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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. why, are you proposing we do it? i was going to list my guns, but id end up having to list bb guns and crossbows as well to bulk out the list
  2. mostly yes so far, im quite surprised, i thought the no's would have had it and that i was going to be jumped on for posting this
  3. and duke nukem who said "kill em all, let god sort it out"
  4. i voted to bring it back, not for revenge, but to protect society. every situation is different, but someone who arms themselves and goes out to commit murder does not need counselling sessions and sympathy, they need taken out of the equation to protect the rest of us. vipa, as for humans being seperate from animals because we show compassion, you say that as if its a good thing. if someone attacks and molests a child, why do they deserve compassion? being human and showing compassion (and all the other tripe that gets bandied about) is one thing, but theres something wrong when a society is more worried about a criminals rights than it is about protecting itself from the criminal.
  5. you should be writing to the paper and complaining about their reporting of it. the guy had full permission to do it, it was legal, so as long as it was safe to do then they guy didnt do anything wrong. instead of cowering away from things like that we should be fighting them, thats what causes most damage to shooting. as for the guy drinking, see if you can catch him at it, then ring the cops and tell them whats happening - a guy trespassing with a gun and drinking (you didnt say what type you thought he was using though), thatll get their attention
  6. im a bit confused about this, and in two minds. its always been drummed into me never to point a gun at anything unless youre going to shoot it, and that using the scope to id a target is very bad practice indeed. but ive read a few people on here saying they take a quick look through the scope for positive target id. now im not saying who or in what context, because im not posting this to have a go at anyone, so can we try to keep the "holier than thou" posts out of it so what does everyone think? as i said, im a bit confused, well no, in two minds really would be a better way to put it. firstly, as i already said, its been drummed into me since i was old enough to hold a gun that you never point a gun at anything unless youre going to shoot it, be it a bb gun, shotgun, rifle, etc, and that even if youre 100% sure its unloaded, treat it as if its loaded. because of this i usually carry a small pair of binoculars with me when i take the rifle out, so that im not tempted to use the scope. but at the same times theres a little niggling voice in my head saying if theres no mag in, if youve cleared the breach and dry fired a couple of times to be sure its definitely not loaded, then its perfectly safe to do.
  7. duty free?! henry, the drink down south is so dear that their off licence prices are the same as our pub prices some of the border towns up here are inundated with southerners buying up all they drink they can get their hands on, has been like that for well over a year dont know about places to visit though
  8. ***?! that has now warped my mind get some ac-dc into you mate!! name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="385">
  9. dont know mate, i havnt got the licence for it yet id say they are loud, ive only fired one so far, had a mod on, when i was firing i noted that it sounded about the same as a high velocity through the .22lr without a mod on
  10. Ozzy Fudd


    reasonable force is the key to all of this, and any force is reasonable if you think they are armed and your life is in danger - just make sure any damage inflicted isnt from behind
  11. the problem with smoking is everytime i see something like that i just think somethings gotta kill you... i think theyre going about it all wrong. anyone i know who has quit smoking hasnt done it because they think 85 is too young to die or are worried about heart disease, theyve done it for financial reasons. a bloke i know once told me the best way to quit smoking is to put the cost of a packet of cigarettes in a tin every day, then everytime you want a cigarette go and look in the tin and see how much money it would be costing you, really puts it into perspective. im going to be quitting soon (infact im trying to get an appointment with the practice nurse today to get patches and stuff). im 26, so i dont think im being too daft when i say i dont give a damn if smoking kills me at 85, as i could be hit by a bus tomorrow. but when i think about the amount of money ive spent on cigarettes since i started smoking i just think of the guns, holidays, etc, i could have had instead.
  12. i bought one just after xmas, its the 917v, isnt screw cut at the mo, not sure if theyve changed this or not
  13. yes he can, and yes, its a real gun that too much "self help" makes you blind?
  14. yo brotha, i isnt black, aight? yo honkys neednt be dissin me, when eva yo see me rollin, you got no need to be hatin my shizzle! ive never seen a black shooter myself (tv footage of somalia not included), dont know why. though considering ive only ever seen two black people in my town in my whole life (and one was american) it might go some way to explaining it
  15. i see what you mean, but thing was they asked why i needed the two guns - if id just said long range vermin they could have said "then you dont need a 22 as the 17 will do it all". they actually did comment on that, so i had to go into detail about wanting to use mod and subbies on the 22 for shooting near houses and livestock (and then the fun that that started), and then i thought it best to explain about foxes for the 17 as well i probably could have worded a few things better, but to be totally honestly my head was a bit fried with trying to think what was best to say to justify everything, everytime i said something they hit me with about 3 more questions, but, culd have been worse i suppose
  16. i shouldnt have mentioned crows, i know, but i was afraid of them doing something daft like limiting it to rabbits only. but at the moment the licence wording for the 22lr and the shotguns is identical, both says for sporting purpose and vermin control, the only difference is that the rifle also has for zeroing purposes, so whatever i can shoot with the shotgun can be shot with the rifle (thats the way i see it anyway) obviousley taking shot safety, etc, into account yeah going to get the land form signed tonight, then get it left in tomorrow, so fingers crossed!
  17. ok so the feo's been (two of them infact!), and ive had a smoke and calmed my nerves a bit they asked me quite a few questions, main one was why i want a similar calibre rifle to what i already have. that was easy, explained that alot of the rabbits i was shooting last year were over 100 yards, the .22lr couldnt quite cut it, said about the flat .17hmr trajectory, 6" drop at 200 yards, etc etc etc. also explained that while the .17hmr wouldnt be a dedicated fox gun, i would use it for the occasional fox under 100 yards. then i did a bit of an oops, i said id like to be able to use the moderator on the 22lr as well, as some of the places i shoot have houses nearby. that didnt go down well he said id only be able to use the mod on the 17 as thats the gun i applied for with it. luckily he got me to write out a quick letter stating this, and said it should be ok. so he said id be using the 22lr with mod and subbies on close range (under 50 yard rabbits), and the 17hmr on longer range rabbits and foxes. i said well yeah but id like the ruger for crows and stuff too. this was the second **** up, they werent happy at this. one of them said "ive never seen a grey back sitting at 50 yards, i hope youre not shooting up into trees", instant brown trouser moment. so i quickly explained no way, id never shoot a rifle up into a tree, but once or twice in the past, when ive crept around a corner in full camo, after rabbits, ive seen a crow or magpie on the ground, and managed to shoot two before they saw me. that seemed to be ok, so they inspected my cabinet and the seperate safe to keep the bolt in (one even commented he was surprised how well secured the cabinet was to the wall) and asked a bit about security on the house (i think the fact i breed rottweilers negated the need for an alarm ) and that was it, i just need to get a land permission letter signed for the .17 (bloody gunshop said i wouldnt need it) and leave it into the feo, so ill do that tomorrow. they couldnt say if it would be granted or not, but he said id given all the right arguments, so fingers crossed :yp: incidentally, as for the fox issue, he said there was no formal psni position on what calibre to use for foxes :o admittedly i did say that it would only be the occasional one and not a dedicated fox rifle, and explained that the 10/22 had a muzzle velocity of about 1100 fps, and the 17hmr was 2500 fps, said i wasnt happy using the 10/22 for it but going by ballistic calculators the 17hmr should do the trick, and he was more than happy with this. just goes to show, different areas different rules
  18. i didnt take his word per se, i thanked him for his advice and asked him his opinion as to the type of slug - but, if you look, i also thanked brian for what he posted, i asked cookoff for a bit more info about recipes as i know nothing about it, and i took vinces opinion on board too. then as youll see i took it all into consideration, told him that it might (big MIGHT) work, but that thered be too much risk of blowing up his gun and possibly himself too, and so he would need to start learning about reloading. admittedly i was a bit off last night, for which i apologise, but i just dont like the attitude some members have, which is if i dont agree with it its totally wrong and shouldnt be on here
  19. he played by the rules, so dont see any problems with it. now i havnt really been keeping up to speed with this thing, but the one thing thats niggling me about this is, he's classed as a non dom, meaning he's not classed as a full uk citizen, right? then what the hell is he doing in our government to begin with? even if its only the house of lords.
  20. 50 bag, 75% accuracy, 201 seconds, agin might get a bit better if i used a mouse
  21. no, we just get blackmailed into buying british oil (probably at a higher price)
  22. wonder how easy it would be to get a job manning one of those scanners. i know ive seen plenty at airports that i wouldnt mind cheacking out anyway its a bit suss, i reckon they should have been given a full search for refusing to go through it
  23. why? would it not be better leaving it so if someone else is wondering the same they dont need to ask? just because you dont agree with something thats posted doesnt mean it should be deleted, otherwise thered be sweet fa left on this site! so please stop being a sanctimonious **** and asking for stuff to be deleted anyway, i dont think anyone with a bit of sense should start messing about with cartridges (why do you think i asked this...), unless they really knew what they were doing. as i have stated all along, it was a question that i was asked by a friend, who has now been told that if he is intending to do something like this then it might work, but that he needs to spend alot of time reading up on reloading before taking the very big chance of blowing up his gun (and possibly himself) in the process. without having this thread, i would have had to say "sorry mate, havnt a clue" and then thered be a good chance he'd decide to try it out some day with god knows what consequences.
  24. thats good mrs s, i dont like my women having beards
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