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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. you sure thats just not the menopause kicking in mrs s?
  2. yeah, we'll see what he says. i wouldnt mind having a .223 but i wouldnt have enough use for it - yes, i cant believe i just said that either - as its mostly rabbits i shoot a .223 for would be a waste. oh well we'll know tomorrow i suppose, fingers crossed!
  3. meh. i would, if i was drunk and/or bored
  4. Ozzy Fudd

    Champions song

    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="385"> oh bouncey bouncey bouncey bouncey, na, na na na na naaaaa! :good:
  5. they were neutral last time if i remember right, but we did receive some assistance (missiles?) from them.
  6. defo a weird one this when i applied for my 22lr in '06 the feo himself told me to stick fox down for it. when i got the licence through it didnt specify fox, just vermin or something (cant remember the wording at mo), but i spoke to the feo afterwards and he told me fox was covered ok going to be an interesting one tomorrow morning, though if i explain that i wanted fox down just for the odd shot, and main reasons i want the 17hmr are for long range rabbits and due to the fact im nervous about ricochets in some of the areas i shoot, i should be able to swing it (i hope). ah well no point worrying, ill see what happens
  7. really? thats weird, i put down fox for the 22lr and they never said anything about it. its not as if its going to be a dedicated fox gun, itll be more for rabbits and the odd fox if it pops out close. hmm tomorrow will be interesting then
  8. na, i put foxes and longer range rabbits down, didnt mention house hold appliances at all as for spliffs, youd never find any of that stuff in my house, though it may be an idea to bung all the machetes/bayonets into a cupboard somewhere
  9. got an early call from the feo this morning, he says he's received my paperwork from lisnasharragh for the 17hmr and he's coming out to see me tomorrow! bit shocked, i only sent my application in about the 3rd week in january, got my receipt letter at the start of february, now im getting a visit - thought id be waiting for another few months. only thing is im not 100% sure why he's coming to see me, i've already got a .22lr so didnt think adding on a .17hmr would need a visit... thank god he's not coming out today, im feeling a bit under the weather
  10. thanks mate, i used to have a slip on butt pad on the old basque, but always thought the problem was not gripping the stock tight
  11. luckily ive never had to use any of them (yet), but its always been basc for me as they seem to be the only ones i heard about when i started shooting. as well as that i know a guy who had his guns taken off him after getting involved in a fight, was going to have the licence revoked and everything. but he got onto basc and they got in touch with the police, he had his guns back within a week, police told him only basc got involved and argued his case he would never have seen the guns again.
  12. na its not that i think i'd have any problems getting used to a double trigger again. the problem is when i was taught to shoot it i was told to keep my right hand loose on the stock so i could quickly pull it back onto the second trigger. i had alot of shoulder problems last year (at one point i couldnt even use a shotgun) and i reckon alot of it came from using the old s/s, it was a great gun for walking about the fields but a day on the clays left me sore for a few days after it, so im thinking a better grip on the stock (like i posted a picture of) and only one trigger would let me keep full control of the gun, lessening recoil problems. also the reason i want something with a barrel selector is that i usually shoot with 1/4 choke in the mossbergs. does the trick if im clearing out a farm yard, sitting in a hide or smashing a few clays, but with 1/4 i dont like shooting over 30 yards, so i have to start messing about changing the choke. with the s/s i could have one barrel 1/4 and the other 3/4, but with only having one trigger id want a selector so im just trying to find something thats the best of both worlds. i know an o/s would probably be the best bet but i prefer s/s's, if i get an o/u ill be on the slippery slope to getting a skeet jacket too
  13. thanks everyone, found a pic of the aya, oooh looks nice ill have to search a while for the zabala tonight, couldnt see anything right away. was going to go to the two rfd's near my office today and have a mooch to see what they have, but its pointless - if i see something i want i wont be able to get it til the psni send me my licence back with the .17hmr on it, and god knows how long thatll take at least now i know what guns to look for, cheers
  14. totally agree, all big/powerful breeds should be handled with care and common sense
  15. might be interested if you do mate, though will first need to see if the local dealer would take the mossberg off my hands - dont want to wait another 6 months to add another gun on
  16. hmm see im starting to want a s/s again, had a couple of problems with one of the mossbergs lately (nothing serious, just annoying) so im thinking of ditching it and getting a s/s. i started off with an old 12ga basque, but i reckon that alot of the shoulder problems i had last year came from the early days when i was using it - it was straight stocked and double trigger, so i had to keep my right hand loose on the stock to switch between triggers (and the straight stock didnt give much grip anyway) so it used to give me one hell of a battering at times. so thinking about it tonight, i reckon id like to go for something like this - with a pistol grip type stock (prince of wales i think their called??) and single trigger, so better control and a bit more protection against recoil. but without the double trigger i really would like some sort of barrel selector
  17. just wondering if anyone has any experience with these. main question i want to know concerns barrel selection, ie how is it done - a barrel selector like on a o/u, or is it more often than not a case of pull the trigger and fire left barrel first, then trigger again for right barrel?
  18. just put them in the washing machine without any soap on a cool wash, its what i do with my gear, works ok
  19. me? scotlands got nothing to do with me
  20. dont think so, the remington target rounds i use arent hollow points
  21. because of you lot we hardly have one!!
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