated i had a spare plastic weaver rail, so i screwed the sling stud out of the stock, put the rail on and then used an old stud (which was longer) to go through the middle of the rail into the predrilled hole, then just twisted it in tight - happy days
  5. cheers, ill take a look at them, are they much lighter? though i didnt think the trigger was too bad... also got a grip fitted under the rear of the stock tonight (see why here) and its really steadied everything up, cant wait to get out on saturday now
  6. youd also think theyd be trained not to go for sheep
  7. newry harriers are the hunt that i had trouble with in the past. in the article it just says "in the fields", doesnt say whos fields so who says the kids were in the wrong? and after having to explain to certain members of the harriers what i meant by "you dont have ******* permission to be on my land so **** off, and get those ******* hounds away from my sheep" i wouldnt be so quick to assume the hunt had permission to be there either...
  8. this could be the problem, dont clean so much failing that, sounds like it might be the scope then again my guns only had about 50 rounds through it so im no expert!
  9. it was an ordinary mineral water bottle mate, boiler room shot, the impact catapulted it about 10 feet away from where it had been sitting, funny thing too was the cap blew off and the side split with the change in pressure. i cant see myself using the 10/22 as much anymore either, i put the moderator on it yesterday and was using cci subs (700ish fps), it was quieter than an air rifle, so itll be handy in one or two areas i shoot, but mostly itll be the hmr. just need to get it screw cut and get the moderator on it before i go deaf
  10. thanks mate, knew there should be something out there :look: :yp:
  11. not that we ever need an excuse :look: on my 4th bottle of lucozade now, bed early tonight... :yp:
  12. i need a fore grip for my rifle, something like this BUT!! theres a reason for this, im not going all tactically tactical here... im going to fit it under the rear of the hmr stock, when shooting prone i rest the gun on the bipod and support the rear of the stock with my left hand (anyone whos used an LSW will be familiar with what im talking about), i find its more comfortable and gives a more stable firing platform. now i did this with the 10/22 by screwing a small weaver rail onto the bottom of the stock, but i dont want to do that yet with the hmr, because the stocks arent as cheap and easy to come across as 10/22 stocks are if i mess up :yp: so, i either need some sort of adaptor that fits onto a sling swivel stud (like bipods do) and has a 20mm rail on it so i can use one of the standard type rail grips, or i need a grip that will clamp directly onto the sling stud on the stock. ive spent ages searching ebay and got nothing, apart from wondering why anyone would want a tan coloured grip for their gun can anyone help? any ideas even?? ps heres a pic of an LSW so you can see what i mean about the grip at the rear :look:
  13. thanks guys, so far its only strange thing its been used on was a full water bottle (which exploded nicely at 150 yards i must say :look:) i sat down last night and heighened the stock up, so my eyes in perfect position for the scope, i always reckon youve got enough to worry about holding the cross hairs on the target without having to wiggle your head about to get it in the right position too. next thing ill do is put a butt extension on as i think its a bit short for me, so as soon as ive done that today/tomorrow ill take it out again on saturday to make sure its all working ok and do a bit more practice, and probably bag a few more bunnies when im done :yp:
  14. anyone else sufferin after yesterday? :yp: :look:
  15. cheers mate, surprisingly it didnt take that many, only one box of 50, and of that it took about 30 to get her zeroed out to 150 yards, then i let richie and his dad finish the rest of the box - im always using their .223 and went to their house to get zeroed in, so i thought id better let them have a few shots :yp: :look:
  16. without the mod on its quieter than the .223 with the mod on, but still makes one hell of a boom - should have took a shot when i was on the phone to you :yp:
  17. yep, totally proficient, but its a few years since i used a bolt action. still, got my first kill today at about 130 yards with onet shot, so must be doing something right.... :look:
  18. took the marlin 17hmr out today to get it zeroed, wow am i impressed! i used a roll of wallpaper and put a cross of insulating tape on it as an aim point, id had a couple of shots to get the barrel dirtied a bit, and thought it was shooting to the right. so i set up at 60 yards, and the first group of 5 shots was about 10" right and 8" high, but the group size itself was only about an inch - not bad for the first attempt! when i got zeroed onto the target i moved back to 100 yards for some fine tuning, after a few minor adjustments i was putting the rounds exactly where i wanted, dead centre of the cross's so then i moved back to 150 yards and hung a few midi clays on nails, just to test myself as i very rarely shoot at that range with the .22lr. i coudlnt believe it, i smashed everyone of them with only about 2" of drop after that i took a walk around my uncles fields, he's been dropping hints lately about rabbits, saw 5 when i got there, about 200 yards, but didnt want to take the chance, crept forward to 150 yards but couldnt get a clear shot, so crept up to 130 and settled down. put the crosshairs on the chest (didnt want to chance a headshot) and squeezed the trigger... and got my first kill when i checked the rabbit the skin on its face was bare and its eyes looked very gummy/goopy, like mixy, so i reckon i did it a favour. if mixy is in the area the rifle didnt come a moment too soon. ive a few things i need to do, heighten the comb for starters, and get the barrel screw cut so i can use the moderator, but so far im very impressed with it
  19. i already had an oops, spent 20 mins earlier building the comb up to it fits my eye perfectly for the scope - then i realised i couldnt get the bolt out, so had to take it all off again ah well, itll take a few months til i have it the way i want it
  20. youre right tweedledee it is, just ignore him lads, he's not worth it. anyway managed to get the gun this afternoon, so i got the scope and bipod on, gonna give the gun a clean and check over and practice moving the bolt (the 10/22 spoilt me a bit...) picked up 100 rounds of federal v shok as well for it, anyone know if theyre much good? they work out at £12 a box in my local place, but the guy gave me the two boxes for £20 as i was buying the gun, so happy days should get a good bit of shooting done tomorrow (even if it rains) so apologies now for all the daft questions ill probably have to ask over the next few weeks
  21. pav are you self employed? if you are it should be easy enough to get them done as a commercial vehicle (though about half of insurers wont do them)
  22. would you ever wind your neck in and stop being a **** you dont like me and dont agree with things i do, big deal, get a life and leave it alone. you wanted confirmation from someone that knows me that im a sound and sensible character when it comes to guns, we'll steves shot with me a couple of times, so there you go, i can also get mayfly to answer you as well if you really want. FYI im 26 years old, i shot my first air rifle aged 7 and my first shotgun aged 8. in the years since i have been a qualified weapons handling tutor and a range instructor with the cadets, teaching and supervising literally hundreds of new shooters without incident. ive shot on more military ranges (with calibres ranging from .22lr to 7.62) as a member of the rifle competition team than i care to mention, and i have also won more prizes than i can be bothered going into. when i got my own "civilian" weapons i received two 12ga's and a .22lr on my first licence, aged 21. the feo told me that it was the first time he'd seen someone so young get so much on their 1st licence, but i had argued my case, shown i had the knowledge and had plenty of referrees (military and civilian) to back up every word i said. now, as far as i can see, youre an idiot who lives near belfast, a decent enough clay shot, ill grant you (aa isnt it micky??), but so far in your time here youve done nothing except try to annoy people, although i must admit quite a few of us were shocked when you admitted that you didnt know what a general licence was... its funny, people have told me when they met you youve been quite a pleasant guy. so are you a keyboard warrior? too afraid to say anything in real life? or does a computer screen just affect your brain?
  23. thanks everyone, rang daystate and they told me the mod would definitely not work on a 22lr or 17hmr nipped back to the shop and got it changed for a wildcat (?), not too worried about the type but i made sure its got 22lr / 17hmr stamped on the side thanks!
  24. yep sorry should have said, carbon fibre
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