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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. thats true, ive gone down quite well in england quite a few times after ladies have heard the accent :look: anyway i dont have a brogue, i can pronounce the h's if i say thirty three and i dont repeat everything 3 times
  2. im sorry to hear that. everyone always says get another dog, but make sure youre doing it for the right reasons, you dont want to be getting a dog to "live up" to the old one, i still havnt got another one after arnie, but will be soon
  3. that only lasts for a moment til you remember that youve got a shotgun in your hand... :look: :D
  4. there wouldnt have been a second world war, thats for sure... anyway this was only a heads up, i know theres a couple of guys on here from the area, so keep an eye out
  5. if they were forces they would have more sense than to be driving around in a jeep with an english reg, and im sure when i came walking round the corner in camo gear carrying a mossberg there would have been a bit more activity than the passenger looking a bit pale! on top of that these guys did not look forces, as i said earlier think of the cast of trainspotting and youre pretty close! anyway, sure theres no forces here at the moment, that silver agusta 109 thats been flying about is probably only for a civilian survey team or something...
  6. na these 3 were late 20's/early 30's. wearing stripey hoodies, one had dark hairand stubble, another had spikey blonde hair and the 3rd had dark hair but with blonde and pink patches in it
  7. hmm dont know, but i dont think it was anything like that, its a long story but ok me and another pw member were out shooting, went around most of the places i shoot and ended up at my uncles place, a mile or so out of town. we parked the car in a layby used to store round bales, about 50 yards from the entrance to the field - layby is a bit of an overstatement, its about 30ft wide and 15 ft deep, part of an old yard with a small disused shed at the side. now the road/lane we were on is hardly used, its about 1mile (ish) long and only has two houses and a farm yard on it, yard roughly at the middle and one house at each end of the road. we were getting out of the car and getting ready to head into the field when the 4x4 drove past, as i said it stuck in mymind due to the type of car (not a farmer type jeep) and due to the fact the guys looked totally out of place. it was strange, but we werent far out of town so thought someone was out spinning about in their new jeep. but 5 mins later it drove past us again with only the driver in it. then it drove past again in the opposite direction with two guys in it. then when we were over the fields 15 mins later i saw it stopping at the layby and reversing in beside our car. we made our way back to the lane, but instead of walking up to the gate (which would mean us passing in front of the layby) we jumped the fence so the guys wouldnt see us, then walked up the lane and walked into the layby (the hedges are quite high so they wouldnt have seen us. the guy in the passenger seat was looking like he was ******* imself, the driver was on the phone. spoke to the passenger on my way past to see what accent he had (work out if he was a gyppo) but he had a northern accent, defo not a gyppo, so we went to our car. as soon as we did they took off up the road! i thought something was very strange now, checked the car to make sure all was ok, then i walked up to the farm yard to let the farmer know something was up. steve was to drive up to the entrance to the yard and wait on me. told the farmer (who has had stuff stolen lately) and warned him what was happening, he'd seen the guys but hadnt thought much so he started moving his machinery. i walked down to the entrance to steve (just as the jeep drove past him again) and he told me that after i left the jeep drove up the lane from the opposite direction i walked off in, slammed the brakes on in front of him when he was parked, and reversed in beside him with two guys in it luckily he drove off before anything happened. we took a bit of a drive down the lane then ourselves, found the jeep reversed into another gateway, driver talking on the phone and only himself in the jeep. i tried to phone a few mates to see if they had any idea who the guys were, couldnt get any answer so we drove on, when we checked half an hour later they were gone. not sure what they were at but as i said very suspicious :look:
  8. shouldnt be long until we get definite proff, with the amount of 17hmr owners in the country it probably wont be long until one gets sniped at 400 yards
  9. well, they are odd, in an inbred sort of way these guys were odd in a shifty/gyppo/"scoping the place out, driving up and down the same road (ie deserted hardly used lane) over a dozen times in an hour, with different numbers of guys in the jeep everytime, stopping every so often to make phone calls..." sort of odd :look:
  10. yes, i know, it describes most of the population, but i know theres a couple of guys on here from this area who might want to keep an eye out. long story but when i was out shooting today there was a metallic blue 4x4 with a chrome grill acting very suspiciously in the area, not sure of the make but they had a yellow dealer sticker on the back saying "arnold clark" and had an english reg (pm if you need it), 3 guys in it who looked like theyd be more at home on the set of trainspotting than in the countryside as i said acting very suspiciously :look:
  11. not too much of a culchie accent though, does my head in
  12. my accent usually goes down well in england
  13. another vote for marlin 917's here been out with mine today, gun just gets better everytime i use it. i have the 917v with heavy barrel and wooden stock, but theres plenty of types with stainless barrels and synthetic stocks, take a look here just my 2p, but i got my marlin for £300, there were cz's in the shop but they were about £375. on top of that the cz's felt too light to me, almost like a toy gun ps not sure what you mean by carbine, as the only semi auto rimfire you can have is a .22lr
  14. theres always one Had a quick scan whilst calling with the WAM. There was a badger in the field, which was interested in the squeaking, but as soon as it realised what the noise was, it took off. id assume he was calling and scanning in the field, then spotted the badger
  15. i have it on good authority that shes tight choke in both barrels...
  16. its not just pigeons, its rabbits too. i was asked to clear out a place last year (april/may) and, if im honest, it was like shooting fish in a barrel, we hit one corner of a field 3 or 4 times in an afternoon with shotguns, getting rabbits every time. so far this year ive noticed theyre far smarter, last year i could have walked up within 80 yards of them, lay down, got settled with the 10/22 and started taking them down. but i was out with the .17hmr a couple of weeks back and they were scarpering if they saw me within 200 yards (and im not ready for long range shooting with it yet). i suppose it makes sense, the ones who stay out of range survive, and pass their genes onto the young
  17. Ozzy Fudd

    In Laws

    my ex's sister is
  18. amateur mistake i went to the effort of buying some over priced chocolate, simply because i knew the rewards of buying it would outweigh the cost happy easter everyone
  19. Ozzy Fudd


    i think weve found somewhere to replace landover...
  20. i dont hang game, etc, and rarely have too much that has to be stored for long, good idea though
  21. dunno, but i probly would
  22. yeah, but need to know performance im gonna be fitting one on my 10/22 with a red filter, range will be 50ish yards, will i have good target recognition at night using it? bearing in mind i live in ulster and lamping rabbits is illegal so it wont be rabbits im shooting
  23. well, mossbergs are heavy, i have to do something to build my muscles up
  24. density and hardness go hand in hand, especially with blondes.... anyway i think the thread is coming to this, gentlemen, pick your weapons, we meet at dawn!
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