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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. hardboiled eggs? havnt done that in years
  2. im tempted to buy a few chocolate rabbits and hide them in the fields, should be a laugh when we go shooting on saturday
  3. my place had a heavy frost this morning, plenty of ice about too
  4. i was abducted by aliens last night they abducted me, put a mind control ray on me and forced me to drink vodka and run rampant on facebook. thats my excuse anyway...
  5. whys that then? thought there was anestle factory somewhere in the north here anyway i think next year instead of easter eggs ill be giving easter bunny's to everyone, courtesy of mr ruger and mr marlin... :blink:
  6. as long as youre 18... :blink:
  7. come to my pub lads, ill give any of you a free pint of the muck black stuff anytime
  8. sprayed a 10/22 stock lately, matt black. looks ok, just make sure you varnich it well afetrwards (i used yacht varnish), makes it a bit more durable but its not invulnerable, scraped on a gate/stone, etc, and youll have big scratches in it dont know about checkering, id assume if you used a thin enough coat of paint youd still be able to see it but the varnish would defo cover it
  9. WHERE?! spent £25 on 6 eggs today, 3 small ones, 2 medium ones and a large one (for her), rip off for a few bits of chocolate but...
  10. better get the popcorn for this one :blink: bolts - simple to use, simple to clean, slightly more accurate than a semi semi's - can be a pain in the ***, but when you find ammo they like youre onto a winner, quick second shot can be a godsend at times. also lots of fun
  11. :no: nope. why should i be? as i said, bothered = annoyed and irritated. theres plenty of things in life that i dont agree with, but if i let them all bother me i'd have a stroke, or at least a bad case of high blood pressure
  12. i rarely wear a watch now, i just check the time on my mobile if necessary
  13. best day i find in the rain is sitting in a barn taking anything trying to come in for shelter
  14. thanks if you read the title it says "IS ANYBODY BOTHERED, Lead shot ban" so i answered a simple question - no, i am not bothered, assuming that bothered means its annoying and irritating me. now if the title had read "do you support a ban on lead shot" i would have replied no, as i dont agree with it. now, would you like a ladder to get down of that horse or would you prefer to jump??
  15. a few farmers have had me hang them up after being shot, seems to work.
  16. not really bothered. my guns can take steel ok, in fact ive been using it quite a bit lately.
  17. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20100331/tod-st...er-870a197.html
  18. found my dads .44 smith and wesson behind the sofa when i was 3, loved guns ever since
  19. never mind that, the idiot actually bought a mini?! i remember when my ex brought a cooper s home, i demonstrated the (lack of) build quality quite well that night
  20. not sure mate, i work in the broker end of our group (its not the quinn group btw), if youre interested i can find out who you'd need to talk to?
  21. why not do it the other way around then - look for work from farmers, then once your in mention shooting...
  22. dont worry mate im not knocking it, everyone has their own preferences all i meant was if you had a sgc it would possibly open up a few more doors for you, as at the mo youre limiting yourself to one type of shooting. one area i shoot on i only got because the farmer had a major problem with crows and needed them cleared from around barns, because of that i also got another place that needed cleared of rabbits, so the 10/22 came in handy
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