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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. and whats it like with a red filter on??
  2. im not disputing that it was a stupid question and that the op was being a *** in his replies. all i meant was one post detailing why its wrong and should not be done is more useful than 1000 replies simply stating "dont do it you idiot" (which pigeonwatch seems best at lately), ESPECIALLY for new shooters
  3. come on lads no point laying into him, he raised a valid question going by information he received and posted it here (albeit he could have worded some/most of his replies better ) now which would you rather have, someone being able to ask a daft question on here without being pounded for it, or someone being too afraid to ask a question so going out and trying it, with disastrous results! i know which id pick... and for the record id never shoot up, no matter what
  4. no matter what question they ask, DONT mention zombies
  5. im seeing a flaw here. you keep saying vertical and straight up, but what happens if the wind catches it so it isnt vertical? or what if you shoot up into a tree vertically, and glance off a branch, sending the round out on a not so vertical trajectory? we all know how .22lr's like to ricochet...
  6. i think this is one of those topics that will get deleted i understand where youre coming from, and the science backs it up i suppose, but to me its the same as never pointing a loaded gun at someone - your finger might be nowhere near the trigger and the safety catch is be on, but its still too much of a risk so you just dont do it.
  7. eh yes i did, where else could i have seen it anyway you cant drink in the cinema
  8. both, and ill take the 12.5mm practice configuration as well funnily enough, i was working in the pub tonight, and yes, i took home a bottle of vodka but come on now, this would be my lifetime achievment, taking out a dishwasher at 1500m with one of those things :yes: being serious though, as it will happen someday (if i dont **** up) id like a centrefire, .243/.270 maybe (higher than .223 anyway). i dont have any particular one in mind, just something that im comfortable with and can shoot well using it. i do prefer more tactical looking rifles (as opposed to traditional wood), though i wouldnt want something that looks like its come out of star trek. something like a remi 700, but we'll see
  9. best film ive seen lately is zombieland, though i do want to see this one
  10. if i won the lottery id have an armoury full to the brim! though if i had to pick one gun... i dont know, a large calibre rifle, something like this, the denel ntw 20 anti material rifle name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="385"> in reaility, id be happy enough with a good centrefire sometime in the future
  11. what was the score last time england played northern ireland? did we not kick your ***** as usual?! anyway my point is i watch ni games as its the national team, and i watch rangers games for obvious reasons, apart from that i wouldnt give a damn if i never saw a football game again
  12. i dont hate football, i just think most of it (premiership anyway) is a bit gay, esp all that "oh ref ref ref! he stubbed my toe, can i have a penalty and a rub with the magic sponge and get out early so i can sell my story to ok magazine?!" dross that goes on. and how many guys started wearing a sarong because david beckham wore one? fruits... maybe its just the fact that i spent most of secondary school playing rugby, but i have very little interest in football, apart from the odd northern ireland and rangers game
  13. dont believe what im reading in here, so much for the rough, tough, country wise shooting men on this site few simple points to remember 1) as its the farmers land, he's perfectly entitled to put up whatever kind of fencing he wants (as long as its legal). you are a guest there. 2) an ordinary "sheep wire" fence will not stop several ton of beef trying to get through it, hence barbed wire is used 3) even if its only arable, barb wire can still be used as, a - the field might not always be used for crops, so will need to be fenced for livestock, and b - even if the field is ONLY used for crops, youll still have to keep live stock out of it - see 2 4) whichever genius asked the question about replacing barbed wire if its not needed anymore, see points 1, 2 and 3 above, and also do you know the financial and time cost of replacing barb wire thats technically no longer needed?? 5) it is YOUR resposibility to make sure the land is safe for the activites you wish to carry out. if you took a shot with a rifle and it hit someone, would you blame the farmer for not having a suitable backstop? or if you went tramping into an old ruined building which is obviously crumbling and unsafe, and some stone fell on you, would you blame the farmer?! yes, some of the situations the farmer could probably be held liable due to the prolific blame culture we live in, but id like to think if you hold a sgc/fac you have some bloody common sense not to do something so stupid! always check out land youll be shooting on for the 1st time, and always keep an eye out for things that might have changed since your last visit.
  14. Ozzy Fudd

    PW arms?

    the pw arms (top right menu...)
  15. so basc are now corrupt because a director of a shooting supplies company is standing for a seat on the council?? jesus h, someone call the cops (and get kdubya on hand incase it turns nasty), terrible crime that, someone standing for the council when their business is related to shooting, and so has a vested interest...
  16. sticking with basc for the same reason i joined them - theyre the only ones i ever hear about!everyone talks about all these different organisations but i dont see too many of them dealing with defra, etc, as much as basc seem to.
  17. i have a sling on all my guns. i shoot on my own alot, and some of it is very rough ground. its simpler to unload the gun and sling it over my shoulder than trying to get through a hedge/copse/bog/river, etc, with it in my hand, plus its useful to sling it and have both hands free for other tasks at times. also useful if you bump into members of the public. i dont like standing with it in my hand incase it turns out to be an anti ("oh officer he swore at me and had a gun in his hand" ) so slinging it over your shoulder solves that, and also solves the problem of leaving it lying on the ground where someone could lift it, etc.
  18. one of my friends is terrified of zombies, so were gonna do a massive wind up on him some night - take him to a friends secluded house, some friends dressed up as zombies, plenty of fake blood, a couple of us with shotguns loaded with blanks...
  19. nope, been shooting for nearly 18 years, cant see me giving it up soon. now if youd like to go back and read what i said - if you read the title it says "IS ANYBODY BOTHERED, Lead shot ban" so i answered a simple question - no, i am not bothered, assuming that bothered means its annoying and irritating me. now if the title had read "do you support a ban on lead shot" i would have replied no, as i dont agree with it. you will see that i dont agree with lead restrictions. however, every week on this forum (or it seems like it) we have another major catastrophe which is going to affect shooting, the same as reading the papers every day tells me that the earth is about to explode/immigrants are going to stab me in my sleep/drinking water has riddled me with cancer, etc. now, it is my choice whether or not i buy into all the hype and start jumping around like a maniac venting my spleen, or if i sit here thinking that theres really very little that i can do about it now, so decide not to let it bother me as i have more than enough to worry about. and considering that at the moment its still in the early stages of being looked into, by a group which is full of representatives of the whole shooting industry (not just basc) i doubt ill have too much to worry about when the findings come out; but if i do, then THAT is the time to be bothered, not now when they havnt even announced anything!
  20. na mate, the rest of the time i get pished and run rampant on my own free will, last night the aliens forced me to....
  21. anyone been caught out with april fools? caught a couple of my friends out this morning by convincing them the south had invaded and i was watching southern irish soldiers walking past my office, one even rang me on his way to the gunshop for ammo :blink: what has everyone been at? who have you caught, or how have you been caught? need ideas for next year...
  22. hardboiled eggs? havnt done that in years
  23. im tempted to buy a few chocolate rabbits and hide them in the fields, should be a laugh when we go shooting on saturday
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