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Ozzy Fudd

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Everything posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. Crows are fun to shoot. I have a powerline that's about 40 yards from a stack of bails that's really comfy to shoot off. Always has a crosswind that makes the shots extra satisfying when the spiral to the ground without knowing more info i dont think any of us can pass much judgement, but assuming theyre using an airgun i cant see it doing much damage to a power line unless he repeatedly misses and hits the line (in the same place alot). he says he's shooting from a stack of bails, well how high is the stack and how low is the lines? doesnt necessarily mean he's shooting up, and even if it does how do we know the pellet will leave the boundary of the land? only thing i would have a problem with is the wording about crosswinds and it being extra satisfying when they sprial to the ground, is it satisfying because its harder to get a clean kill?
  2. not an expert, but from what i know theres no spring really (in any ive seen) just an arm that spins round and flicks the clay out. as for loading im not 100% sure...
  3. at the mo ill only need 100 yards tops (still getting used to the gun), and once i need something bigger i can stick that one on the 10/22 - as you said for £18 its a bargain, but let us know how it goes
  4. dont shoot hares, spent 20 mins watching one last saturday. apart from that theres very little else i wouldnt shoot, but it always depends on the situation
  5. yep definitely does, even just clenching the sling helps (imo)
  6. 6 so far this year (still getting used to the 17hmr) so 1364
  7. nice one, let us know how it goes, im keeping an eye out for a lamp for the hmr at the moment
  8. nice one mate there was me thinking i had a good day getting a couple of rabbits with the hmr
  9. what gives you the idea i side with the anti's?! i have no time for them - incase you hadnt noticed i shoot and fish, im "not into" hunting with dogs but i have no problem with it. however i dont buy into all this "shooters/hunters/fishermen" must stick together cack, and i most definitely i do NOT side with people who trespass and run rampant on my land, let their hounds attack livestock, try to intimidate me and in their actions give ALL hunters a bad name. i had plenty (more in fact) trouble at that time with idiots out lamping, who thought they had a god given right to shoot on our land, beside the house, in the middle of the night. does that mean that because i shoot i should have put up with it?? ps dont think i named anyone in any of my posts, infact i intentionally didnt name any individuals (or is that not aimed at me? )
  10. a bucket of paste?! when my gran was on her death bed 3 of us saw a large standard lamp topple over in the living room during the day. no-one was anywhere near it, no windows/doors etc were open, and it had stood there for years. this was while gran was lying in bed having a conversation with my great aunt, who'd been dead about 6 years by then...
  11. keeping animals locked up in a cageis dangerous for them, if they ever get out/escape then they arent "streetwise" and can easily get killed
  12. this could be the real problem... :unsure:
  13. i usually find that explaining how unsafe trespassing in an area where shooting takesplace is, and advise them for their own safety to stick to the areas theyre allowed to be, usually does the trick
  14. maybe not paranormal, more likely just my screwed up head. my granny died on 23rd july 2006, i was very close to her. i was at my (then) gf's house, my mums partner woke me up at 3.50am by banging on the bedroom window. every year since i have a horrible nightmare that night, and wake up at 3.50am hearing a knocking sound. 1st year (07) it happened i was convinced someone was trying to get into the house and ran straight to the cabinet, it was only later that day when mum reminded me what day it was i put two and two together
  15. i have two pumps, theyre not quite as fast as a semi but i find the extra time required to pump inthe next cartridge lets you settle after the first shot and get right onto the target, my hit ratio definitely improved when i got pumps
  16. the second link may be an anti website, but if you click the full story link youll see it came from the local paper http://www.newrydemocrat.com/news/story/in...px?trs=gbsnidkf (newry democrat). and the first one is one of our national papers (in northern ireland anyway), and relates to an area called Ballymoyer near Newtownhamilton, where i sometimes shoot and which is about 8 miles from my house - i knew both of these stories already and looked it up on google for the full info. as for being an anti in disguise? im not disguising anything. i thought i made it pretty clear in earlier posts that after the dealings ive had with these idiots im no longer a fan of fox (or hare :o) hunting, maybe youd care to go back and re-read them?? :o oh yes, and as for propaganda, yes, it may well be. but no matter what purpose its being used for the facts of the cases remain the same, so dont try to shrug it off with that. what would happen to you or me if we trespassed on someones land and shot their cat or dog? i doubt we'd get away with it simply be refusing to comment to the bbc about it... :o
  17. the same people are involved in both the harriers and the fox hunt, i apologise as i thought it was the same master in both (or perhaps he isnt the master as i was led to believe??), anyway my mistake. although for a bit more background on the harriers, please take a look here... http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/loc...d-13409990.html oh and a bit more here, down near the bottom dated 7th feb 07 http://www.huntwatch.info/news_feb2007.htm
  18. my votes are the mossberg 500a or 600at (basically same gun only the 600at is called a newhaven mossberg). they have a rib, dual bead (red fibre optic front bead) and are multi choke, i have one of each :o
  19. having had dealings with him (see previous post) and knowing him through a distant family connection (again previous post) believe me, i know
  20. "Several times a week we find dying birds in the road and in our garden." not just his garden though im not saying the guys being 100% honest, but dont forget that although most shooters on this site would never do something as stupid as shoot at birds that were out of range or with a too small shot size () it does go on, and could be the case here. as much as i hate seeing bad press theres no point dismissing it out of hand straight away, simply because you cant stand critiscism of shooting. food for thought....
  21. Stratton resident Geoff Collins said: "Most are shot ineffectually and left to suffer and die, in the most inhumane of circumstances. "Several times a week we find dying birds in the road and in our garden." dont know about you but id say several times a week is too much for rta's, and im gonna go out on a limb and assume that because he's a local resident he's seen or heard them being shot at...? could be wrong, you never know
  22. its awful, but has a couple of valid points - namely birds being left to die in peoples gardens and on roads
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