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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. wish i was going, i want a badge with my avatar on it
  2. one night when i was walking arnie, a girl walked up to me and asked if he was a dog? i replied "no, he's a ******* donkey" and walked on admittedly i didnt realise until later that she possibly meant if he was a dog or a bitch but she wasnt good looking anyway, so it doesnt matter
  3. dont be daft,, they didnt mention shine or confederate flags anywhere in that thread!
  4. bout time you got back on here mate! na havnt seen it, but i did see zombieland last night, its hilarious
  5. everyone thinks insurance is the answer to everything, when in fact its the cause of most problems - its been argued that this whole health and safety culture came about not because people actually cared about being hurt, but because insurers were trying to cover themselves against big claims everytime someone stubbed their toe although i insure my dogs, i would never want it to be made compulsary - how long would it be til there was all sorts of daft rules appearing, all because some scumbag thought he could make a few thousand by getting bitten by a pekingese!
  6. what he said 3rd option http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RIFLE-SHOTGUN-SLING-...6#ht_1099wt_939 ok not the one i was looking for, kinda like option 1, theres no swivels needed, theres too loops, one each end of the sling... ah too drunk to explain, work it out
  7. Ozzy Fudd

    Hong Kong

    i use ebay for all the hong kong stuff failing that tell him to look around, if i remember right every 2nd shop in singapore was selling techy stuff, hong kong probly the same!
  8. Ozzy Fudd

    PW Arms

    no he's not, he's just big boned :unsure:
  9. sss is just taking the p out of toilet duck duster mate, calm down :(
  10. :D what sort of help do you need? get a pair of scissors, start cutting the tape and start wrapping :(
  11. gun 1 a .22lr with moderator (silencer) would be best option gun 2 need to check what your local feo will allow for foxes, ut if you can get away with it a .17hmr would do both jobs
  12. oh get over yourself, that aint a rambo pic, this is a rambo pic nice looking gun mate, good luck with it
  13. nice one last one of those i bought cost £30, admittedly it was a bit more durable than golf balls but still too flipping expensive!
  14. yep, and theres a good chance youll get to have a drink with some of us lovely fella's, though i have to warn you, that theres a rule that the guest buys all the drink
  15. full metal jacket, theres a few Continuity: The hand that Hartmann punches Private Joker with for talking behind his back. Continuity: In the scene were Pvt. Pyle is on the range, the bandage on his right wrist is in and out of the scene. Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When Cowboy has finished asking for tank backup on the radio, he makes the common Hollywood mistake of saying "over and out" rather than the correct "out". "Over" means handing over to the other party to receive their transmission. "Out" means you have finished the conversation. Continuity: After Doc Jay and Eightball are killed by the Vietnamese sniper and Animal Mother yells to Cowboy that it is okay to move up the squad, Cowboy calls for Stunt, Dolon, Rock, and No-Doze to follow him while Joker and Rafterman choose to follow him on their own, a total of seven Marines, including Cowboy. In the shot that follows, however, only six Marines are shown moving ahead. In the side shot, just before they meet up with Animal Mother, there are only five. When they crouch down by the first wall, there are six, including Animal Mother. When they move away from the wall, there are eight. When they search the building, Animal Mother order two marines off in one direction and the two reporters to follow him, making a total of five (plus Cowboy), and the same number gather around the fallen sniper; however, it is conceivable that the two missing marines are searching a different part of the building. Audio/visual unsynchronized: When Doc Jay is in the far back of the squad yelling to Cowboy that he is going to bring Eightball in, his mouth doesn't match up to what he says. Continuity: Pyle's hat when he is being slapped by Hartmann. Continuity: When Hartmann slaps Pyle during the drill & comp scene, the second marine in formation behind Pyle is played by two different actors between cuts of Hartmann slapping Pyle with his right hand and Hartmann slapping Pyle with his left hand. Continuity: At the beginning when the Marines are being lectured and/or questioned by Hartmann by their bunks, Cowboy's, Joker's, Pyle's and I believe Snowball's bunks change position relative to one another. In fact, it seems that this is a constant continuity problem when the Marines are depicted in the barracks. Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When crossing the crossing bars, the recruits are told that it should take no less than ten seconds to navigate this particular obstacle. He should have said that it should take no more than ten seconds. Factual errors: It is doubtful that Marines would identify themselves by their nicknames when asked by a superior to state their name. This error happens more than once. Continuity: When Pyle is on the range he reloads while Hartman is behind him. The magazine which Pyle finishes can be seen fully loaded. Errors in geography: Road markings indicate the filming location (England), not Parris Island. Continuity: The shape of Private Joker's flashlight beam as he enters the head to confront Pyle. Continuity: The hand Murphy shoots with when they attack Hue city. Continuity: Upon the initial attack at Hue City, many of the soldier's "bullets" are inconsistent with the actual line of fire. Sometimes the buildings show bullet impacts before the weapons are fired, while at other times, the weapons are fired with a clear line to the buildings, yet no impact craters or impact damage and smoke is seen - evidence that the soldiers are firing blanks. Continuity: When Crazy Earl holds his rifle up after the initial attack on Hue City, the magazine disappears between shots. Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Before Private Cowboy's squad moves up to search for the sniper, Joker reloads his rifle. Between the scene where he reloads his rifle to the scene where he prepares to shoot the sniper, he doesn't take any shots with his rifle, but when he attempts a shot on the sniper, there is no ammunition in his magazine. While some people claim that Joker's M16 was out of ammunition when he attempted to shoot the sniper, in fact it was jammed, which was a common problem for the M16 in Vietnam. Continuity: When Eightball ducks behind the debris to inform Cowboy of their misdirection in Hue City, a handle on his back pack is seen leaning against his gun in one shot. In the next shot, the handle is nowhere to be seen. Continuity: Animal Mother's M-60 changes position between the shots where he tries to get the squad to help Eightball and Doc Jay. Continuity: Palm trees move unexpectedly. Continuity: The magazine on the rifle that the sergeant is using when they are going into the bombed-out area. Continuity: Animal's aimless shots blow away parts of the "My Toan" sign, but it is later seen intact. Anachronisms: A modern communications tower is visible in a shot of a helicopter taking off after they enter the city and it is being strafed by the tanks. Occurs during the scene of them being filmed by the film crew while they are sitting down waiting for orders. Continuity: When Hartman discovers Private Pyle's unlocked footlocker and throws Pyle's belongings on the floor, the position of the thrown items changes between almost every shot. Continuity: When Hartman inspects Private Pyle's rifle, he opens the chamber twice. Factual errors: Throughout recruit training, Joker wears wire framed glasses instead of government issue glasses like Cowboy's (although it is true that recruits with special prescriptions may have to wait for spectacles to be supplied). Factual errors: On several occasions, the word "repeat" is used while speaking on the radio. In the Marine Corps, the use of the word "repeat" on the radio is reserved solely for talking to artillery units to request a repeat of the last fire mission. The term used would be: "say again your last" or "I say again." Continuity: Animal's ammunition belts change length and position between shots during the initial sniper confrontation. Audio/visual unsynchronized: In most scenes, the movement of Animal's machine gun and the ejected casings indicate that he's holding down the trigger, but the sound indicates that he's firing short bursts. Continuity: Blood disappears from Cowboy's face after he is shot. Continuity: Prior to the killing of Cowboy, you see the hole that the sniper shot through is covered. The cover is removed after "Cowboy's peek". Anachronisms: When Joker is on fire watch (where he finds Pyle in the head) he's using a modern Mag-Lite brand flashlight, which didn't exist at the time. Audio/visual unsynchronized: When Animal calls to Cowboy to bring the squad in and find the sniper, Rafterman turns to Cowboy and speaks a complete sentence, but the sound has been cut and replaced with a comment by Cowboy. Continuity: When the marines are training and going over the obstacle with the two bars, Joker goes first and Pyle goes next. But if you look behind Joker when he starts, Pyle is not the next marine in line. Continuity: When Hartman shuts off the lights for the first time in the barracks, he uses the four switches beside him. But when he enters to awaken the privates using the garbage can, he uses the single light switch outside the barracks room. Continuity: The mud on Pyle's back changes when he's trying to navigate the obstacle in which he has to go up the parallel bars. Crew or equipment visible: When the men are running forward and singing "eskimo pussy is mighty cold" a crew members shadow is briefly visible in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Continuity: When Joker and his photographer travel in a Sikorsky UH-34 helicopter to report on the action at the front, there are several exterior shots of the trees rushing by underneath them. During these shots, the shadow is of a Bell Jet Ranger, a different, newer helicopter. Continuity: The direction of the smoke from the burning buildings changes between shots in the ruins of Hue. Continuity: When Hartman is reading out the marine placements after the graduation march, several of the marines change positions between shots. Factual errors: At the conclusion of the Colonel's questioning of Joker in front of the mass grave, the Colonel salutes Joker. Apart from being improper for an officer to salute an enlisted man, salutes are not rendered in a combat operations area, due to snipers actively seeking officers as targets. Errors in geography: When the Sergeant is talking to Pyle and he is laughing there is a 180 break. Its goes from over the Sergeant's left shoulder in one shot and in the next shot the camera is over Pyle's left shoulder. Continuity: When Rafterman shoots the sniper to save Joker, some blood goes on her face, but in the close up when she's dying, the blood is gone. Continuity: Pvt. Pyle sits down on the fourth toilet to shoot himself in the head. It's the one right from where the toilet paper is. In the close-up that follows he's on the third toilet, left from the paper holder. Crew or equipment visible: When Joker and Rafterman meet Lt.Touchdown, camera shadow is visible in the lower left, on the road where the tanks go by. Continuity: When the helicopter lands with Joker and Rafterman, the door gunner is gone. Audio/visual unsynchronized: In the scene where "Joker" and "Rafterman" are flying in the helicopter, and talking with the door gunner, the helicopter they are in is a Sikorsky UH-34. The UH-34 had an internal combustion engine mounted above the troop compartment. However, the sound made by the helicopter is clearly that of a type powered by a gas turbine motor. Continuity: When Private Pyle is on the firing range shooting at the targets, the sergeant in the background walks up, then bends at the waist checking on accuracy. The next scene is an over-the-shoulder shot of Private Pyle. The next scene shows the sergeant further away walking up to his location in the first scene. Anachronisms: The flak jackets worn by the characters were M1969 Fragmentation Vest, while USMC in Vietnam wore M1955 Jacket, with a rope ridge on right shoulder and plates of ballistic nylon visible in lower torso. Continuity: In the scene with the prostitute, just before Rafterman gets his camera stolen, in the background you can see a busy road. But you can also see that it is the same 3-4 vehicles, going around in circles. Anachronisms: In the "Eskimo pussy is mighty cold" running scene, the squad runs past a red on white Yield sign. At the time this movie is set the Yield signs were the black lettering and outline on a yellow background. Revealing mistakes: In one scene in the movie, Sgt. Hartman is telling recruits that "Today is Christmas" then begins telling them about Christmas services. During the running scenes throughout their training sequence along the camp roads and through the woods, you can see the trees and other vegetation are in full bloom. Since their training is 8 weeks long, even in South Carolina during the December and even November, the tree's and vegetation would be bare and the grass would be brownish and it would be cold enough that the soldiers would be wearing their field jackets. The movie appears to be set most likely in the Spring or Summer. Revealing mistakes: When the sniper has been alerted to Joker's presence and is firing her Czechoslovakian VZ.58 rifle at him, no shell casings are being ejected as would normally be the case. Continuity: When Sgt Hartman asks Private Joker if he believes in the Virgin Mary, he is holding a billy club. A few seconds later, he strikes Private Joker with an open hand, the same hand that held the billy club a moment earlier. But he never dropped the club. Continuity: When Sgt. Hartman confronts Joker over his John Wayne imitation, Cowboy's shirt front is crumpled from Sgt. Hartman's grabbing it. Cowboy is standing at attention. Just after Hartman strikes Joker, the shirt front is smooth again, even though Cowboy has not moved. Factual errors: Several times, when questioned by Sgt. Hartman, Private Pyle refers to himself in the First person ("Sir, I don't know sir!"). In the Marine Corps, it is against regulation to refer to oneself as "I", "You", or anything in the First or Second person; that is considered disrespect and referring to oneself as the entirety of the corps as one person. Pyle should have been disciplined for such responses, but was not. Crew or equipment visible: During the beginning of the sniper scene Cowboy tells members of his squad that they're moving up to Animal Mother to kill the sniper. As they approach, the camera follows them from behind, then switches to a side view tracking shot. In some versions of the film, about 5-8 seconds into this sequence, a member of the crew wearing jeans can be seen ducking low. Factual errors: In the end credits for music listings, These Boots Are Made For Walkin' by Nancy Sinatra misspells the last word of the song title (as "Walking.") Continuity: In the first shot of the graduation from the Parris Island one can see tall trees and buildings in the background, but during the close shot there are only small trees with no buildings. It's because the first shot was an actual shot from the graduation and the second one was shot in London. Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When Joker talks to Lt. Cleves at the mass grave, he introduces himself as "Sergeant Joker". However in an earlier scene (the editing meeting for Stars and Stripes) Joker wears the rank insignia of a Corporal on the collar of his shirt. Factual errors: During the second part of the movie, which takes place in Vietnam, Joker's hair is much too long for Marine Corps standards. In a real situation, such excessive hair length would never have been tolerated by a Marine's superiors. Revealing mistakes: Just before the drill sergeant is shot by Pyle, you can see the outline of the blood packet prop under his white t shirt Factual errors: Joker, Animal, and the helicopter door gunner all occasionally fire very long bursts from their M60 machine guns. Real Marines are taught to fire automatic weapons in short bursts to prevent overheating and jamming, and to conserve ammunition. Factual errors: While advancing on enemy positions, some Marines have their fingers on the triggers of their weapons, even though firing is not yet taking place. This violates a basic safety rule taught by all the American armed services: keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. Factual errors: While rapidly moving in on the Vietnamese sniper, the Marines are still carrying all their field gear. In a real such situation, Marines would have temporarily discarded everything except their weapons and ammunition in order to increase their mobility and minimize their noise level. Revealing mistakes: (At 58:30) After the press meeting when the flying helicopter is shown. The helicopter shadow is that of a bubble cockpit, skinny tail aircraft. But the one the journalists are flying in is a larger heavier ship with a stubby tail. Factual errors: In one of the Boot Camp scenes, the platoon is shown running in formation. Several of the major characters are at the head of the formation, including Private Pyle. However, the farthest right position (which would become the column head after a right face) is reserved for squad leaders. There is no way that Private Pyle would have been in the position of squad leader, and he would therefore have been further back in the ranks. Incorrectly regarded as goofs: In the head (toilet area), Pvt. Pyle says his ammunition is "seven-six-two millimeter, full metal jacket." However 762mm is about 30 inches; what he should have said is "seven-POINT-six-two millimeter", or about 30 caliber, which is (or at least was) the NATO standard ammunition. However, it is generally understood by military members that the reference "seven-six-two" implies that he's talking about a 7.62mm rifle round, as is the case with M16 ammo (generally referred to as "five-five-six") Continuity: (At 1:15:30) Crazy Earl has been shooting right-handed. When the second group of NVA run between the buildings, he is shown from the rear shooting left-handed. Afterwards, he is shown from the front holding his rifle right-handed again, just before "The Bird is the Word" starts playing. Factual errors: The platoon is shown in dress uniforms marching in their graduation ceremony, then the toilet scene between Joker, Pyle and Hartmann follows. In reality, graduation marks the final day recruits are on the Depot, so the toilet scene should have occurred prior to graduation. Continuity: When the Drill Sergeant walks down the row of recruits during his opening speech, Pvt. Pyle can be seen standing at the end of the row to Joker's right. Later, after Joker mouths off, the Drill Sergeant moves down the line to Joker's left, eventually coming to Pvt. Pyle.
  16. just looked it up, seems i missed a few Revealing mistakes: In the farmhouse, when Cooper is reloading the MP5 magazines with new bullets, at the kitchen table, the ignition caps already have firing pin impressions on them, showing them to have already been fired. Continuity: During Ryan and Cooper's altercation over the dog, the pistol in Ryan's hand changes position with the camera angle. Revealing mistakes: When the stuntman in the werewolf costume falls out the upstairs window after being shot by the Sarge, the stuntman's boots are clearly visible. Continuity: When Sam the dog has a mouthful of Wells's bandage, some of the bandage is hanging out of Sam's mouth. In the next shot, no pieces are hanging out of his mouth. Continuity: When Wells crashes into the oven, the bottom plate comes off and the gas hose falls out. He cuts the hose and in the next shot the bottom plate is suddenly back on the oven. Continuity: Amount of blood on people is inconsistent in some scenes. Revealing mistakes: When the team reaches the destroyed special forces position there are 105mm charges and ammunition amongst the equipment present. The 105mm is an artillery piece unlikely to be used in a wood, and definitely not by special forces. Factual errors: Scotland is not so empty as to have nowhere within a "four hour drive". Factual errors: The group of soldiers are referred to a 'squad'. 'Squad' is not the name given to a small infantry unit in the British Army, it is called a section. Also sections have 8 men minimum, not 6, and generally are commanded by a corporal. Factual errors: Throughout the first half of the film, when the squad is armed with the standard British rifle, the SA80, Cooper holds the weapon in his left shoulder. The SA80 is always held in the right shoulder, even if the user is left handed. Continuity: When Cooper is showing Sarge their location on the map and a possible route, he initially breaks a pencil in half to point on the map. Later shots alternate between the broken pencil pointer and a pine needle. Continuity: When Wells holds his gun to Cooper's head during the 'special forces selection' scene at the beginning of the film, the magazine is clearly not inserted. Wells goes on to shoot a dog with this same weapon seconds later. Continuity: When Ryan is thrown across the table, the sword is shown being knocked to the floor. But when Ryan gets up and puts his arms on the table, the sword is back on the table. Then the next shot, the sword is on the ground again and Cooper is reaching for it. Continuity: After Spoon has reported the status on their ammunition, Cooper places his gun on the table. In the next shot, two bandages suddenly appear beside its hammer. This is true in wide screen tv as in full screen, the hammer is cut off before it cuts to the shot with bandages. Plot holes: In the final scene it is clearly daylight which has been stated temporarily lifts the werewolf curse thus returning any into human form. For inexplicable reason, Ryan is exempt. Ditto for the wolves who chase them when they first reveal themselves. Spoon informs it's a half hour until dark and a few minutes later the beasts appear. Plot holes: Shortly after Ryan gets vomited upon, the clan seals up the lower floor. Cooper is handed the back door key from Spoon. Where did he find it? The front door was left open yet there is no key for it and only one key on Coops ring. Revealing mistakes: At the end of the film, the newspaper headline reads "Werewolves Ate My Platoon". In the British Army, a platoon ranges from 30-48 men. In this film, there were only 6. Plot holes: The werewolves had cut the power to the cottage earlier in the movie, yet there was power going to the oven hob for the electric igniter to work at the end when Wells hits the button to blow the place up.
  17. glad im not going now by the sounds of things - the best way to prepare for a shoot is to get bladdered the night before, being in a zombie typemental state helps clear the mind
  18. no dont think so, think it was the guy than ran into the tree branch, cant remember
  19. noticed a few things in full metal jacket the other night, the main one being the scene when the door gunner is shooting the gooks and giving an interview to joker. theres a scene just before this where you see the chopper sillohette moving over the jungle, the silohette seems to be a bell jet ranger, then it cuts to the chopper and its a usmc choctaw (american version of the uk wessex) ok, im gonna shut up now, just realised how sad that was ps in dog soldiers the other night one of the squaddies carries his sa80 in his left hand/at his left shoulder too
  20. i wouldnt like it anywhere near my face thank you very much :P
  21. oooooh! maybe id better list my guns too then, as a warning B) :lol:
  22. wait a minute... if i put in my signature that ive got a 12" ****, does that mean ill have some hot nymphos following me home?
  23. i know mung, im just trying to wind you up
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